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Презентации по Английскому языку

Elizabeth I of England
Elizabeth I of England

Early life Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the fifth and last

Microbial biotechnology
Microbial biotechnology

What are microbes? Microbes are small single-celled organisms Either free-living or in colonies They can belong to any of the three domains Eubacteria(Bacteria)Archaebacteria(Archaea)Eukaryota(Eukaryotes)Three Domains

Is English the most interesting subject?
Is English the most interesting subject?

Степени cравнения прилагательных У прилагательных существует 3 степени сравнения:прилагательноеположительнаясравнительнаяпревосходная

Учимся читать. Открытый и закрытый слоги
Учимся читать. Открытый и закрытый слоги

Согласные буквы петь сложнее. Для этого нужна помощь губ, языка и даже зубов. Назовём их мальчиками и обозначим квадратиками Если после гласной стоит согласная или даже две, то слог закрытый

Grungers and preppies
Grungers and preppies

Answer the questions:Do you care about clothes?What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Do you pay much attention to your image?Are you a shopaholic? SUBCULTURE is a group of people with common interests.

Natural disasters. Tsunami. Lesson 5a. Spotlight 8.
Natural disasters. Tsunami. Lesson 5a. Spotlight 8.

Report Line up! Dress! Shun!Ma'am!-the first group of grade 8 ___is ready for the lesson.All are present and correct:on the roll -in the ranks -on duty -on leave -on mission -in the sick list -Nakhimovite-on-duty ___________ has reported.

Что повлияло на формирование американского варианта английского языка
Что повлияло на формирование американского варианта английского языка

THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICAChristopher Columbus1492 Native AmericansWhat did you learn about the early Indians?the first Indians came from Asiathe Indians originally entered North America by crossing the Bering Straitthe Indians entered a new world that was completely uninhabited by other peoplewhen

Presentation on Nottingham and Bristol
Presentation on Nottingham and Bristol

NottinghamNottingham - a city and unitary unit in the UK, in the ceremonial county of Nottinghamshire (England). Situated on the River Trent. History of Nottingham Nottingham was founded by Saxon settlers, about the VII century, then it won the Danes. In


Indefinite article (a / an)1. Перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе, когда оно называется в речи впервые (I see a black dog).2. Перед названием профессии (My father is a doctor. He isn’t an engineer.)3. В восклицательных предложениях (What a nice girl!)An

Mass media
Mass media

The mass media What is the media? pressradiotelevisioninternet

ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet
ECOLOGY Our Fragile Planet

Match the words with their definitions EnvironmentFreshPollutionClimateGreenhouse effectProtectthe problem of temperature rise in the Earth’s atmospherethe weather a certain place has over a long period of timeair, water and land in which people, animals and plants livemaking water, air and atmosphere

Music making
Music making

Keyboard InstrumentsSelf-sounding with great dispatch-keyboard:A)челестаStringB)клавесинWindC) bayan , аккордеонElectronicD)синтезаторы, электроорган String InstrumentsЩипковые:Guitar, balalaika, домбра, a psaltery, уд, ситар, банджоStringed:Violin, violoncello, alto.

Infinitive constructions
Infinitive constructions

Seem to VHe seems to know English well.Кажется, он хорошо знает английский. The book seems to be very popular with children.She seems to speak French.He seems to be ill.They seem to know each other well.He seems to

Модальные глаголы
Модальные глаголы

What are modal verbs?Модальные глаголы выражают не действие, а отношение к действию. Они придают дополнительное, специфическое значение главному глаголу предложения. Среди приведенных утверждений выберите неправильные. Исправьте неверные утверждения.1. Глаголы, стоящие после can, could, must, should употребляются без частицы to. 2.


Modern moneyModern money (and most ancient money) is essentially a token — in other words, an abstraction. Paper currencyModern money (and most ancient money) is essentially a token — in other words, an abstraction. Paper currency is perhaps the most common

Sand drawing
Sand drawing

SAND ART is a young and perspective art form which came about the 1970s. The founder of this trend is an American Caroline Leaf who created the animated cartoon film "Peter and the Wolf" by Sergei Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale. It


Das Fahrrad, kurz Rad (und schweizerisch Velo), wurde 1817 in Mannheim von dem Karlsruher Karl Drais erfunden. Wesentlicher Teil dieser Erfindung war das Zweiradprinzip, wobei das Vorderrad lenkbar war.Fahrrad 1817 Glühbirne 1854Heinrich Göbel erfand im Jahre 1854 die Vakuum―Glühbirne. Heute werden in


Sport is our life. We go in for sport every day. It helps us to keep fit. The most popular sport among girls is…

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