coplanar waveguide resonator
Phys. Rev. B 81, 172505 (2010)
S. Anders, E. Il’ichev, H.-G. Meyer, M.Grajcar, S.Wunschand, M.Siegel, A.N.Omelyanchouk, O.Astafiev
We study a flux qubit in a coplanar waveguider esonator by measuring transmission through the system. In our system with the flux qubit decoupled galvanically from the resonator, the intermediate coupling regime Is achieved. In this regime dispersive readout is possible with weak backaction on the qubit.The detailed Theoretical analysis and simulations give a good agreement with the experimental data and allow to make the qubit characterization.
Quantum behaviour of the flux qubit coupled to resonator
Fiz.Nizk.Temp, 10, (2010)
A.N.Omelyanchouk, S.N.Shevchenko, Ya.S.Greenberg, O.Astafiev,and E.Il’ichev
The detailed theory for the system of a superconductingqubit coupled to the transmission line resonator is presented. We describe the system by solving analytically and numerically the master equation for the density matrix, which includes dissipative Lindblad term. We calculate the transmission coefficient,which provides The way to probe the dressed states of the qubit.Thetheoretical resultsare related to the experiment with the Intermediate coupling between the qubi tand the resonator, when the coupling energy is of thesameorder as the qubit relaxation rate.