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Презентация на тему Enstella systems

Lets Know about OST and PST files .when users use a Microsoft Exchange Server account, their all emails messages, calendars, contacts and other items are distributed to and kept on the server. Mostly, users configure Outlook
Lets Know about OST and PST files .when users use a Microsoft Why OST need to be Convert into Outlook PST ?Sanctuary the data Get complete recovery of OST mailbox items .Enstella OST to PST Recovery Convert Recovered OST into Outlook PST format to read OST emails .Here Know Why Enstella OST to PST Recovery software is more in demandReason Reason 3* :- Successfully repair ,recover and convert all mail box items Reason 5* :- Application provides easy working to Convert OST into multiple Recent Offer on OST Recovery ,PST Recovery software . Read more and download software :- http://www.2013.convertosttopst.info Afford OST to PST Converter software just at reasonable price http://www.dltooldf.enstella.com/ens-osttopst-df.exe http://www.convertosttopst.info/recover-ost-file.html Have a nice day .
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Lets Know about OST and PST files .


Lets Know about OST and PST files .when users use a

users use a Microsoft Exchange Server account, their all

emails messages, calendars, contacts and other items are distributed to and kept on the server. Mostly, users configure Outlook to keep a local copy of their items on their computer in an Outlook data file that known as OST (offline storage table). This file allows working in offline when a connection to the exchange computer may not be possible .

PST (Personal Storage Table) is an Outlook data file that keeps users messages and other items on their computer. Small organization and home users used to save the information in outlook PST file.

Слайд 4 Why OST need to be Convert into Outlook

Why OST need to be Convert into Outlook PST ?Sanctuary the


Sanctuary the data Loss- To prevent OST data

lost, users need to keep a copy of OST File in the form of PST that is able to contain similar data as of Outlook OST File.

Access OST File in MS Outlook- When users require their OST File on MS Outlook then they require to convert OST into Microsoft PST File.

Backup Exchange OST File: As you know OST File is duplicate copy of exchange server user mailboxes, hence to back up the data of your exchange account you need to convert the OST File.

Make OST File Portable: If users want to access their OST File on some other systems Using MS Outlook then, they have to convert OST into PST file.

Слайд 5 Get complete recovery of OST mailbox items .

Get complete recovery of OST mailbox items .Enstella OST to PST

OST to PST Recovery software completely recover OST file

with all folder items such as Inbox ,Sent box ,Contacts ,Calendar ,Notes ,Journal ,Task ,Draft ,etc

Слайд 6 Convert Recovered OST into Outlook PST format to

Convert Recovered OST into Outlook PST format to read OST emails

read OST emails .
Here you can completely convert recovered

OST file into Outlook PST format with all mailbox items .

Слайд 7 Know Why Enstella OST to PST Recovery software

Know Why Enstella OST to PST Recovery software is more in

is more in demand

Reason 1* :- Enstella OST to

PST Software easily installable & uninstall able on Windows all version upto latest one Win 10 and as well as automatically adjust with Systems bit 32 & 64 .

Reason 2* :- Enstella OST Recovery tool has reliable & authentic working support with all Outlook version :- 97,2000,2002,2003,2007,2010,2013,2016 .

Слайд 8 Reason 3* :- Successfully repair ,recover and convert

Reason 3* :- Successfully repair ,recover and convert all mail box

all mail box items (Inbox ,Journal ,Task ,Calendar ,Notes

,Contacts ,etc ) from corrupt OST to Outlook PST file format .

Reason 4* :- Free option to split newly created PST file upto 5GB .

Know Why Enstella OST to PST Recovery software is more in demand

Слайд 9 Reason 5* :- Application provides easy working to

Reason 5* :- Application provides easy working to Convert OST into

Convert OST into multiple formats like PST ,EML ,MBOX

,HTML,MHTML,DOC,PDF,MSG,RTF,TXT ,Outlook profile .

Reason 6* :- Online contact support 24*7*365 days for the resolution of user query .

Know Why Enstella OST to PST Recovery software is more in demand

Слайд 10 Recent Offer on OST Recovery ,PST Recovery software

Recent Offer on OST Recovery ,PST Recovery software .

Слайд 11 Read more and download software :-

Read more and download software :- http://www.2013.convertosttopst.info

Слайд 12 Afford OST to PST Converter software just at

Afford OST to PST Converter software just at reasonable price http://www.dltooldf.enstella.com/ens-osttopst-df.exe http://www.convertosttopst.info/recover-ost-file.html

reasonable price


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  • Количество просмотров: 148
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