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Презентации по Английскому языку


1)Writing A Sumarian clay tablet 3500 B.C.Egyptian HieroglyphicsWritten communication in the form of pictures and then an alphabet.The initial written form of communication was a pictograph. Each picture represented different actions and objects. The earliest forms of these picture words were in 3500 B.C.

The travel of dreams
The travel of dreams

The Czech Republic I want to see the beautiful city Prague. GermanyIn Germany I want meet my familly. They living in Berlin. And I want visit this town.

Red blood cells
Red blood cells

Erythrocytered blood cells Color of red blood cells


DISCOVERING BRITAIN The I block “The UK” Do you know who is the head of the UK? Elizabeth II


[t] - travel, travelling, customs, flight, seat, ticket, get tickets, check-in counter, security[d] - direct, depart, departure, mind, minded, declaration[ð] - the, there, there is, there are, than, other Repeat and read: WARMING UP:I like (dislike)travelling by plane(because):

Theory of Phonology
Theory of Phonology

The SyllablePlan:The Syllable as a phonetic and phonological unit. Theories of Syllable Formation & Syllable Division.Functional Characteristics of the Syllable.Graphic Characteristics of the Syllable. Do such words asfiremeal schismhave one syllable or two?

Pollution of the atmosphere of Earth
Pollution of the atmosphere of Earth

Pollution of the atmosphere of Earth — bringing in atmospheric air new uncharacteristic for it physical, chemical and biological substances or change of their natural concentration According to the International agency on studying of a cancer of the World Health


SwimmingThis topic has touched me because I have been swimming since I was 4 years old. Let me tell you some interesting information about swimming…


Настоящее совершенное время указывает на связь действия в прошлом с настоящим временем, а также выражает действие, которое закончилось к настоящему времени. Глаголы в настоящем совершенном времени обычно переводятся на русский язык глаголами в прошедшем времени совершенного вида. 2. Утвердительная форма настоящего

Отделяемые и неотделяемые приставки
Отделяемые и неотделяемые приставки

Неотделяемые приставки be-, ge-, er-, ver- ,zer-, emp-, ent-,miß- всегда безударны.Die Schüler aus meiner Klasse besuchen oft Museen und Theater. Отделяемые приставки an-, auf-, aus-, bei-, fort-, zu-, vor-, mit-, zussamen- и др. всегда стоят под ударением. В изменяемых формах глагола

Sport in Our Life
Sport in Our Life

I think that sport is the key to health. People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Russia is my country
Russia is my country

Russia is my country. It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. The Urals (the Ural mountains) form a natural border between the continents.

My dear teachers
My dear teachers

Let me introduce myself. My name is Liza. I`m a third-year pupil of the lyceum. There are 25 pupils in our class: 8 boys and 17 girls .We are nice and smart, crafty and sporty, friendly and funny, bus

Indie Rock
Indie Rock

Indie rock is a sub-genre of alternative rock that originated in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1980s. The meaning of the term "indie rock" is contested today by many musicians, fans and commentators. Most use the term

The Order of the Garter
The Order of the Garter

The Oldest and Highest British Order of Chivalry (рыцарство), founded in 1348 by Edward III.The Most Noble Order of the Garter has concept of like minded brotherhood dedicated to service and chivalry, these principals are as relevant today as 650 years ago. The

Richard Branson
Richard Branson

Richard Branson is an entrepreneur and businessman, who founded the Virgin group of more than 400 companies. The Virgin group grew from a small record shop he founded in 1972, to become a major multinational company including interests in transport, media,

ИКТ на уроках английского языка
ИКТ на уроках английского языка

ИКТ как средство обучения Информатизация всех сфер человеческой деятельности и переход системы образования на деятельностную парадигму обусловили выбор информационно-коммуникационных технологий в качестве средств обучения английскому языку. Использование ИКТ позволяет

Мое призвание-педагог
Мое призвание-педагог

Мое образованиеМОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №21» г. Северодвинска1993-2003 гг.Работаю в своей «родной» школеВысшее образование получала в Северодвинском филиале «Поморского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова» 2003-2009 гг.Филологический факультет, отделение иностранных языков.Квалификация – учитель двух иностранных языков (английский и немецкий).Сегодня университет входит в

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