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Презентации по Английскому языку

James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper

Thesis StatementJames Fenimore Cooper was one of America’s first great novelists because he helped to create a sense of American history through his writings. Cooper was influenced greatly by nature and wrote about it frequently in his novels. Cooper was also

Множественное число существительных
Множественное число существительных

Цель урока: Ознакомление учащихся с образованием множественного

Mobile communications
Mobile communications

The phone like modern thingWhy does person need mobile phone? There are different answers. But hardly somebody could say that phone needs for individuality and self-esteem. In some societies mobiles are used like the part of image (for example watches and

Весёлое путешествие
Весёлое путешествие

"ВЕСЁЛОЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ"Обобщающий урок Ход урока:1. Организационный момент.2. Фонетическая зарядка.3. Проверка знаний.4. Физминутка.5. Закрепление изученного материала.6. Заключительный этап урока. Домашнее задание.

Млечный Путь
Млечный Путь

Мле́чный Путь (или Гала́ктика, с заглавной буквы) — галактика, в которой находятся Земля, Солнечная система и все отдельные звёзды, видимые невооружённым глазом. Относится к спиральным галактикам с перемычкой.Млечный Путь вместе с Галактикой Андромеды, Галактикой Треугольника, и более 40 маленькими галактиками-спутниками. Структура Галактики Диаметр Галактики составляет около 30 тысяч парсек (порядка 100 000 световых лет, 1 квинтиллион километров) при оценочной средней

My favorite writers
My favorite writers

Rudyard  Kipling Kipling was born in Bombay. His second name it owes the name Rudyard Lake, on the banks of which met his parents. Later it became his first name. When the boy was 6 years old it was wont of Englishmen who worked

Мой город
Мой город

Aznakaevsk land has an interesting history and rich traditions. We have our own characters - is a flag and coat of arms.The main figure emblem falcon - the symbol of power, flight determination. Green - the symbol of nature,

Sports in the UK
Sports in the UK

Sport is fun for girls and boysIt’s much better than the toysYou can run and you can jumpYou can have a lot of fun. Describe the picturesWhat can you see?What are the players doing?Where are they?What are they wearing?

Holidays in Great Britain
Holidays in Great Britain

What holidays in Great Britain do you know? Halloween Valentines Day New Year Christmas Many festivals and holidays in Britain are very old. Every town, village in Britain has its own traditions, some of them are carefully

John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent

John Singer Sargent 12.01.1856 – 15.04.1925 Before Sargent’s birth, his father Fitz William was an eye surgeon at the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia. After his older sister died at the age of two, his mother Mary suffered a


Актуальность работы.Презентация составлена для проведения игры-викторины по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательной школы с целью обобщения страноведческого материала , развития общего кругозора учащихся, а также и их познавательного интереса. Игровая, познавательно-развлекательная форма подачи страноведческого материала способствует повышению мотивации

Projeсt Domestic animals
Projeсt Domestic animals

I like domestic animals. I have 4 cats, a dog, 8 hens and 40 rabbits. Nusha This is my cat. Its name is Nusha. Nusha is


State is situated in the Midwestern of the US. Date of formation of Michigan - January 26, 1837Michigan USA on the map The capital of Michigan – Lansing The largest city - Detroit, other cities - Grand Rapids, Warren, Flint,

A Day to Remember. The Past Simple Tense
A Day to Remember. The Past Simple Tense

1One afternoon last summer, my good friend Jane came round and invited me to go on a bike ride with her. I thought it would be a fun day and so we arranged to meet in the morning. 2The

The Soldier of the Victory Ivan Rubtsov
The Soldier of the Victory Ivan Rubtsov

He began to fly while he was a student of the flying school in Stalingrad. To be a pilot was his dream.Ivan F. Rubtsov was born in a small railway station “Uzlovaya” and had lived there for 18years. He finished school


What is a Limerick ?Это короткие песенки, стихи-небылицы, нелепицы, происхождение которых по традиции связывают с ирландским городом Лимериком, в котором жил и творил Эдвард Лир.Классические английские лимерики принадлежат Эдварду Лиру. Основное предназначение лимериков - вызывать улыбку и положительные эмоции Edward Lear

Hyde Park
Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in west London, and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner. The park was the site of the Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was

Past Continuous
Past Continuous

1) ОбразованиеPast Continuous Tregubenko N.V.а) Образование (утвердительная форма)Утвердительные формы Past Continuous образуются путем прибавления к вспомогательному глаголу ‘to be’ в прошедшем времени (was/were) причастия настоящего времени ( Present Participle ).waswere+Ving(I,

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