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Презентации по Английскому языку

Industry of Tatarstan
Industry of Tatarstan

Tatarstan is one of the most developed economical regions in Russia. The republic is located in the middle of the large industrial area of Russian Federation, at the important ways junction connecting east and west, north and south of the state.

Творчество Уильяма Шекспира
Творчество Уильяма Шекспира

No household in the English-speaking countries can be imagined without the Bible and the works of William Shakespeare. They are symbols of Religion and Culture. Unfortunately, very little is known about W.Shakespeare’s life, as nobody collected any facts for

Offices and computers
Offices and computers

CONTENTSOffice furnitureOffice equipmentComputer hardwareUsing a computerDiscribing a companyAll about your companyLogix ltd.Understanding from the informationComputer instructionsPractice what you’ve learntComputer vocabularyRewriting sentencesRewriting sentencesMissing wordsSpot the mistakes Office furnitureОфисная обстановкаСтулПисьменный столНастольная лампаВыдвижной ящик столаШкафПолкаКнижные полкиКнижный шкафШкаф для хранения документовРастениеКорзина для мусораChairDeskDesk lampDrawerCupboardShelfBookshelvesBookcaseFiling cabinetPlantWastepaper

My dream-town
My dream-town

My city is divided in two halves. In one half of the city, there are many good cottages with large roofs. The cottages have a beautiful yard with


ON LANGUAGEBy WILLIAM SAFIRE Gifts of Gab Published: August 19, 2007Most popular female names: Maggie, Molly, Daisy, Bailey and Abby. Males: Buddy, Jake, Max, Hunter and Cody. Both sexes, raining both cats and dogs, but probably mainly cats: Tiger. What

Getting Around
Getting Around

Road Safety Match the word and the word definitionA place where you can park a car.


АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬКак свидетельствует мировой и отечественный опыт, наблюдается тенденция к увеличению числа инвалидов с детским церебральным параличом.Так, по данным ВОЗ в 1962 году зарегистрировано 0,4 случая на 1000 детей. С начала 2000 г. по настоящее время регистрируется от 13 до 15 случаев

Human rights
Human rights

What are human rights?Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

ContentGeneral locationReliefClimateVegetationFaunaResources General locationThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles laying of а the north-western coast of Europe and separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in


Chastooshkas I have never been to England,But will visit it one day.‘Don’t be lazy, study English!’That’s just what I want to say.Я никогда не был в Англии,Но однажды съезжу туда.«Не ленись, учи английский!»-Вот, что я хочу сказать.

Welcome to the Christmas game
Welcome to the Christmas game

Continue a logical chainSpring, summer, autumn…Red, green, blue…Dog, cat, rabbit…January, February, September…coffee, tea, juice…Morning, afternoon, evening…Ten, eleven, twelve… Make as many words as possible CONGRATULATIONS

Forest fires
Forest fires

reasons of occurrence of forest firesAmong the reasons of occurrence of forest fires is considered to be the main anthropogenic factor (according to the statistics on population fault occurring each year 96-98% of forest fires). Therefore, special attention should be paid

Phonetic Contest
Phonetic Contest

The World of English poetry The Greatest Poets:William ShakespeareHenry LongfellowRobert BurnsRudyard KiplingRobert Frost


Одежда Во что оденем мы детишек – Девчонок наших и мальчишек?Как по-английски нам назвать,Всё то, что будем одевать? Всё дети сказочной страны На шумный бал приглашены! Сперва, возьмёмся за мальчишку: Наденем мы рубашку чистую

Урок-игра Таинственное путешествие
Урок-игра Таинственное путешествие

1 станция - Фонетическая Repeat after me![a:][∫][h][z][v][n] Let’s play «Пчелки – комарики»

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

Australian Geography is very unique, not least because of the state that borders coincide exactly with the boundaries of the Australian mainland. The continent is located in the southern hemisphere. Absolutely unbelievable, but the Australian border - is fully oceanfront. Australia


Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It’s situated in the District of Columbia and is like no other city in the USA. Washington was named after the first US President George Washington. Washington

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