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Презентации по Английскому языку


WonderlandTopic: AustraliaGoal: prove that Australia is extraordinary. Nature (Flora and Fauna)Geographical PositionLife ConditionsThe HistoryAboriginesWonders Do you know that:Australia is the biggest islandIt’s the 6th large country in the worldIt’s low and flat The climate is hot and dry

Computer und Internet
Computer und Internet

Computer der erste Computer wurde 1950 von Akademiker Lebedev geschaffen

Космические путешествия
Космические путешествия

Answer the questionsDo you like travelling? What means of transport do you know? ShipFerry LinerYachtBargeHovercraftHydrofoil

Мой английский язык 4
Мой английский язык 4

Спойте песенку- диалог между кошкой и мышкой-Little mouse (2p), where is your house? – маленькая мышка где твой домик?(литл мауз вериз ё хауз)?Little cat (2p), i have no flat. –маленький котик, у меня нет домика. (литл кат ай хев ноу флэт).


Is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England became a unified state in the year 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled

The Language of the British Isles
The Language of the British Isles

Celtic and Germanic The Roman period in Britain lasted until 440. In 449 – as we are informed by the Venerable Bede in his ‘A church history of the English people’ – Germanic tribes arrived in Britain). With their coming the


Every St Valentine's Day, thousands of people travel to a small village on Scotland's border with England. Many of them go to get married, and many more couples go through mock wedding ceremonies to "renew their marriage vows". The village is

My gadget Eagle flying car
My gadget Eagle flying car

My Gadget called Eagle.Model Eagle F001 You can use it for travelling in air without airplaneModel Eagle N001

Cell phone and its influence on teens
Cell phone and its influence on teens

To research the history, to show tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stoneAIM: Tasks: To define the castles which attract people mostTo introduce the history of the castlesTo show and describe the pictures of the castlesMethods

Michael Joseph Jackson
Michael Joseph Jackson

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, dancer. Referred to as the King of Pop, he is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time, and one of the most

Present Continuous
Present Continuous

НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ПРОДОЛЖЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE/PRESENT CONTINUOUS) ОБРАЗУЕТСЯ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ГЛАГОЛА TO BE И СМЫСЛОВОГО ГЛАГОЛА С –ING ОКОНЧАНИЕМ.Is the sun shining? Yes, it is.Are the people swimming? No, they aren’t.What are they doing? They are walking along the beach.


Государственное унитарное предприятие «Примтеплоэнерго» - одна из ведущих компаний в области теплоснабжения, водоснабжения, водоотведения и электроснабжения в Приморском крае.С нами всегда теплей Компания поставляет тепло более чем в 7800 жилых домов и объектов социального назначения. Больницы, школы, детские сады – мы

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky

Biography AivazovskyBiography AivazovskyIvan aivazovsky was born july 17, 1817 in feodosia in the family of armenian businessman, later went bankrupt. Venice 1844First, he studied in high school in Simferopol, and then in 1833 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts,

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II is the Queen of 16 of 53 member states in the Commonwealth (1) of Nations. She is Head of


English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English! English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to meet and speak to.

Почему мы нуждаемся в литературе
Почему мы нуждаемся в литературе

The project plan :Project goal : to tell and show the results of the survey ( at the Lyceum in November 2014 ) .Forms of the project: To tell the audience, the show presentation and the show chart.There are books that

Non-discrete effects in language
Non-discrete effects in language

The problemWe tend to think about language as a system of discrete elements (phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences)But this view does not survive an encounter with reality Simple example: morpheme fusionдетский det-sk-ij ‘children’s, childish’ Root-Suffix-Ending [deckij] suffix deck-ij root

Скороговорка про ведьм
Скороговорка про ведьм

» Для начинающих« (for beginners) Learning EnglishLesson 1 pptforschool.ru Три ведьмы разглядывают трое часов “Свотч”. Какая из ведьм разглядывает какие часы?”pptforschool.ru

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