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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Comprtition Atazhurt 8-9кл.

The Theme: Britain and Kazakhstan at a glance:The Aim of the Competition:to practice past material and remember it;to practice pupils’ knowledge about Great Britain and Kazakhstan;to develop pupils’ abilities in oral comprehension.Visual Aids: sides: the
Competition “Atazhurt” Out of lesson for 8-10 grades .The English teacher G.E.Bisekenova The Theme: Britain and  Kazakhstan at a glance:The Aim of the Plan of the extra – curricular workІ. IntroductionІІ.OtkelІІІ.BelesІҮ.BeketҮ. AsuҮІ. Zheruiyk The Precedure of the Competition.Two teams take part in the competition.Each team The Eagles – 1 teamEnjoys    -  2 team The captains of each team must answer 5 questions in 30 seconds. 2.The questions for the2captainWhere is Kazakhstan situated? III. Round – Beles  (Two questions are put to the students 1question.It’s an animal.Its tail is long.Its mouth is big.Its claws are sharp. IY. Round – Beket.One question will be given to the pupils. The Y. round – Asu  Each team will answer the questions put 1.Where is Great Britain? 2.What is the weather like in Kazakhstan?3.Where do Let’s count all the pointsThe score of the team which wins the YI. round. Zheruiyk.The team which wins the game will be asked if Kazakhstan Canada Australia France the USA Italy Spain Mexico Germany the UK
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Theme: Britain and Kazakhstan at a glance:

The Theme: Britain and Kazakhstan at a glance:The Aim of the

Aim of the Competition:
to practice past material and remember

to practice pupils’ knowledge about Great Britain and Kazakhstan;
to develop pupils’ abilities in oral comprehension.
Visual Aids: sides: the flag of G.B. and Kazakhstan, pictures cards the map of the world, the table with numbers.

Слайд 3 Plan of the extra – curricular work
І. Introduction

Plan of the extra – curricular workІ. IntroductionІІ.OtkelІІІ.BelesІҮ.BeketҮ. AsuҮІ. Zheruiyk

ҮІ. Zheruiyk

Слайд 4
The Precedure of the Competition.
Two teams take part

The Precedure of the Competition.Two teams take part in the competition.Each

in the competition.
Each team consists of three pupils. Each

team has a captain.

Слайд 5 The Eagles – 1 team


The Eagles – 1 teamEnjoys  - 2 team

- 2 team

Слайд 6 The captains of each team must answer 5

The captains of each team must answer 5 questions in 30

questions in 30 seconds. Each correct answer is equal

to 200 points.

The questions for the 1st captain:

Where is Great Britain situated?
(West Europe)
2) What countries does Kazakhstan border?
(Russian Turkmenistan Uzbekistan China)
3) What islands do the British Isles consists of
(GB & Ireland)
4) How many people live in Kazakhstan?
(about 17 mln)
5)What is the symbol of England?
( red rose)

II. round – Otkel.

Слайд 7
2.The questions for the2captain
Where is Kazakhstan situated?

2.The questions for the2captainWhere is Kazakhstan situated?

2)What separates GB from the continent?
(The English Channel The strait of Dover in
the south, the north sea in the east)
3)Who is the head of Kazakhstan state?
(the president)
4)Which are the two main political parties in GB?
( the Conservative the labour Party)
5) What are the symbols of Kazakhstan?
(a snow – leopard)

The scores of each team are placed in the Golden Fund of the 1st round.

The next round is began with the team which has biggest score.

Слайд 8
III. Round – Beles (Two questions are put

III. Round – Beles (Two questions are put to the students

to the students )
Each question is equal to

2055 points. Each team discuss the question and will answer in 1 minute. If the other team knows the answer to the question, they can raise their hands. If the team doesn’t answer the question they may ask for additional help. If they use the additional help, they will lose 500 points & have only 2000 points.

Слайд 9 1question.It’s an animal.Its tail is long.Its mouth is

1question.It’s an animal.Its tail is long.Its mouth is big.Its claws are

big.Its claws are sharp. It may be black and

2 question.Its big.It’s a good,kind animal.It eats bread and grass.It can live a month without water.It gives milk,meat,wool. It has 2 humps.Our clothes are made of its wool.It weighs 500kg.This animal is the symbol of Kazakhstan.

Слайд 10
IY. Round – Beket.
One question will be given

IY. Round – Beket.One question will be given to the pupils.

to the pupils. The score is 4000. The supporters

of each team will answer the questions. According to the rules of game if will be begun with the supporters of the winning team. They will have two attempts. If one doesn’t answer, the 2nd pupil may answer the questions. The scores are added to their team/
The questions for the 1 team:
It was the trade way between Russia & Central Asia. It was the military castle in 1913, the river is named which as its old name, the name is changed now, it’s the centre of district. What town it is?
The questions for the 2nd team:
What’s the name of this town which it was built in XI century, there was built triumphant palaces, mosque – medresse, there beried the tsars of Altyn Orda

Слайд 11
Y. round – Asu
Each team will

Y. round – Asu Each team will answer the questions put

answer the questions put by their opponent team. The

captains will choose the question. It the team doesn’t know the answer, the other team may answer it and 2500 points will be given to the answering team. But if the team’s answer is wrong, the points will be added to the 1st team.

Слайд 12
1.Where is Great Britain?
2.What is the weather

1.Where is Great Britain? 2.What is the weather like in Kazakhstan?3.Where

like in Kazakhstan?
3.Where do you live in Kazakhstan?

the capital of Great Britain?
5.Where is Kazakhstan ?
6.Who is the famous English writer?
7.What is the name of your village?
8.What’s the weather like in Great Britain?
9.Is Kazakhstan in Europe or in Asia?
10.How many parts are the Great Britain?
11.When did Kazakhstan become an Independent state?
12.Who is head of the state?
13.What kind of climate in Kazakhstan?
14.Who is the well known poet of Kazakhstan

1. ( The Atlantic Ocean)
2. (hot in summer, cold in winter)
3. ( West Kazakhstan)
4. ( London)
5. (Asia)
6. (W. Shakespeare)
7. (Bazarsholan)
8. ( warm)
9. ( in Asia)
10.( 4 parts)
11.( 1991)
12.( president)
14.( Abai)

Слайд 13
Let’s count all the points
The score of the

Let’s count all the pointsThe score of the team which wins

team which wins the game is increased twice. The

score of the team which loses the game is decreased half and only the points which are in the Golden Fund can be added.

Слайд 14
YI. round. Zheruiyk.
The team which wins the game

YI. round. Zheruiyk.The team which wins the game will be asked

will be asked if they want to go for

the round Zheruiyk.

Think and find Match the countries and the flags.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-comprtition-atazhurt-8-9kl.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0