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Презентации по Английскому языку

Bears / Медведи (EN)
Bears / Медведи (EN)

Bears, like other carnivores, trace their pedigree back to the miacids, small, snouted, weasel like animals that lived 50 million years ago. Some 38 million years ago bears began to go their own evolutionary way. The first clearly

Hotels in Great Britain
Hotels in Great Britain

Не нужно искать какой-то специальной литературы, чтобы догадаться о том, когда появились гостиницы. Конечно, в те далекие времена, когда люди стали путешествовать и путешествовать в большом количестве. Некоторые ученные уверены, что гостиница появилась после того, как изобрели колесо. Конечно, это пока

Mass Media
Mass Media

Whenever the weather is cold.Whenever the weather is hot.We'll whether the weather,whatever the weather,whether we like it or not New words


Fifteen thousand people made the Titanic. They made it in 1912 in Belfast Northern Ireland. It was the biggest ship in the world- 24,900 tons. It was 265 metres long, and 28 metres across. It could go at 46 kilometres an

Меню на английском
Меню на английском

Say the sounds and the products with them. Read after me.[i:]- eat, teach, clean, speak, cream, jeans, please.[t∫]- chin, chick, cheese, chain, chalk, charm.[∫]- ship, sheep, shy, fish, shirt, shop, short.[ɵ]- think, three, Thursday, thank.[ð]- the, this, that, they, their.

Игра Кто умнее пятиклассника
Игра Кто умнее пятиклассника

Подсказки:CopyСпишиWatchПодглядиRescueСпасение WordsReading WritingGrammarCountries 1234512345123451234512345

Wild and farm animals
Wild and farm animals

AnimalsPetsFarm animalsZoo animalsWild animals Pets

Healthy & unhealthy food
Healthy & unhealthy food

Буддизм является одной из самых древних религий мира, и стоит она на ровне с христианством и исламом. В наше время можно нередко встретить последователя буддизма, так как человек, ища ответы на свои вопросы, склоняется к основным идеям данной религии. Буддизм –

Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor

US became involved in a devastating world conflict The Axis powers had established a firm foothold prior to American entry into the conflict


Eugene FamaBorn in 1939, an American economist, known for his work on portfolio theory and asset pricing, both theoretical and empirical. Currently he is a professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. MBA, PhD. Eugene FamaE.

Презентация Настоящее совершённое время Present Perfect
Презентация Настоящее совершённое время Present Perfect

ДЕЛАТЬ ПИТЬ ЛЕТАТЬ КОРМИТЬ fed eat eaten drink went flown Что общего у этих предложений?Я покормил кошку.Она выпила молоко.Утка улетела.Мы сделали домашнее задание.I have fed the cat.It has drunk milk.The duck has flown.We have done homework.

Welcome to my home!
Welcome to my home!

Ex. 1, p. 24HOUSEMOUSECOUNTOUTGROUNDABOUTROUNDSOUNDROUNDEx. 2, p. 25prospectEx. 3, p. 25ininatonEx. 4, p. 25How old are you?Where are you from?Where do you live?What's your address?What's your postcode? Find the mistakes first the tensthe sekond the fivethShe lives at New York.I'm frome Moscow.We

Welcome to London
Welcome to London

Welcome to London! Would you like to learn some new facts about London? Join us!

New York City
New York City

Who founded New York CityThe Dutch founded New York City as “New Amsterdam” in 1614/ The colony existed of what is now Manhattan. The Duke of York’s brothers, King Charles the second, sent warship to attack the Dutch in 1664 and

Найди 10 животных. Тренажёры по немецкому языку
Найди 10 животных. Тренажёры по немецкому языку

ElefantVogelKuhAffeHaseHausTigerBärHundTischSchrank6BildHeftBaumFischХслонобезьянасобакамедведьптицакороварыбазаяцлисатигрFuchsBuchNeinNeinNeinNeinNeinNeinNeinNeinBett frogbirdsnakemonkeyrabbithousetigerbearcatlamptable6ballbooktreefishХлягушкаобезьянакотмедведьптицазмеярыбакроликлисатигрfoxpenNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoboxNo


Geographic locationGlasgow is located on the north-west of the UK, in the central part of the Central Scottish Lowlands to the northern highlands on the Clyde River, 32 km from its mouth. Altitude ranges between 70-200 m

Holidays in Britain
Holidays in Britain

Do you know?January 1- New Year’s DayFebruary 14 –St. Valentine’s DayMarch – Mother’s DayApril – EasterJune – Father’s DayOctober 31 – HalloweenDecember 25 – Christmas Day

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