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Презентация на тему Developmnet and responsibility

AgendaResponsibilities.Development process.Change requests/Additional features.How to communicate with a client.Code review process.
Empeek Ltd.Development & Responsibility AgendaResponsibilities.Development process.Change requests/Additional features.How to communicate with a client.Code review process. ResponsibilitiesProject manager or technical leaderCommunicate with a client.Clarify requirements.Respond to a client Development processPM: clarifies requirements, create User Stories, Tasks, Sprints.PM: assign tasks to Change Requests/Additional featuresBefore we take a project on a board we estimate How to communicate with a clientRead before respond – if a client Code review processAll Tests are run.UI inputs' validation.Parameters validation.Code is clean and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Agenda
Development process.
Change requests/Additional features.
How to communicate with a

AgendaResponsibilities.Development process.Change requests/Additional features.How to communicate with a client.Code review process.

Code review process.

Слайд 3 Responsibilities
Project manager or technical leader
Communicate with a client.

ResponsibilitiesProject manager or technical leaderCommunicate with a client.Clarify requirements.Respond to a

Respond to a client as quick as possible.
Delivery a

project(milestone, etc.) on time without bugs.
Resolve conflicts.
Assign tasks.
Track new requirements/change requests and provide client with estimates.

Clarify details.
Delivery on time if possible, if not let PM know.
When task is completed do developer testing and write an impact.
Notify QA that feature/bug is implemented/fixed and ready to test.

Test functionality, quality control.
Enter issue into teamwork and let developer know about it.
Close tasks
Keep tracking development progress.

Слайд 4 Development process
PM: clarifies requirements, create User Stories, Tasks,

Development processPM: clarifies requirements, create User Stories, Tasks, Sprints.PM: assign tasks

PM: assign tasks to developers/testers.
Developer: start working on task

and set it “in progress” status.
Developer: When task is ready do a code review and commit the changes.
Developer: Write impact* for task.
Developer/Tester: Change status to “fixed by dev”/ close task.
Developer: Notify tester that task is ready to test.
Developer/Tester: Start working on the next task.
PM: When Sprint/Milestone/Issues(entered by clients) is ready, tested and fully functioning delivery it to client.

*Impact – a list of features/functionalities that were impacted by a developer and need to be tested.

Слайд 5 Change Requests/Additional features
Before we take a project on

Change Requests/Additional featuresBefore we take a project on a board we

a board we estimate it providing client with hours

that is needed to complete the project.

During a development client may want to
Change already developed functionality.
Change pending functionality by expanding it.
Add new functionality.

In such cases we have to let client know that this will require additional efforts.
PM has to estimate changes a provide client with details.

Слайд 6 How to communicate with a client
Read before respond

How to communicate with a clientRead before respond – if a

– if a client requests some feature and you

do not know if it is possible to implement. First take some time to investigate this and then provide a solution. 

Never say no or you can't - we can do anything but the way to achieve objectives can be different. 

Be patient and polite.

If you working day by day with a client let him know your schedule. If it is going to be changed (you will be later tomorrow or absent and so on) 

Provide a client with your daily status by answering on three questions ( What was done? What are you doing now? What are you going to do?) 

Ask a client if you don't understand a task.

Be proactive – if you have something done let client know about it.

Respond to client as quick as possible.

Do not be silent - respond to client if he requests something by saying: I got it, I am checking, etc.

22 things you should never say to customers

  • Имя файла: developmnet-and-responsibility.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 116
  • Количество скачиваний: 0