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Презентации по Английскому языку


Decided as Kostya Tszyu Purposeful as Vladimir Putin

Страна Грамматикаглагол to beв настоящем времени
Страна Грамматикаглагол to beв настоящем времени

Hi, friends! Welcome to the Grammar Land!Hi! I’m Dragon.Hi! I’m Buratino.Who are you? Sit down, Buratino.I’ll teach you!


Соответствие целей изучения ИЯ и требований к выпускнику начальной школыРазвитие личности ребёнкаОсвоение элементарных лингвистических представленийФормирование коммуникативных уменийПриобщение к новому социальному опытуФормирование речевых, познавательных способностей и общеучебных уменийОбеспечение адаптации к новому языковому мируЗнать лексические единицы и грамматические структуры в пределах тематики начальной


nicefriendlymerrycutesmartunluckyevilsillybravekind Iamyouareheissheisitisweyoutheyareareare

famous people
famous people

Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton is the greatest and the most influential scientist who ever lived on the planet. He was natural philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and physicist. He formulated the theory about the nature of life and the theory of universal gravitation. William

Jonah and the Great Fish
Jonah and the Great Fish

One day long ago, God's Word came to Jonah. “Get up and go to the city of Nineveh and preach to them. I have seen how wicked the people are and I can’t ignore it any longer.” But Jonah got up

Harriet Jacobs
Harriet Jacobs

Harriet Ann Jacobs (February 11, 1813 – March 7, 1897) was an American writer, who escaped from slavery and became an abolitionist speaker and reformer. Jacobs' single work, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, published in

Изучение английского
Изучение английского

Цель работы: изучение и апробация способов, применяемых педагогом при формировании положительной мотивации к изучению конкретного предмета. Что такое учебная мотивация?Учебная мотивация – это процесс, который запускает, направляет и поддерживает усилия, направленные на выполнение учебной деятельности. Это сложная система, образуемая мотивами, целями,

Plans for the weekend
Plans for the weekend

Match the words that rhyme RedHatKissedGreenLaughWhoseShortListMeanShoesSaidThatBoughtHalf Red-saidHat- thatKissed-listGreen-meanLaugh-halfWhose-shoesShort-boughtMatch the words that rhyme

Повторение лексики
Повторение лексики

Она мечтает быть артисткой, моя сестренка, мояsister Мой брат разбил сегодня вазу. Мой брат – малыш, Мой братик -brother

Do You Have Any Superstitions?
Do You Have Any Superstitions?

CatsWhat cats are unlucky in Russia? In Britain? Good luck1. On the first day of the month is lucky to say… 2. In autumn catch falling…… . Every ….. means a lucky month in the next year.3. If you…. two magpies,

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

Symbols of Christmas Symbols of ChristmasCHRISTMAS STOCKING

Different kinds of travellihg
Different kinds of travellihg

Plan of the lesson: new words & word combinations; doing the exercises; listening; adjectives describing travelling; comparison of adjectives & adverbs (revision). role-play new words & word combinations:a double-decker busa motorcyclea vana planean airshipa spaceshipa bicyclea car

PresentationNational Culture of Ukraine
PresentationNational Culture of Ukraine

Ukrainian culture has a long history, it has evolved into complex historical conditions for centuries. Creating their own cultural values, the Ukrainian people absorbed the customs and traditions of many nations, whose fate was linked to the history of Ukraine. Great


According to their meaning adverbs are subdivided into adverbs of time, adverbs of place, adverbs of repetitions and frequency, adverbs of degree and adverbs of manner. За значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяються на 5 основних груп: - прислівники часу -

Into The World Of Fantasy
Into The World Of Fantasy

Little Red Riding HoodShe has a nice face. She has a mother and a grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood is a brave girl. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Seasons. My favorite season
Seasons. My favorite season

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. March, April and May are spring months.SPRING

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