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Презентация на тему по сопромату

It is for building your Prototypes right inside your Mechanical Desktop or AutoCAD
Dynamic DesignerIs the easy way for you to cut as much as It is for building your Prototypes   right inside your Mechanical using Wireframe to sketch your Design Conceptsbefore you spend using parametric solid models to develop the form of the Parts“virtual” Prototypes: Parts can be controlled by using many different types of Joints Parts are selected and the Joints created AutomaticallyUsing the logical ‘Drag and Drop’ IntelliMotion Builder Or by using the Intuitive ‘Drag and Drop’ IntelliMotion Browser The IntelliMotion Agent prompts as you build your assembly Other Joints include Cams and Ratchets Gears, Belts and Pulleys, and Chain Drives Springs and Dampers   Are just two ways of adding forces Modeling Collisions and checking for Interference between all Parts plus Springs   See And you can make movies to show Management how it works... You can attach “Meters” as Vectors and XY Plots... for studying Velocities of any Part finding Accelerations at any Point show the Linear Distance between any two pointsJust select a Vector to make an XY Plot.. And the Angle between any 3 points the Path traced by any Point on a selected Part Display Forces including Reactions, Moments and Inertia on any Part	Displayed as vectors Find out the Stress on on any Part	throughout its full range of The Important Points:Totally and Seamlessly Integrated Inside Mechanical DesktopNO Separate InterfaceNO Data Dynamic DesignerGives you the power to go from what you know, to Where to get more Information:Internet: http://www.designtechnologies.comFax:		Americas	+1 734 214 9716		Asia		+61 3 9787 9571		Europe		+49
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It is for building your Prototypes

It is for building your Prototypes  right inside your Mechanical Desktop  or AutoCAD

right inside your Mechanical Desktop


Слайд 3 using Wireframe to sketch your

using Wireframe to sketch your Design Conceptsbefore you spend

Design Concepts
before you spend time on more elaborate 3D


It is for building your Prototypes

Слайд 4 using parametric solid models to develop the form

using parametric solid models to develop the form of the Parts“virtual” Prototypes:

of the Parts
“virtual” Prototypes:

Слайд 5 Parts can be controlled by using many different

Parts can be controlled by using many different types of Joints

types of Joints
Including Mechanical Desktop Assembly


Слайд 6 Parts are selected and the Joints created Automatically

Parts are selected and the Joints created AutomaticallyUsing the logical ‘Drag and Drop’ IntelliMotion Builder

the logical
‘Drag and Drop’
IntelliMotion Builder

Слайд 7 Or by using the Intuitive
‘Drag and Drop’

Or by using the Intuitive ‘Drag and Drop’ IntelliMotion Browser

IntelliMotion Browser

Слайд 8 The IntelliMotion Agent prompts as you build your

The IntelliMotion Agent prompts as you build your assembly


Слайд 9 Other Joints include
Cams and Ratchets

Other Joints include Cams and Ratchets

Слайд 10 Gears,
Belts and Pulleys,
and Chain Drives

Gears, Belts and Pulleys, and Chain Drives

Слайд 11 Springs and Dampers
Are just two

Springs and Dampers  Are just two ways of adding forces

ways of adding forces

Слайд 12 Modeling Collisions

Modeling Collisions

Слайд 13 and checking for Interference between all Parts plus

and checking for Interference between all Parts plus Springs  See

See the red highlight where the

spring interferes as it moves...

Слайд 14 And you can make movies to show Management

And you can make movies to show Management how it works...

how it works...

Слайд 15 You can attach “Meters” as Vectors and XY

You can attach “Meters” as Vectors and XY Plots...


Слайд 16 for studying Velocities of any Part

for studying Velocities of any Part

Слайд 17 finding Accelerations at any Point

finding Accelerations at any Point

Слайд 18 show the Linear Distance between any two points

show the Linear Distance between any two pointsJust select a Vector to make an XY Plot..

select a Vector to make an XY Plot..

Слайд 19 And the Angle between any 3 points

And the Angle between any 3 points

Слайд 20 the Path traced by any Point on a

the Path traced by any Point on a selected Part

selected Part

Слайд 21 Display Forces including Reactions, Moments and Inertia on

Display Forces including Reactions, Moments and Inertia on any Part	Displayed as

any Part
Displayed as vectors which can be picked to

make XY Plots or read the values...

Слайд 22 Find out the Stress on on any Part

Find out the Stress on on any Part	throughout its full range

its full range of motion by using the forces

calculated - to drive your FEA

Слайд 23 The Important Points:
Totally and Seamlessly Integrated Inside Mechanical

The Important Points:Totally and Seamlessly Integrated Inside Mechanical DesktopNO Separate InterfaceNO

NO Separate Interface
NO Data Translation
Works with ALL Geometry
Only one

system to learn
Only Build Models Once
Fully Associative to all geometry, constraints and parameters

All the data is stored within the drawing - forever!

Слайд 24 Dynamic Designer
Gives you the power to go from

Dynamic DesignerGives you the power to go from what you know,

what you know, to what you would like to

know… and minimizes engineering assumptions - the most common cause of bad designs!

What we call “Dynamics Driven Design”
- or just ‘seeing how it works!’

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-sopromatu.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 0