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Презентация на тему Immunty system


ORGANS OF IMMUNITY SYSTEM 1-Spleen2-Lymph node3-Glottis4-Mucosol node5-Thymus6-Reticula – Endothelial System
IMMUNITY SYSTEM   ORGANS OF IMMUNITY SYSTEM 1-Spleen2-Lymph node3-Glottis4-Mucosol node5-Thymus6-Reticula – Endothelial System SpleenThe spleen involved in;- Degradation of old and dead erythrocytes- Production of TYPES OF IMMUNITY    Immunity is maintained by two pathways;1-Non- specific immunity.2-Specific immunity. IMMUNITY        Non-specific Acquisition of immunityActive immunityPassive immunity active immunity1. In the case of active immunity, the animal undergoes an immunological 2. Passive immunity2. Passive immunity is the acquisition by an animal of immune factors which Furthermore, either active or passive immunity may be acquired by naturalmeans (e.g. self 1-NON-SPECIFIC IMMUNITY:  It is maintained by three pathways; Interferon, Phagocytosis and b) Phagocytosis:Leucocytes are involved in the maintance of immunity againts pathogenic microbes.Neuthropills c) Inflammatory Response SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: Cells Involved in the Immune ResponseCytotoxic T cells attack and Bacteria With Antigens on SurfaceMacrophageT cellB cellA large phagocyte called a macrophage MacrophageT CellHelper T CellKiller T CellInfected CellAntigens are displayed on surface of SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: It is maintained by two pathways; Humeral immunity and Cell ACQUISTION OF HUMARAL IMMUNITY ANTIGENS:Antigens consist of foreign substances that intiated the SkinWoundBacteria enter the woundPhagocytes move into the area and engulf the bacteria Antigen- binding  sitesAntigenAntibodySection 40-2Figure 40–8 Structure of an Antibody Specific Defenses, continuedRecognizing InvadersSome cells of the immune system have receptor proteins ANTIBODIES:All vertabrates can synthesize antibodies. They are formed by stimulation by the The Immune Response Has Two Main PartsTwo distinct processes work together in The structure of antibodies: Antibodies stuctrally are globular Protents known as immunogloblins.Antigen The diseas causing organism is referned to as the TOXIN – ANTITOXIN: The human immune system can produse antitoxing againts these ALLERGY: All allergies can be described as a type of response by VACCINES: They are composed of physological fluid and weakened or dead microbe. SERUM: The serum includes large quantities at protein antibodies. During illness,it is
Слайды презентации

2-Lymph node
4-Mucosol node
6-Reticula –

ORGANS OF IMMUNITY SYSTEM 1-Spleen2-Lymph node3-Glottis4-Mucosol node5-Thymus6-Reticula – Endothelial System

Endothelial System

Слайд 3 Spleen
The spleen involved in;
- Degradation of old and

SpleenThe spleen involved in;- Degradation of old and dead erythrocytes- Production

dead erythrocytes
- Production of lymphocytes active in the defense

of the body
- It is then produce red bone marrow

Immunity is maintained

TYPES OF IMMUNITY  Immunity is maintained by two pathways;1-Non- specific immunity.2-Specific immunity.

by two pathways;
1-Non- specific immunity.
2-Specific immunity.




specific immunity









Слайд 8
Acquisition of immunity
Active immunity
Passive immunity

Acquisition of immunityActive immunityPassive immunity

Слайд 9 active immunity
1. In the case of active immunity, the

active immunity1. In the case of active immunity, the animal undergoes an

animal undergoes an immunological response to an antigen and

produces the cells and factors responsible for the immunity, i.e., the animal produces its own antibodies and/or immuno-reactive lymphocytes. Active immunity can persist a long time in the animal, up to many years in humans.

Слайд 10 2. Passive immunity
2. Passive immunity is the acquisition by an animal

2. Passive immunity2. Passive immunity is the acquisition by an animal of immune factors

of immune factors which were produced in another animal,

i.e., the host receives antibodies and/or immuno-reactive lymphocytes originally produced during an active response in another animal. Passive immunity is typically short-lived and usually persists for only a few weeks or months.

Слайд 11
Furthermore, either active or passive immunity may be

Furthermore, either active or passive immunity may be acquired by naturalmeans (e.g.

acquired by naturalmeans (e.g. self production of antibodies during infection

or transfer of antibodies from mother to offspring) or by artificial means (i.e., vaccination and other immunization procedures). Some familiar examples of active and passive immunity are given in the table below.    

It is maintained by three pathways;

1-NON-SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: It is maintained by three pathways; Interferon, Phagocytosis and

Interferon, Phagocytosis and Inflamation.
a) Interferon:
Interferon is the term given

to protein molecules which are produced by the host organisms in response to infection by a pathagenic virus, their function being to deactive viruses.
They are non-specific to viruses however;they do occure in different forms.

Слайд 14 b) Phagocytosis:
Leucocytes are involved in the maintance of

b) Phagocytosis:Leucocytes are involved in the maintance of immunity againts pathogenic

immunity againts pathogenic microbes.
Neuthropills are monocytes digest microbes by


Слайд 15 c) Inflammatory Response

c) Inflammatory Response

Cells Involved in the Immune Response

Cytotoxic T

SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: Cells Involved in the Immune ResponseCytotoxic T cells attack

cells attack and kill infected cells.

B cells label invaders

for later destruction by macrophages.

Helper T cells activate both cytotoxic T cells and B cells.

Слайд 17 Bacteria With Antigens on Surface
T cell
B cell
A large

Bacteria With Antigens on SurfaceMacrophageT cellB cellA large phagocyte called a

phagocyte called a macrophage engulfs a bacterium
Circulating antibodies bind

to bacterial antigens, helping other immune cells to identify and destroy bacteria

Active B cells proliferate to produce clones of memory cells

Helper T cell assists the activated B cell to develop into an antibody-producing plasma cell

T cell, activated by macrophage, becomes a helper T cell

Antigens are displayed on surface of macrofage after digestion of bacterium

T cell binds to activated macrophage

Section 40-2

Figure 40–9 Humoral Immunity

Bacterial antigens also stimulate B cells

Plasma cell produces large amounts of antibody proteins, released into the bloodstream

Слайд 18 Macrophage
T Cell
Helper T Cell
Killer T Cell
Infected Cell
Antigens are

MacrophageT CellHelper T CellKiller T CellInfected CellAntigens are displayed on surface

displayed on surface of macrophage
T cell binds to activated


T cell, activated by macrophage, becomes a helper T cell

Helper T cell activates killer T cells and B cells

Killer T cells bind to infected cells, disrupting their cell membranes and destroying them

Section 40-2

Figure 40–10 Cell-Mediated Immune Response

Слайд 19 SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: It is maintained by two pathways; Humeral

SPECIFIC IMMUNITY: It is maintained by two pathways; Humeral immunity and

immunity and Cell mediated immunity.    
a) Humeral immunity: This type of

immunity is the most effective immunity agains diseas such as typhoid and diphteria. The factors which are effective in humaral immunity.

Antigens consist of foreign substances

ACQUISTION OF HUMARAL IMMUNITY ANTIGENS:Antigens consist of foreign substances that intiated

that intiated the formation of antibodies againts them.
When they

enter the body of humans or other animals.
Antigens facilate the the formation of antibodies and also react with them go inside and outside of the body.
A factionally operational antigen should be;
in high molecular weight
recognise as hostile to the host organism
Persistant enough to remain in the host.

Слайд 21 Skin
Bacteria enter the wound
Phagocytes move into the area

SkinWoundBacteria enter the woundPhagocytes move into the area and engulf the

and engulf the bacteria and cell debris
Section 40-2
Figure 40–7 The

Inflammatory Response

Слайд 22 Antigen- binding sites
Section 40-2
Figure 40–8 Structure of an Antibody

Antigen- binding sitesAntigenAntibodySection 40-2Figure 40–8 Structure of an Antibody

Слайд 23 Specific Defenses, continued
Recognizing Invaders

Some cells of the immune

Specific Defenses, continuedRecognizing InvadersSome cells of the immune system have receptor

system have receptor proteins that bind to specific antigens.

2 Immune Response

Chapter 40

All vertabrates can synthesize antibodies.
They are formed

ANTIBODIES:All vertabrates can synthesize antibodies. They are formed by stimulation by

by stimulation by the antigen and react with them.they

are also known as immugloblins.

Слайд 25 The Immune Response Has Two Main Parts

Two distinct

The Immune Response Has Two Main PartsTwo distinct processes work together

processes work together in an immune response.

One is the

B cell response, a defense that aids the removal of extracellular pathogens from the body.

The other is the T cell response, a defense that involves the destruction of intracellular pathogens by cytotoxic T cells.

Слайд 26 Immune Response
Section 2 Immune Response
Chapter 40

Immune ResponseSection 2 Immune ResponseChapter 40

Слайд 27 The structure of antibodies:
Antibodies stuctrally are globular Protents

The structure of antibodies: Antibodies stuctrally are globular Protents known as

known as immunogloblins.
Antigen – Antibody reaction.
Antibodies are structurally peculiar

to their antigens.
A compatible antibody are antigen form an antibody-antigen complex which function as a lock and key each antibody specifically with it’s antigen type.


Слайд 28

The diseas causing organism

The diseas causing organism is referned to as the

is referned to as the pathegon and it’s ability

to caused diseas is called virulance.
Conerally,antibodies make dread contact with antigens.
Four different results of these reaction areas for follows: Aglulatiuation, Percipitation, Neutrilisation, Lysis.

The human immune system can produse

TOXIN – ANTITOXIN: The human immune system can produse antitoxing againts

antitoxing againts these exotoxins.
Antitoxin serum contains antitoxin antibodies.

Слайд 30 ALLERGY:
All allergies can be described as a type

ALLERGY: All allergies can be described as a type of response

of response by the immune system to infection from

The symptoms of an allergy originate from the activity of an antigens and antibodies in the lymphatic system.
A few bacteria such as tuberculosis bacillus produce an allergic response.
These bacteria are called allergens.

Слайд 31 VACCINES:
They are composed of physological fluid and weakened

VACCINES: They are composed of physological fluid and weakened or dead

or dead microbe.
Thus the body recognises the microbe

and produce antibodies or antitoxides to them.
The vaccine for each illness is there fore unique, compound vaccines administrated to together are used againts two or more deceases.
Vaccines sustain active immunity and their effect is long term.

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  • Количество просмотров: 107
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