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Презентация на тему Validation and use of exce spreadsheets in regulated environments. (Part 11)


Slide Today’s AgendaRegulatory requirements/business requirementsRecommendations from the FDADesign Spreadsheet for Part 11/GxP complianceValidation during development and installation How to ensure integrity&security of spreadsheetsHow the FDA is using spreadsheetsDocumentation requirementsValidation example from beginning to the endCase studies
Validation and Use of Excel® Spreadsheets in Regulated Environments For Compliance with Slide Today’s AgendaRegulatory requirements/business requirementsRecommendations from the FDADesign Spreadsheet for Part 11/GxP Slide Regulations/GuidelinesGxPs Systems should be suitable for intended use21 CFR Part 11 Slide Common Requirements Strict access control to the systems and dataRecord handling Slide FDA Part 11 Validation GuidanceSpreadsheet Calculations and Macro Programs used in Slide FDA Warning Letters No procedures are established to validate for its Slide FDA Warning Letters Failure to validate computer software for its intended Slide FDA Warning Letters Slide Warning LetterFailure to use fully validated computer spreadsheets to calculate analytical Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThese tests include the entry of the following Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThe package contains a list of the tests Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThe firm now saves the spreadsheets in read-only Slide European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&AQ: Which type of accuracy checks (Annex 11 Slide European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&AQ: Are there any specific considerations for the Slide Compliance Problems with SpreadsheetsEasy access to programsEverybody (not trained on GxP Slide What to do for GxP/Part 11 Compliance ?Use other programs e.g., Slide Design Spreadsheets for  Part 11/GxPFollow documented proceduresDesign for error detectionDesign Slide With VBACheck and alert the user if a single data entry Slide Design for Integrity and Authenticity Protect all cells not used for Slide Md5 Hash Calculations for File Integrity Check Based on security software Slide Design for SecurityDevelop, implement and test procedures for limited system access Slide What to Validate / What not to ValidateNot to ValidateExcel softwareStandard Slide What does Validation of Spreadsheets Include?PlanningWriting specifications - functional specifications - Slide Should we Test Standard Excel Functions?Standard functions used in normal operation Slide Recommendations from GAMP Document the purpose of the spreadsheetVerify that the Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (1)New spreadsheet proposedProposal approvedEstablish validation Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (2)Develop functional specification test planDistribute Slide How to Comply with the Audit Trail RequirementProcedures  For low Slide Design for Tracking Changes (Audit Trail)Click on Tools -select Track Changes Slide Multi-User Excel Spreadsheets in FDA LaboratoriesSource: FDA LIB:  Spreadsheet Design Slide Test and document correct functioning (input/output, customized formula)Document used formulaFor direct Slide Documentation for Part 11FDA Recommendation: We recommend that each study protocol Slide PaperRaw dataResultsPCExcel softwareCalculates resultsEventsOriginal e-record storedUser has authorized access to dataApprovalA, Slide Equipmente.g., autoclaveor UV for  DissolutionComputer 1Data acquisitionPrimary data evaluationData generation Slide Example: Level 1 Slide Disable Menu and Tool Bars and CTRL Keys Example: Level 3 Slide Minimal Documentation (equally important for new and existing spreadsheets)A description of Slide Slide Thank You
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Slide
Today’s Agenda
Regulatory requirements/business requirements
Recommendations from the FDA

Slide Today’s AgendaRegulatory requirements/business requirementsRecommendations from the FDADesign Spreadsheet for Part

Spreadsheet for Part 11/GxP compliance
Validation during development and installation

to ensure integrity&security of spreadsheets
How the FDA is using spreadsheets
Documentation requirements
Validation example from beginning to the end
Case studies for Part 11 compliance



Part 1

Part 2

Слайд 3 Slide
GxPs Systems should be suitable for intended use

Slide Regulations/GuidelinesGxPs Systems should be suitable for intended use21 CFR Part

CFR Part 11 – E-Signatures/Records Defines requirements for electronic records,

electronic signatures in FDA regulated industries
EU Annex 11 to GMPs Defines requirements for software and computer systems in EU GMP regulated environments
PIC/S Good Practice Guide Has lots of good recommendations on using computers in regulated environments

Слайд 4 Slide
Common Requirements
Strict access control to the

Slide Common Requirements Strict access control to the systems and dataRecord

systems and data
Record handling and maintenance
Electronic audit

Electronic signatures
Digital signatures for system not under direct control

Слайд 5 Slide
FDA Part 11 Validation Guidance
Spreadsheet Calculations and

Slide FDA Part 11 Validation GuidanceSpreadsheet Calculations and Macro Programs used

Macro Programs used in GxP environments should be validated

should cover full range
End users should validate any program Macros and other customizations that they prepare

FDA Requirements

Spreadsheet Calculations and Macro Programs should comply with 21 CFR Part 11 (E-records/signatures)

Слайд 6 Slide
FDA Warning Letters
No procedures are established

Slide FDA Warning Letters No procedures are established to validate for

to validate for its intended purpose the Microsoft Excel

software used in creating and maintaining nonconformance records, product return records, internal audit corrective records, or corrective action records. (189)
In addition, you continued to release products based on assay results generated by the spreadsheet that have not been verified for accuracy (W-237)
Spreadsheets intended to check for outliers and calculate mean, SC, % CV, not validated (W-201)

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com

Validate Spreadsheets

Слайд 7 Slide
FDA Warning Letters
Failure to validate computer

Slide FDA Warning Letters Failure to validate computer software for its

software for its intended use according to an established

protocol. For example; the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software program was not validated for formulation of reagents and was seen to give incorrect data (W-125)
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software used manufacturing has not been validated for the purpose of generating a worksheet for formulation of reagents.
No documentation was found to establish or verify corrections made to the program. (W-125)

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com

Validate Spreadsheets

Слайд 8 Slide
FDA Warning Letters
"Your laboratory records did

Slide FDA Warning Letters

not include a record of all calculations performed in

connection with laboratory tests as required by 21 CFR §211.194(a).
For example, the notebook does not document reference to the spreadsheet calculation used to generate the results.
Your SOP omits instructions to include in the notebook the reference to the spreadsheet calculation used to generate the results, as well as the raw data and calculations."

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com (W-237)

Record Spreadsheet Calculations

Слайд 9 Slide
Warning Letter
Failure to use fully validated computer

Slide Warning LetterFailure to use fully validated computer spreadsheets to calculate

spreadsheets to calculate analytical results for in-process and finished

product testing [21 CFR 211.165(e)]. For example, the computer spreadsheets used to calculate analytical results for... have not been validated.
QA/QC Spreadsheet Validation, is deficient in that only a small range of values are being used to challenge computerized spreadsheet mathematical calculations.

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com (W 063)

Validate Spreadsheets over wide range

Слайд 10 Slide
Verification of Corrective Actions
These tests include the

Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThese tests include the entry of the

entry of the following types of data: aberrant high

findings, aberrant low findings, in-specification findings, zeros, negative numbers, and alphanumeric combinations
Each spreadsheet is product specific and has a separate validation package
Each package contains the initial testing of the information as entered into the Spreadsheet, a blank spreadsheet, and a spreadsheet showing the calculation formulas used in the appropriate cells.


EIR = Establishment Inspection Report

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com (W 106)


Слайд 11 Slide
Verification of Corrective Actions
The package contains a

Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThe package contains a list of the

list of the tests conducted and the dates they

were performed as well as hand calculations of some trial data for comparison
Revised SOP "QA/QC Computer Spreadsheet Validation," contains directions for testing new and existing spreadsheets prior to use in analytical testing.
The spreadsheets are checked monthly by a familiar analyst with previously entered data.
The check results are compared to the originals to make sure that corruption of the file has not occurred


EIR = Establishment Inspection Report

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com (W 106)


Слайд 12 Slide
Verification of Corrective Actions
The firm now saves

Slide Verification of Corrective ActionsThe firm now saves the spreadsheets in

the spreadsheets in read-only form to compact discs, specific

to product.
Changes to spreadsheets cannot be saved in this format.
Two sets of CDs were made, one Set for the daily laboratory use and one master copy containing all spreadsheets kept by ….
lf one spreadsheet an a CD is changed, then a new CD is burned and the old one is archived.
The spreadsheet when printed out bears a file path at the bottom to assure it came from the CD


EIR = Establishment Inspection Report

Ref: www.fdawarningletter.com (W 106)


Слайд 13 Slide
European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&A
Q: Which type of

Slide European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&AQ: Which type of accuracy checks (Annex

accuracy checks (Annex 11 p 6) are expected for

use of spreadsheets?
A: Data integrity should be ensured by suitably implemented and risk assessed controls. The calculations and the files should be secured in such a way that formulations are not accidentally overwritten. Accidental input of an inappropriate data type should be prevented or result in an error message (e.g. text in a numeric field and or a decimal format into integer field) - so called boundary checks are encouraged.

Ref: EMA Website

Слайд 14 Slide
European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&A
Q: Are there any

Slide European Medicines Agency GMP-Q&AQ: Are there any specific considerations for

specific considerations for the validation of spreadsheets?

A: Validation

according to paragraph 4 of Annex 11 is required at least for Spread-sheets that contain custom code (e.g. Visual basic for applications). Formulas or other types of algorithms should be verified for correctness..

Ref: EMA Website

Слайд 15 Slide
Compliance Problems with Spreadsheets
Easy access to programs

Slide Compliance Problems with SpreadsheetsEasy access to programsEverybody (not trained on

(not trained on GxP validation and computer science) can

write programs
Everybody can change ==>Frequent change without control
No validation, no documentation
Many different environments (operating systems, PC hardware)
Many versions in use (local PC, server, inbox, delete folders)
No or insufficient documentation
Typically do not comply with regulations (e.g., Part 11), and QA Unit is not aware of this

Слайд 16 Slide
What to do for GxP/Part 11 Compliance

Slide What to do for GxP/Part 11 Compliance ?Use other programs

Use other programs e.g., perform calculations in secure and validated

environments with functions for Part 11, e.g., chromatographic data systems, LIMS etc
Use document management software with built-in Excel support and Part11/GxP functionality, (E.g., Agilent OpenLab)
Develop, implement, and enforce procedures for development and use of Spreadsheets with quality, security and validation in mind.
Evaluate and use add-on software with more security and compliance functionality, e.g., e-audit trail, e-signatures Examples: e-Infotree from Cimcon, www.part11solutions.com, ExcelSafe from Ofnisystems, www.ofnisystems.com/ExcelSafe

Today's focus

Слайд 17 Slide
Design Spreadsheets for Part 11/GxP
Follow documented procedures

Slide Design Spreadsheets for Part 11/GxPFollow documented proceduresDesign for error detectionDesign

for error detection
Design with integrity in mind - Don’t enable

users to change spreadsheets
Design for security
Validate during development, before and during use
Develop and apply rigorous change control procedures

Слайд 18 Slide
With VBA
Check and alert the user if

Slide With VBACheck and alert the user if a single data

a single data entry is 50% above average.
Spreadsheet should

detect errors during data entry - wrong type, e.g., string characters instead of numbers - wrong sequence of entries - wrong data range - wrong format (e.g., date)
Spreadsheet should prompt the user in case of wrong entries, and not crash

Design for Error Detection

Слайд 19 Slide
Design for Integrity and Authenticity
Protect all

Slide Design for Integrity and Authenticity Protect all cells not used

cells not used for data entry
Protect use of

Excel sheet by passwords
Store and load from write protected directory (e.g., secure server or CD)
Display directory, subdirectories, file name and sheet name at the bottom of the spreadsheet
Display date and time of last data entry
Display&print operator name
Verify file integrity with hash function

With VBA (example 3)

Disable menu and tool bars to limit function to the intended use
Disable ‘save’ and ‘save as’ Disable cut/copy and paste control keys

Слайд 20 Slide
Md5 Hash Calculations for File Integrity Check

Slide Md5 Hash Calculations for File Integrity Check Based on security

Based on security software from RSA
Used to check accuracy

or e-mail transfer
Used for digital signatures
Used to verify proper software installation
Used to verify file transfer accuracy in networks

Calculate hash value (124 bit string)
Store the value
For verification: recalculate and compare with original value

Слайд 21 Slide
Design for Security
Develop, implement and test procedures

Slide Design for SecurityDevelop, implement and test procedures for limited system

for limited system access to authorized users (e.g., through user

Configure and use secure operating systems (Windows 7, XP, VISTA)
If available, use secure server for storage of spreadsheets and access to spreadsheets
Maintain user lists with authorized access

Слайд 22 Slide
What to Validate / What not to

Slide What to Validate / What not to ValidateNot to ValidateExcel

Not to Validate
Excel software
Standard calculations under normal conditions (GAMP Category

Everything we customize, e.g., - user interface (input/outputs) - validation functions for data entry - macros (VBA Scripts)
Extreme conditions (at and above/beyond limits)
Security functions (e.g., passwords, cell protection)
Spreadsheet integrity (e.g., hash function)

Слайд 23 Slide
What does Validation of Spreadsheets Include?
Writing specifications -

Slide What does Validation of Spreadsheets Include?PlanningWriting specifications - functional specifications

functional specifications - computer requirements - user profile (skills) - design specifications

and code review
Installation qualification/documentation
Testing during development and after installation
Change control/requalification
Validation report

Слайд 24 Slide
Should we Test Standard Excel Functions?
Standard functions

Slide Should we Test Standard Excel Functions?Standard functions used in normal

used in normal operation range don’t need to be

verified (GAMP category 3)
Verify standard functions if used in extreme ranges (e.g., very small numbers) and if there are indications for problems with Excel
Use commercial calculator for verification for 2.
Regularly check the vendor’s website for errors (need written procedure)

Слайд 25 Slide
Recommendations from GAMP
Document the purpose of the

Slide Recommendations from GAMP Document the purpose of the spreadsheetVerify that

Verify that the correct calculations have been used, e.g.,

(a+b)*c can be easily mixed up with a + (b*c)
Document formula
Verify any cell links
Protect the spreadsheet
Strict access controls
Validate data input of critical data
Ensure integrity of electronic data

No need to verify accuracy of native functions Ref: (GAMP 5, Page 294)

Слайд 26 Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (1)

Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (1)New spreadsheet proposedProposal approvedEstablish

spreadsheet proposed
Proposal approved
Establish validation team
Develop preliminary project plan

anticipated user departments about use of the SS
Update project plan and distribute to QA and operation manager
Interview anticipated users for intended use and requirements
Interview anticipated users about required functions
Draft of requirement specifications
Conduct risk assessment
Qualify developer/supplier
Develop template for design specification and review
Develp and review design specification


Слайд 27 Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (2)

Excel Spreadsheet Validation from Beginning to End (2)Develop functional specification test

functional specification test plan
Distribute test plan to test persons

(user representatives)
Test functional specifications
Evaluate test results (and correct deficiencies, if there are any)
Develop a list with anticipated users
Distribute spreadsheet to anticipated users
Install and document spreadsheet
Test spreadsheet in the user‘s environment
Add the spreadsheet to the company‘s spreadsheet data base
Write the validation report
Repeat tests from (21) every quarter
Follow documented procedures for any changes and record changes in the change history


Слайд 28 Slide
How to Comply with the Audit Trail

Slide How to Comply with the Audit Trail RequirementProcedures For low

Procedures For low risk systems
Print and sign For low risk

Use ‘Track Changes’ function For medium risk systems
Use 3rd party software e.g., ExcelSafe, e-Infotree For high risk systems

Слайд 29 Slide
Design for Tracking Changes (Audit Trail)

Click on

Slide Design for Tracking Changes (Audit Trail)Click on Tools -select Track

Tools -select Track Changes -select Highlight Changes
Select which changes

you want to track and time range
Result: Changes can be reviewed and printed

Слайд 30 Slide
Multi-User Excel Spreadsheets in FDA Laboratories

Source: FDA

Slide Multi-User Excel Spreadsheets in FDA LaboratoriesSource: FDA LIB: Spreadsheet Design

LIB: Spreadsheet Design and Validation for the Multi-User Application

for the Chemistry Laboratory

User ID/Password for secure log-on
MS NTFS to limit access to files
Store spreadsheets on write protected server directories
Validate spreadsheet applications
Control and archive spreadsheets for internal audits
Standardize design of templates (use of colors, cell protection)

Слайд 31 Slide
Test and document correct functioning (input/output, customized formula)

Slide Test and document correct functioning (input/output, customized formula)Document used formulaFor

used formula
For direct input of raw data: verify data

entry through second person (only for high risk records)

Source: FDA LIB: Spreadsheet Design, Verification and Validation, Use and Storage of Single-User Workbook Files in the US FDA Laboratories

Single-User Excel Spreadsheets in FDA Laboratories

Слайд 32 Slide
Documentation for Part 11
FDA Recommendation: We recommend

Slide Documentation for Part 11FDA Recommendation: We recommend that each study

that each study protocol identifies at which steps a

computerized system will be used to create, modify, maintain, archive, retrieve, or transmit data.

Document your business practices especially important: where can users change records (e.g., spreadsheet templates)
Define and document your rational behind part 11 controls (e.g., audit trail, archiving on paper vs. electronic, validation)

Слайд 33 Slide

Raw data
Excel software
Calculates results
Original e-record stored
User has

Slide PaperRaw dataResultsPCExcel softwareCalculates resultsEventsOriginal e-record storedUser has authorized access to

authorized access to data
A, B
Example – Using Excel Template

as Calculator

Records required by predicate rule
No __ Explicit _x Implicit __
Regulated activity relies on e-records Yes _x No__
Impact on product quality High _x Medium __ Low __ No __

Business Practice - Steps
Spreadsheet loaded from write-protected server
Data from paper is typed into an Excel spreadsheet Example: weights of balance
Spreadsheet performs calculations and results are printed and signed
All printed results are archived together with original data
No electronic records stored


No e-audit trail
Load spreadsheet from write protected server
Print file source with each result
Maintain records in paper form



Слайд 34 Slide

e.g., autoclave
or UV for Dissolution
Computer 1
Data acquisition

Slide Equipmente.g., autoclaveor UV for DissolutionComputer 1Data acquisitionPrimary data evaluationData generation

data evaluation
Data generation (temperature, pressure, results)
Data is stored temporarily

and processed
Authorized access to data
Operators can manipulate data

Computer 2 Excel software Primary data evaluation


B, C, D

Records required by predicate rule
No __ Explicit _x Implicit __
Regulated activity relies on e-records Yes _x No__
Impact on product quality High _x Medium __ Low __ No __

Business Practice - Steps
Data generated by equipment (e.g., process parameters, signals)
Data transferred to computer 1 for primary data evaluation (no operator interaction)
Intermediate results transferred to computer 2 for secondary evaluation with operator interaction
Results from secondary evaluation are signed on computer 2 and archived



Automatic Transfer of Intermediate Data to Excel

Remark: Computer I and II can be combined

No e-audit trail on Comp1
E-audit trail on Comp2
E-signature on Comp2
Need Excel remediation software
Comp1 and Comp 2 must be validated


Слайд 35 Slide

Example: Level 1

Slide Example: Level 1

Слайд 36 Slide
Disable Menu and Tool Bars and CTRL

Slide Disable Menu and Tool Bars and CTRL Keys Example: Level 3

Example: Level 3

Слайд 37 Slide
Minimal Documentation (equally important for new and existing

Slide Minimal Documentation (equally important for new and existing spreadsheets)A description

A description of what the program does
Description of formulas

User manual incl. description of color coded cells
Explanation of the relationship of formulas used in procedures to Excel equations
Listing of VBA Macros
Test sheets with anticipated results, acceptance criteria and actual results
Security and password maintenance, user lists
Documentation of operating systems, spreadsheet version, workbook version, date of installation

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