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Презентации по Английскому языку


Doc Martens flip-flopsopen summer shoes, usually made of rubber, with a V-shaped band across the front to hold your feeta type of shoe that covers the bottom of your foot, with a strap that goes between your toes to hold it


The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. It’s total area is about 17 million square kilometers. The capital of Russia

HIV-positive youth
HIV-positive youth

According to a study by a research network supported by the National Institutes of Health, young men being treated for HIV are more likely to have low bone mass than other males their age. Low bone mass is widely known to

Global Business
Global Business

What’s business for different people?Business can not be legal.Peter ThielImportant thing in business is honesty.William BernbachThe essence of all modern commerce is fraud.George OrwellBusiness is like a bicycle: or you constantly pedal and ride it, or you fall down.Oleg RoyA trust

Зачем учить английский
Зачем учить английский

Цель проекта: Доказать важность изучения английского языка в современном мире Задачи проекта:Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка;Расширить кругозор;Научиться навыкам поисковой работы путем использования разных источников информации. http://prezentacija.biz/ Оглавление:Цель и задачи проектаЧто такое английский язык?Зачем изучать английский язык?Сочинение на

English Kings and Queens.
English Kings and Queens.

Egbert (802-39)Aethelwulf (839-55)Aethelbald (855-60)Aethelbert (860-6)Aethelred (866-71)Alfred the Great (871-99)Edward the Elder (899-925)Athelstan(925-40)Saxon and Danish Kings Edmund the Magnificent(940-6)Eadred(946-55)Eadwig (Edwy) (955-59)Edgar the Peaceable(959-75)Edward the Martyr (975-78)Aethelred the Unready(978-1016)Edmund Ironside(1016)

Great Britain
Great Britain

Geographic coordinates. The United Kingdom is located on the British islands and it is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea, passages Pas de Calaiss and La Manche. Total area is of the country 244 thousand in sq. km, the population

Welcome to SCOTLAND
Welcome to SCOTLAND

He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain. The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. It is a purple plant with big thorns.


Соединенное королевство Великобритании является одной из немногих стран в мире, в которой сохранилась конституционная монархия. На протяжении многих десятков лет страной правит обаятельная леди королева Елизавета II. В истории человечества женщина проявляла себя не только как мать, жена и

The Second World War
The Second World War

Kind of War.On the ground ● On the air. Children and women were evacuated...


Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various methods of travelling.

A trip to Great Britain
A trip to Great Britain

People like to travel.Traveling is the best way to spend your holidays. A lot of people like to travel because they like to meet with new people, practice English, they can see a lot of new sights. If you visit Great


WINTER December January FebruarySPRING March April MaySUMMER June July AugustAUTUMN


A aApples here, apples there,Apples, apples everywhere B bBounce! Bounce! It is my ball!It doesn’t want to stop at all.ball


Задачи урока: Совершенствовать умения цивилизованно вести дискуссию. Учиться выражать свое мнение, аргументировать его, приводить примеры и доводы.Критически осмыслить проблему, как выбирать друзей. Тема дебатов Should parents choose friends for their children?

Проблема Подростков
Проблема Подростков

The urgency of the project: They don't talk to their children or share their own points of views with the children.Never has a generation gap been as wide as it is today, with parents having very little

Система времен английского глагола Настоящее простое Настоящее продолженное
Система времен английского глагола Настоящее простое Настоящее продолженное

The Simple Present Tense Expresses a habit or often repeated action. Adverbs of frequency such as, often, seldom, sometimes, never, etc. are used with this tense.She goes to work everyday. They always eat lunch together.She goes to work everyday.They always eat

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