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Презентация на тему China’s Scientific Tradition and the Great Inertia

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Concluding Remarks
China’s Scientific Tradition and the Great InertiaSan-pao Li, Ph.D.Department of Asian and OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure The Definition of ScienceWhat is “science”?Latin origin: scientia (knowledge)Scientific = knowledge-makingMore than The Definition of ScienceBegins as an extension of common senseSeeks a higher, The Definition of ScienceDissolubity (divisibility)Superposability The Definition of ScienceA scientist transcends the physical world and roams at Galileo Gililei (1564-1642)Theory of inertiaEach of his manipulations was Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Found a precise mathematical use for concepts like force, mass, OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionJoseph NeedhamScience and Civilisation in China Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionChina’s scientific concepts are hidden in Daoist Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionQuantitative Scienceconcerned primarily with numbers and its Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionQualitative Scienceyin-yang, the five elements or dynamic Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionAstronomyThe earliest record of the motion of Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionThe Chinese timewas not a succesion of Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionMathematicsgave birth to the European “Scientific Revolution” Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionMathematics3.14 64/625 < pi >3.14 169/625in A.D. Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionMedicineMedical Book of the Yellow EmperorOn Typhoid Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition2000 year old exercises Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionSir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)“Printing, gunpowder and the Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionThe Four InventionsCompassGun powderPaperPrinting Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionZheng He’s Seven Voyages1405-1433 Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionPyrotechnology Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese Tradition Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionThe Gutenberg Bible, ca.1455 Scientific Elements  in Chinese TraditionSeismograph OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Why, if China advanced so far China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Scientia contemplativavs.scientia activa et operativa China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural factorsInstitutional factorsPhilosophical factorsMethodological factorsOther factors China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural factorsSinocentric viewthe backview mirrororder and China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural FactorsIt is the Chinese culture China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution” Institutional FactorsThe Civil Service Examination China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Philosophical FactorsDaoist love of natureTrue knowledge China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Philosophical FactorsMoist logic and empiricismSpace=that which China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Methodological FactorsMethods of inquiryCriteria of truth China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”CERN: particle collisions create tiny fireballs China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution” China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution” China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Methodological FactorsMethods of inquiryCriteria of truth China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”The Chinese method of inquiry was China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Other Factorsabsence of private scientific groupsetc. etc. OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s failure Concluding RemarksChinese claimed no necessity of science. China’s Scientific Tradition and the Great InertiaSan-pao Li, Ph.D.Department of Asian and Thank you!Your comments and questions are welcome!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Outline
The definition of science
Scientific elements in Chinese tradition

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s

contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”


Слайд 3 Outline
The definition of science
Scientific elements in Chinese tradition

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s

contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”


Слайд 4 The Definition of Science
What is “science”?
Latin origin: scientia

The Definition of ScienceWhat is “science”?Latin origin: scientia (knowledge)Scientific = knowledge-makingMore

Scientific = knowledge-making
More than a body of rationally gained

An activity directed at altering and increasing that very body of knowledge…..

Слайд 5 The Definition of Science
Begins as an extension of

The Definition of ScienceBegins as an extension of common senseSeeks a

common sense
Seeks a higher, rational unity, a deeper understanding

which is unknown to common sense
Establishes a conceptual order in the chaos of perceptual experience
Never-ending search for invariants

Слайд 6 The Definition of Science
Dissolubity (divisibility)

The Definition of ScienceDissolubity (divisibility)Superposability

Слайд 7 The Definition of Science
A scientist transcends the physical

The Definition of ScienceA scientist transcends the physical world and roams

world and roams at an intellectually higher and abstract

Must also be capable of descending back to our realm of experience and subjecting to the examination of systematic empiricism, hard fact, and cold logic

Слайд 8 Galileo Gililei (1564-1642)
Theory of inertia
Each of his manipulations was

Galileo Gililei (1564-1642)Theory of inertiaEach of his manipulations was

guided by thought, each of his thought by experimental evidence

Слайд 9 Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Found a precise mathematical use for concepts

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Found a precise mathematical use for concepts like force,

like force, mass, and inertia
Gave new meanings to the

old terms such as space, time, and motion in an equally mathematical language

Слайд 10 Outline
The definition of science
Scientific elements in Chinese tradition

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s

contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”


Слайд 11 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Joseph Needham
Science and Civilisation

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionJoseph NeedhamScience and Civilisation in China

in China

Слайд 12 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 13 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 14 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
China’s scientific concepts are

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionChina’s scientific concepts are hidden in Daoist

hidden in Daoist philosophy
Daoist thinking developed as a counter-tradition

in China

Слайд 15 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Quantitative Science
concerned primarily with

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionQuantitative Scienceconcerned primarily with numbers and its

numbers and its application to physical reality
concrete and empirically


Слайд 16 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Qualitative Science
yin-yang, the five

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionQualitative Scienceyin-yang, the five elements or dynamic

elements or dynamic forces and other verbal concepts
abstract but

powerfully rational

Слайд 17 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
The earliest record of

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionAstronomyThe earliest record of the motion of

the motion of the five planets, A.D. 1-A.D.5
armillary sphere

(Han dynasty)
Su Song’s astronomical clock

Слайд 18 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 19 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
The Chinese time
was not

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionThe Chinese timewas not a succesion of

a succesion of quantitatively equal and qualitatively indistinguishable units.

Слайд 20 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
gave birth to the

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionMathematicsgave birth to the European “Scientific Revolution”

European “Scientific Revolution” in the 17th-century
The Nine Chapters (Han

The Calculating Methods (Han)

Слайд 21 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
3.14 64/625 < pi

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionMathematics3.14 64/625 < pi >3.14 169/625in A.D.

>3.14 169/625
in A.D. 263
considered as “insignificant art of literary

it cultivates little, if at all, one’s moral character

Слайд 22 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Medical Book of the

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionMedicineMedical Book of the Yellow EmperorOn Typhoid

Yellow Emperor
On Typhoid (3rd century, 113 prescriptions)
Hua Tuo &

Bian Que (Han dynasty)
Human vivisection (11th century)
Circulation of blood by William Harvey in 1618

Слайд 23 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
2000 year old exercises

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition2000 year old exercises

Слайд 24 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 25 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionSir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)“Printing, gunpowder and the

gunpowder and the compass: these three inventions have already

changed the face of the entire world and the condition of things. The first is concerned with learning, the second with warfare and the third with navigation.
The changes in these three areas will give rise to innumerable discoveries in other areas and no matter what empire, religion or constellation or human affairs; no human influence will be as great as that of the discovery of these mechanisms.

Слайд 26 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
The Four Inventions
Gun powder

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionThe Four InventionsCompassGun powderPaperPrinting

Слайд 27 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 28 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
Zheng He’s Seven Voyages

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionZheng He’s Seven Voyages1405-1433

Слайд 29 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 30 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionPyrotechnology

Слайд 31 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 32 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 33 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Слайд 34 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition
The Gutenberg Bible, ca.1455

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionThe Gutenberg Bible, ca.1455

Слайд 35 Scientific Elements in Chinese Tradition

Scientific Elements in Chinese TraditionSeismograph

Слайд 36 Outline
The definition of science
Scientific elements in Chinese tradition

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s

contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”


Слайд 37 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Why, if China advanced so

China advanced
so far so early,
did it fall

behind in modern times?

Слайд 38 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Scientia contemplativa

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Scientia contemplativavs.scientia activa et operativa

activa et operativa

Слайд 39 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Cultural factors

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural factorsInstitutional factorsPhilosophical factorsMethodological factorsOther factors

Philosophical factors
Methodological factors
Other factors

Слайд 40 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Cultural factors

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural factorsSinocentric viewthe backview mirrororder

the backview mirror
order and harmony….. Avoid disorder

and innovation

Слайд 41 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Cultural Factors


China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Cultural FactorsIt is the Chinese

is the Chinese culture itself that absorbed most of

the people’s energy and inhibited their inquisitive spirit.

Слайд 42 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution” Institutional FactorsThe Civil Service Examination


The Civil Service Examination

Слайд 43 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Philosophical Factors

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Philosophical FactorsDaoist love of natureTrue

love of nature
True knowledge does not lead to the

quest for a first cause or for an irreducible atom….. But to the self-transformation whereby man becomes one with the cosmos.
Aesthetic vs. scientific

Слайд 44 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Philosophical Factors

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Philosophical FactorsMoist logic and empiricismSpace=that

logic and empiricism
Space=that which covers diff. Places
Duration=that that extends

over different times
Cause=the obtaining of what a thing can be
Circle=that which has equidistant radii from its center

Слайд 45 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Methodological Factors


China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Methodological FactorsMethods of inquiryCriteria of truth

of inquiry
Criteria of truth

Слайд 46 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
CERN: particle

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”CERN: particle collisions create tiny

collisions create tiny fireballs 400 million times as hot

as the sun, spraying out new matter.

Слайд 47 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

Слайд 48 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”

Слайд 49 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Methodological Factors


China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Methodological FactorsMethods of inquiryCriteria of truth

of inquiry
Criteria of truth

Слайд 50 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
The Chinese

China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”The Chinese method of inquiry

method of inquiry was a synthetic one….
Its criterion of

truth was its compatibility with the transcendental principles of the immutable one.
The Western…basically an analytical one and its criterion of truth was its precision, exactness, and verifiability.

Слайд 51 China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”
Other Factors


China’s Failure to Achieve a “Scientific Revolution”Other Factorsabsence of private scientific groupsetc. etc.

of private
scientific groups
etc. etc.

Слайд 52 Outline
The definition of science
Scientific elements in Chinese tradition

OutlineThe definition of scienceScientific elements in Chinese traditionFactors contributing to China’s

contributing to China’s failure to achieve a “Scientific Revolution”


Слайд 53 Concluding Remarks
claimed no necessity of science.

Concluding RemarksChinese claimed no necessity of science.

Слайд 54 China’s Scientific Tradition and the Great Inertia
San-pao Li,

China’s Scientific Tradition and the Great InertiaSan-pao Li, Ph.D.Department of Asian

Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
California State University,

Long Beach
April 24, 2003

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