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Презентации по Английскому языку


Hyperrealism is a genre of painting and sculpture resembling a high-resolution photograph. Hyperrealism is a fully fledged school of art and can be considered an advancement of Photorealism by the methods used to create the resulting paintings or sculptures. The term

Относительные местоимения
Относительные местоимения

В английском языке придаточные определительные предложения могут вводиться относительными местоимениями who (whom), whose, which. The man who /whom I met yesterday was my uncle.The boy whose name is Jack Hobbs is

Стилистика английского языка
Стилистика английского языка

ТРЕБОВАНИЯ ГОС К ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНОМУ МИНИМУМУ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ «СТИЛИСТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА»Программа по курсу «Стилистика английского языка» составлена в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом для подготовки бакалавров лингвистики по направлению 520500 Лингвистика Лингвистические основы курса стилистики: отношение лингвостилистики к другим разделам

Sports in the United States
Sports in the United States

American sportsAmericans are interested in different sports and activities. The major American sports are ice hockey, baseball, American football and basketball. The large choice of sports in America can be explained by the variety and size of the country, its different

TheVegetable Orchestra
TheVegetable Orchestra

Introduction Known in Europe as “Das erste Wiener Gemüseorchester” or “The First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra”, the orchestra is an Austrian one-of-a-kind musical group performing on instruments made up entirely of fresh vegetables. Information The Vegetable Orchestra was founded in 1998, and consists of

Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Marlowe

Elizabeth I of England 1533 - 1603 Elisabeth Tudor

The Russian Federation
The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation occupies two continents: Europe and Asia. The capital of Russia is Moscow

Презентация любовь к чтению
Презентация любовь к чтению

What is extensive reading? reading lots of different textsreading a variety of textsreading for pleasurereading without a task, a test or a set of exercisesreading for gistreading for information just plain readingWhich definition do you prefer? Why? So what’s the big

мой лучший урок
мой лучший урок

Мой лучший урок английский язык, 3 класс, Учебник «Милли 3», «Собираемся в путешествие» Цель: создание условий для употребления активной лексики по теме «Одежда» в устной речи.

My future profession Military
My future profession Military

What I would like to be? This question passes me greatly. Every job has its elements of difficulties and interest. I think that nearly all the professions are very important in life But to choose the right occupation is very difficult,

Harm of smoking
Harm of smoking

A pack of cigarettes in а day - is about 500 x-ray irradiation for the yearПачка сигарет в день – это около 500 рентген облучения за год Smoking causes lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, coronary disease.Курение вызывает рак легких, хронический бронхит, коронарная

Who wants to be a champion?
Who wants to be a champion?

FriendsTravelMovies BooksOlympicsFilmsFutureQuestionsFestivalsHolidays RoseWhy are friends important?

Welcome to London zoo
Welcome to London zoo

London Zoo is one of the most famous of all London attractions. It is situated in Regent’s Park and was opened in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London. This is the oldest zoo and we can see it on the

Биоэнергетика и синергетика
Биоэнергетика и синергетика

«Биоақпараттану және Синергетика» технологиясы-сәтілікке , табысқа және кемелдікке жетудың жолы. Вассерман Федор Яковлевич

Парк Диснея
Парк Диснея

Disney’s HistoryDisney Company started in 1923Mickey Mouse and the rest of the gang were born in 1928Company grew throughout the 1950sIncluding sound stages and production craft facilities Disney’s Location!Orlando, FloridaSeven Seas Lagoon

Role of wildlife in Jack London’s novel “White Fang”
Role of wildlife in Jack London’s novel “White Fang”

Jack London“Don’t tell the reader. Not in any case. Not in sake for anything…The reader doesn’t need your researches, your watching, your knowledge, your thoughts or your ideas, he certainly doesn’t. Put everything you’ve got inside your heroes’ stories and leave

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