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Презентация на тему Royal Dutch Shell


Royal Dutch ShellIntroductionHistorySWOT AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisStrategic AlternativesFuture OutlookRecommendations
Royal Dutch Shell Presented By: Adam GreffDeedra KuntzLina DyuKaratay Osmankulov Royal Dutch ShellIntroductionHistorySWOT AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisStrategic AlternativesFuture OutlookRecommendations IntroductionVisionTo engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in in its products To participate Oil and Gas Exploration and DevelopmentProduct Diversity PetrochemicalsOil ProductsLNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Renewable Energy SourcesHydrogen Business Operations140 locations with 108,000 employeesExplores and produces in 39 countriesOver 45,000 HistoryShell Transport and Trading CompanyLondon, UK in 1897First Bulk Tanker, the “Murex”Royal Early Twentieth CenturyGlobal Expansion WW IBritish and Allies’ largest fuel supplierProvided 80% Great DepressionCut labor and costsCartel agreement failedWWIILost 87 ships Lost Access to 1950s through 1970sAlliance with Middle East Gulf Oil Royal Dutch Shell and 1980s and 1990sLargest producer of petrochemicals and leading supplier of agrochemicalsExpansion through The Twenty-First CenturyWorld leader in biomass fuels. Continued expansion and diversificationOil Reserve Shell’s Current ProgressOver a billion dollar investment in renewable sources, hydrogen, and Strengths2nd among top oil companies in the world2006 revenues of $318.845 billion WeaknessesOil industry is very competitive industryDepend on the other oil companiesDepend on OpportunitiesLNG becomes the main source of energyBetween 2005 and 2010, the demand ThreatsCompetitionExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillipsNigeria’s deepwater'sWorld’s eighth largest oil exporter and fifth largest What is competition in oil industry?ToughGrowing fastQuality of the productService providedActivities of the companyExperience Royal Dutch competitors are…Exxon MobilBP ( British Petroleum)Chevron Corp. Exxon MobilNumber 1Irving, Texas40, 000 gas and service stations Reserves of 13.6 BP (British Petroleum) - # 3Founded as Anglo Persian Oil CompanyLondon, UK18.3 Generated revenue for 2006: Exxon Mobil ($ 339, 938 Millions) Royal Dutch Chevron CorporationMerger of Texaco Inc. and ChevronSan Ramon, California11.6 billion barrels of Strategic AlternativesElectricity sources:Solar energyWind energyObjective: environmentally friendly and cost efficient!Vehicle fuel sources:Biofuels Hydrogen fuel cell Solar powerSolar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from the Wind power Like old fashioned windmills, today’s wind machines use blades to BiofuelsBiofuel is any fuel that is derived from biomass — recently living Hydrogen fuel cellUsing electricity, it is easy to split water molecules to Future OutlookRise in global energy needsOil, gas, and coal will continue to New cheaper, more efficient technologiesIncreased demand for LNGResult in Shell having higher RecommendationsInvest more money into R&D for alternative fuelsBuying land rights in certain RecommendationsContinue to operate the way they areSecond largest oil companyLeader in LNGAlready Any QuestionsRoyal Dutch Shell
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Royal Dutch Shell
SWOT Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Strategic Alternatives
Future Outlook

Royal Dutch ShellIntroductionHistorySWOT AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisStrategic AlternativesFuture OutlookRecommendations

Слайд 3 Introduction
To engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in in

IntroductionVisionTo engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in in its products To

its products
To participate in the search for and

development of other sources of energy
To meet evolving customer needs and the world’s growing demand for energy

Слайд 4
Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
Product Diversity

Oil and Gas Exploration and DevelopmentProduct Diversity PetrochemicalsOil ProductsLNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Renewable Energy SourcesHydrogen

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)
Renewable Energy Sources

Слайд 5 Business Operations
140 locations with 108,000 employees
Explores and produces

Business Operations140 locations with 108,000 employeesExplores and produces in 39 countriesOver

in 39 countries
Over 45,000 service stations
Environmentally conscious
Socially responsible
Encounter risks

Слайд 6 History
Shell Transport and Trading Company
London, UK in 1897

HistoryShell Transport and Trading CompanyLondon, UK in 1897First Bulk Tanker, the

Bulk Tanker, the “Murex”
Royal Dutch Petroleum Company
The Hague, the

Netherlands in 1890
Royal Dutch Shell Group
Merger in 1907
60% / 40% interest

Слайд 7 Early Twentieth Century
Global Expansion
British and Allies’

Early Twentieth CenturyGlobal Expansion WW IBritish and Allies’ largest fuel supplierProvided

largest fuel supplier
Provided 80% of Army’s TNT
Lost Production Properties

and the Middle East
New Company Introduction
Shell-Mex Company
Shell Chemicals

Слайд 8
Great Depression
Cut labor and costs
Cartel agreement failed
Lost 87

Great DepressionCut labor and costsCartel agreement failedWWIILost 87 ships Lost Access

Lost Access to Romania
Government control of tankers

gas production
Gulf of Mexico and Africa

Слайд 9 1950s through 1970s
Alliance with Middle East Gulf Oil

1950s through 1970sAlliance with Middle East Gulf Oil Royal Dutch Shell

Royal Dutch Shell and Ferrari Partnership
Shell Chemicals developed
Herbicides, insecticides,

and liquid detergents
Controversy in South Africa
OPEC raised prices
Diversification of its products
Coal, metals, and nuclear power
All three failed to become successful

Слайд 10 1980s and 1990s
Largest producer of petrochemicals and leading

1980s and 1990sLargest producer of petrochemicals and leading supplier of agrochemicalsExpansion

supplier of agrochemicals
Expansion through acquisitions and mergers.
In 1986, OPEC

lost power so prices went down
New investments
Solar heating, wind power, and hydrogen
Developed LNG gas business
Left Global Coalition in 1998

Слайд 11 The Twenty-First Century
World leader in biomass fuels.

The Twenty-First CenturyWorld leader in biomass fuels. Continued expansion and diversificationOil

expansion and diversification
Oil Reserve Overstatement
Resulted in reorganization into one

Became more Centralized
Sales Allocation
Oil refining and distribution make up about 78% in sales
Renewable Energies make up less than 0.4% of sales

Слайд 12 Shell’s Current Progress

Over a billion dollar investment in

Shell’s Current ProgressOver a billion dollar investment in renewable sources, hydrogen,

renewable sources, hydrogen, and biofuels in past 5 years

largest investor in both solar and wind energy
20% reduction in carbon dioxide since 1990
$20 billion in damages

Слайд 13 Strengths
2nd among top oil companies in the world

Strengths2nd among top oil companies in the world2006 revenues of $318.845

revenues of $318.845 billion and a net income of

$26.311 billion
Stock price went from $44.40 in September of 2001 to $66.91 in March of 2007
97 million shares of Shell Canada
Leader in the LNG (liquefied natural gas)
Invested into other energy sources
Hydrogen, LNG, Wind, Solar

Слайд 14 Weaknesses
Oil industry is very competitive industry
Depend on the

WeaknessesOil industry is very competitive industryDepend on the other oil companiesDepend

other oil companies
Depend on oil for success
No control over

up and coming alternative fuel companies
Alternative energy source venture has not yet paid off

Слайд 15 Opportunities
LNG becomes the main source of energy
Between 2005

OpportunitiesLNG becomes the main source of energyBetween 2005 and 2010, the

and 2010, the demand for LNG is expected to

grow by 2% to 3%
One of Royal Dutch Shell’s renewable energy sources becomes the main source of energy
Wind, Solar, Hydrogen
There is a large untapped oil reserve in Brazil
The reserve is estimated to contain 18.1 billion barrels of crude oil
Largest known untapped oil reserve in the world

Слайд 16 Threats
ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips
Nigeria’s deepwater's
World’s eighth largest oil

ThreatsCompetitionExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillipsNigeria’s deepwater'sWorld’s eighth largest oil exporter and fifth

exporter and fifth largest oil supplier to the US

Dutch Shell used to be sole company working in the area, but ExxonMobil and Chevron are moving in
Depletion of the oil reserves
Fall in oil prices
Lose billions in seconds

Слайд 17 What is competition in oil industry?
Growing fast
Quality of

What is competition in oil industry?ToughGrowing fastQuality of the productService providedActivities of the companyExperience

the product
Service provided
Activities of the company

Слайд 18 Royal Dutch competitors are…

Exxon Mobil
BP ( British Petroleum)

Royal Dutch competitors are…Exxon MobilBP ( British Petroleum)Chevron Corp.


Слайд 19 Exxon Mobil
Number 1
Irving, Texas
40, 000 gas and service

Exxon MobilNumber 1Irving, Texas40, 000 gas and service stations Reserves of

Reserves of 13.6 billion barrels of OE
Daily production

is 6.4 million barrels
Major producer of petrochemicals

Слайд 20 BP (British Petroleum) - # 3
Founded as Anglo

BP (British Petroleum) - # 3Founded as Anglo Persian Oil CompanyLondon,

Persian Oil Company
London, UK
18.3 billion barrels of OE- reserves

million barrels of oil a day
Wells in Prudhoe Bay Alaska
Alternative fuel
Green washing

Слайд 21

Generated revenue for 2006:
Exxon Mobil ($ 339, 938

Generated revenue for 2006: Exxon Mobil ($ 339, 938 Millions) Royal

Royal Dutch ($ 306, 731 millions)

BP ($ 267, 600


Chevron ($ 189, 481 millions)

Слайд 22 Chevron Corporation
Merger of Texaco Inc. and Chevron
San Ramon,

Chevron CorporationMerger of Texaco Inc. and ChevronSan Ramon, California11.6 billion barrels

11.6 billion barrels of OE in reserves
2.6 million barrel

of oil each day
26, 000 gas stations

Слайд 23 Strategic Alternatives
Electricity sources:
Solar energy
Wind energy
Objective: environmentally friendly and

Strategic AlternativesElectricity sources:Solar energyWind energyObjective: environmentally friendly and cost efficient!Vehicle fuel sources:Biofuels Hydrogen fuel cell

cost efficient!
Vehicle fuel sources:
Hydrogen fuel cell

Слайд 24 Solar power
Solar power is the technology of obtaining

Solar powerSolar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from

usable energy from the light of the Sun.

friendly for the environment and predicted cost is 6 cents per kWh in 2010

Слайд 25 Wind power
Like old fashioned windmills, today’s wind

Wind power Like old fashioned windmills, today’s wind machines use blades

machines use blades to collect the wind’s kinetic energy.

Average cost 6-7 cents/kWh!

Слайд 26 Biofuels
Biofuel is any fuel that is derived from

BiofuelsBiofuel is any fuel that is derived from biomass — recently

biomass — recently living organisms or their metabolic byproducts,

such as manure from cows

An 80% minimumAn 80% minimum content by volume of materials derived from living organisms harvested within the ten years preceding its manufacture

E85 octane number is more than 100 and thus engines have more horsepower!!!

Слайд 27 Hydrogen fuel cell
Using electricity, it is easy to

Hydrogen fuel cellUsing electricity, it is easy to split water molecules

split water molecules to create pure hydrogen and oxygen.

One big advantage of this process is that you can do it anywhere.

Слайд 28 Future Outlook
Rise in global energy needs
Oil, gas, and

Future OutlookRise in global energy needsOil, gas, and coal will continue

coal will continue to meet the majority of global

energy needs
Unconventional ways to extract oil and turn to alternative sources
Shell will remain environmentally conscious
Increased profits with renewable sources
Produce products that will reduce CO2 emissions

Слайд 29
New cheaper, more efficient technologies
Increased demand for LNG

New cheaper, more efficient technologiesIncreased demand for LNGResult in Shell having

in Shell having higher profits due to position as

world’s largest provider of LNG.

Слайд 30 Recommendations
Invest more money into R&D for alternative fuels

RecommendationsInvest more money into R&D for alternative fuelsBuying land rights in

land rights in certain areas, or buying out smaller

oil companies
Combined with other oil companies
Sell out of the oil industry and start an automobile industry
See how oil prices affect the everyday consumer

Слайд 31 Recommendations
Continue to operate the way they are
Second largest

RecommendationsContinue to operate the way they areSecond largest oil companyLeader in

oil company
Leader in LNG
Already have money invested in alternative

energy sources
No outlook of a decline in the need for oil

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