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Презентация на тему Kofax Transformation Modules 5. Module 2 – Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewTraining Module OverviewWhat is KTM?Structured, semi-structured and unstructured documentsClassification, separation and extractionKofax product differentiationLicensingProgram Group componentsIntegration with Kofax CaptureProduct Overview
Module 2 – Product OverviewWhat is it? Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewTraining Module OverviewWhat is KTM?Structured, Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewWhat is KTM?KTM is a Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewStructured or Unstructured?KTM – Includes Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewDefinitionsClassification – Distinguishing between different Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewSome of KTM’s Features Include…KCNS KTM 4.0 – New FeaturesMultiple instances of the KTM Server moduleClassification and KTM 4.5 – New FeaturesManual anchors for field registrationWeb Validation and Verification KTM 5.0 – New FeaturesDocument RoutingBatch RestructuringMulti Processor SupportThin client enhancementsNew Thin Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture alone and with KTM Compared LicensingNew simplified licensingNew base licensing scheme based on numbers of fields extracted Licensing – Add-onsNew simplified licensingAdd-onsTable ExtractionProfessional (Project Planner)Additional OCR engines (Kadmos)Check RecognitionCursive Licensing - FeaturesNew simplified licensingPage ●  What´s New in Kofax Capture 5.0 Licensing – New “Mix & Match”New simplified licensing‘Mix-and-match’ possibleMixture of base license Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewProgram Group ComponentsNOTE: In this KTM Service ConfigurationSlide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM 5 will Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewProject BuilderProject Builder is the Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM License UtilityKTM has its Project Planner (Requires Professional License)Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewProject Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM ServerThe Server may run KTM Document ReviewSlide ●  Module 2 - Product Overview KTM CorrectionSlide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewThe character-based Correction module Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM ValidationThe Validation module allows KTM VerificationSlide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewThin client Verification is also possible! KTM Knowledge Base Learning ServerSlide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewThe Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKnowledge Base AdministratorThe Knowledge Base Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewImage ClassifierThe Image Classifier is OCR ServerSlide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewThe OCR Server allows Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewXDoc BrowserThe XDoc Browser provides Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewStatistics ViewerThe Statistics Viewer allows Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture Batch Workflow Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture IntegrationEasy-to-use Synchronization Tool Slide ●  Module 2 - Product OverviewDemonstrationin ACTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewTraining Module OverviewWhat is KTM?Structured,

Module Overview
What is KTM?
Structured, semi-structured and unstructured documents
Classification, separation

and extraction
Kofax product differentiation
Program Group components
Integration with Kofax Capture

Product Overview

Слайд 3 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewWhat is KTM?KTM is a

is KTM?
KTM is a classification, separation and extraction “transformation”

product for Kofax Capture (a suite of custom module add-ons)

Although somewhat new to Kofax Capture, the product was introduced as Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.0. The product has now been rebranded as Kofax Transformation Modules, and this version is a 5.x release.

Supports classification and extraction of structured, semi-structured and unstructured documents.

Platform for delivering pre-configured, out-of-the-box solutions

Offers learn-by-example extraction as well as numerous other methods to automatically extract data from documents

Invoice classification by image and instructions (rules).

Слайд 4 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewStructured or Unstructured?KTM – Includes

or Unstructured?
KTM – Includes processing modules, a configuration application

and several tools that work within Kofax Capture providing advanced document classification, separation, and extraction for structured, semi-structured and unstructured documents. It is optimized for invoice processing.




Слайд 5 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewDefinitionsClassification – Distinguishing between different

– Distinguishing between different Document Types and Form Types.

– Creating boundaries between individual documents in a batch. Documents may be single-page or multi-page.
Extraction – The process of automatically lifting data from a document using rules or zones along with the output from a recognition engine (OCR, OMR, barcode, etc). This data usually is output to a database or document management application for later retrieval.

Слайд 6 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewSome of KTM’s Features Include…KCNS

of KTM’s Features Include…
KCNS compatible
Enterprise Option (High Availability) compatible

image (.tif) files
2 variations
Invoice Projects
Standard Projects
Knowledge Bases
Generic and Specific Knowledge Bases
Based on “on-line learning”
Optional password protection
“Professional” add-on available
Includes advanced page classification and trainable document separation using the special “Project Planner” configuration tool
Other standard features
Database lookups
Regular expression support
Dictionary files
Table recognition
Scripting WinWrap Basic (similar to VBA)
Language-specific support in OCR (ABBYY Fine Reader, RecoStar, AEG, Kadmos)

Слайд 7 KTM 4.0 – New Features
Multiple instances of the

KTM 4.0 – New FeaturesMultiple instances of the KTM Server moduleClassification

KTM Server module
Classification and Separation
Document Review module
Correction module: character-based

Multiple instances of the KTM Validation module
KTM Verification module
Trainable Group Locator
SQL Server support for statistics export
Specific on-line learning for tables
Page-level and zonal image cleanup
Trainable Document Separation (Professional Version only)


● Module 2 - Product Overview

Слайд 8 KTM 4.5 – New Features
Manual anchors for field

KTM 4.5 – New FeaturesManual anchors for field registrationWeb Validation and

Web Validation and Verification modules
Arabic OCR engine (right ?

Upgraded ABBYY OCR engine
Integrated A2iA engine for cursive text and check recognition
Database (SQL and ODBC) lookup utility
Metadata-driven application setup
Vendor Locator
Invoice Evaluator
Country-specific settings and generic knowledge bases
Purchase order line item matching


● Module 2 - Product Overview

Слайд 9 KTM 5.0 – New Features
Document Routing
Batch Restructuring
Multi Processor

KTM 5.0 – New FeaturesDocument RoutingBatch RestructuringMulti Processor SupportThin client enhancementsNew

Thin client enhancements
New Thin Client Correction
Enhanced Thin Client Validation

folder support
batch editing
multiple steps
Enhanced Document Review Module
Script support in Verification
Miscellaneous other features
New simplified licensing
Cursive Full-page Recognition


● What´s new in Kofax Transformation Modules 5.0

Слайд 10 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture alone and with KTM Compared

Capture alone and with KTM Compared

Слайд 11 Licensing
New simplified licensing
New base licensing scheme based on

LicensingNew simplified licensingNew base licensing scheme based on numbers of fields

numbers of fields extracted
5-Fields Extraction Base License
Unlimited Field

Extraction Base License
Both base licenses include
Layout and content classification
Fixed- and free-form extraction
Invoice header and amount extraction (GLs/IHL)
Keying modules (inc web clients)


● What´s New in Kofax Capture 5.0

Слайд 12 Licensing – Add-ons
New simplified licensing
Table Extraction
Professional (Project Planner)

Licensing – Add-onsNew simplified licensingAdd-onsTable ExtractionProfessional (Project Planner)Additional OCR engines (Kadmos)Check

OCR engines (Kadmos)
Check Recognition
Cursive Field Recognition
Cursive Full-Page Recognition
Arabic OCR

Add-On Pack (Vendor Locator & Invoice Evaluator)
Invoice Line Items Matching
Medical Claims Add-on Pack


● What´s New in Kofax Capture 5.0

Слайд 13 Licensing - Features
New simplified licensing

● What´s

Licensing - FeaturesNew simplified licensingPage ● What´s New in Kofax Capture 5.0

New in Kofax Capture 5.0

Слайд 14 Licensing – New “Mix & Match”
New simplified licensing

Licensing – New “Mix & Match”New simplified licensing‘Mix-and-match’ possibleMixture of base

Mixture of base license volumes for a single system

total volume = 300k 5-field extraction + 600k unlimited field extraction
Different volumes for add-ons possible
30k Table Extraction + 120k Arabic OCR


● What´s New in Kofax Capture 5.0

Слайд 15 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewProgram Group ComponentsNOTE: In this

Group Components
NOTE: In this example, 5 instances of KTM

Validation have been installed. Project Planner (Professional Upgrade) has also been installed.

Слайд 16 KTM Service Configuration
● Module 2 -

KTM Service ConfigurationSlide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM 5 will

Product Overview
KTM 5 will support up to 16 CPU


Слайд 17 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewProject BuilderProject Builder is the

Project Builder is the master configuration tool for setting

up both “invoice projects” and “standard projects.”

Слайд 18 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM License UtilityKTM has its

License Utility
KTM has its own license utility. It is

available from the “File” menu in Project Builder, and allows you to view your license values and what you are using for any project.
More about Project Builder follows…

Слайд 19 Project Planner (Requires Professional License)
● Module

Project Planner (Requires Professional License)Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewProject

2 - Product Overview
Project Planner provides an easy-to-use user

interface to create and manage document sets and configurations used for advanced classification and separation solutions.

Слайд 20 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM ServerThe Server may run

The Server may run as an application or as

a self-starting Windows service. Up to 16 services may be used. It classifies, separates and extracts. With the Pro Upgrade, you may also want to run separate instances of the Server: one for classification and separation and one for extraction.

Слайд 21 KTM Document Review
● Module 2 -

KTM Document ReviewSlide ● Module 2 - Product Overview

Product Overview

Слайд 22 KTM Correction
● Module 2 - Product

KTM CorrectionSlide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewThe character-based Correction module

The character-based Correction module allows for single-key correction of

characters read at a low confidence level. Thin client Correction is a new feature in KTM 5!

Слайд 23 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKTM ValidationThe Validation module allows

The Validation module allows you to review and correct

data that has been automatically extracted. You may also enter data manually.
Thin client Validation is also possible!

Слайд 24 KTM Verification
● Module 2 - Product

KTM VerificationSlide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewThin client Verification is also possible!

Thin client Verification is also possible!

Слайд 25 KTM Knowledge Base Learning Server
● Module

KTM Knowledge Base Learning ServerSlide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewThe

2 - Product Overview
The KTM Knowledge Base Learning server

may run as an unattended application or a windows service. It accomplished sending documents “tagged” for online learning back to a pre-specified folder. It also instantly and dynamically updates Specific Knowledge Bases.

Слайд 26 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKnowledge Base AdministratorThe Knowledge Base

Base Administrator
The Knowledge Base Administrator is a standalone application

that is used to build training sets and create knowledge bases for an already-existing KTM project.

Слайд 27 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewImage ClassifierThe Image Classifier is

The Image Classifier is an image classification and clustering

application useful for demonstrations.

Слайд 28 OCR Server
● Module 2 - Product

OCR ServerSlide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewThe OCR Server allows

The OCR Server allows you to create OCR output

(including Xdocuments) outside of Project Builder and without having to process batches through the Kofax Capture workflow.

Слайд 29 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewXDoc BrowserThe XDoc Browser provides

The XDoc Browser provides direct access to the results

of automatic processing on a document-by-document basis. It may be used for testing and demonstration.

Слайд 30 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewStatistics ViewerThe Statistics Viewer allows

The Statistics Viewer allows you to view summary statistics

of the results of automatic processing as you set up and modify your projects.

Слайд 31 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture Batch Workflow

Capture Batch Workflow

Слайд 32 Slide
● Module 2 - Product Overview

Slide ● Module 2 - Product OverviewKofax Capture IntegrationEasy-to-use Synchronization Tool

Capture Integration
Easy-to-use Synchronization Tool integrates KTM projects with Kofax

Capture Document Classes and Form Types.

  • Имя файла: kofax-transformation-modules-5-module-2-–-product-overview.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
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