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Презентация на тему The Marketing Mix


The Marketing Mix
The Marketing Mix The Marketing Mix The Marketing MixThe tools available to a business to gain the reaction Price PricePricing StrategyImportance of:knowing the marketelasticitykeeping an eye on rivalsImage copyright: www.freeimages.co.uk Product ProductMethods used to improve/differentiate the product and increase sales or target sales Promotion PromotionStrategies to make the consumer aware of the existence of a product or serviceNOT just advertising Place PlaceThe means by which products and services get from producer to consumer People PeoplePeople represent the businessThe image they present can be importantFirst contact often Process ProcessHow do people consume services?What processes do they have to go through Physical Environment Physical EnvironmentThe ambience, mood or physical presentation of the environmentSmart/shabby?Trendy/retro/modern/old fashioned?Light/dark/bright/subdued?Romantic/chic/loud?Clean/dirty/unkempt/neat?Music?Smell? The Marketing MixBlend of the mix depends upon:Marketing objectivesType of productTarget marketMarket The Marketing Mix The Marketing Mix Product Promotion Place People Process Physical Environment Price The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 1BTEC Travel and Tourism What is the Marketing Mix?Marketing Mix is a term describing the key Elements of the Marketing MixPlanningProductPricePromotionPlace Planning	Using Mission Statements to set objectives such as: profit targets competing with Productthe product or service offered to customersits characteristicsthe niche(s) occupied by the Pricehow price is used to meet the facility’s overall objectivesthe ability of What Now?Go to the Activity that accompanies this Presentation to find out The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 2BTEC Travel and Tourism The Remaining Parts of the Marketing MixLast lesson focused on the first Elements of the Marketing MixPlace 	How a travel and tourism organisation gets Elements of the Marketing MixPromotion 	Communicating the offer of a travel and Place	This is likely to involve:Channels of distributionUse of technology to reach customersPhysical PromotionThe purpose of promoting the facilityBudgeting for promotion costsIdentifying the target audienceMethods What Now?Go to the Activity that accompanies this Presentation to find out
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix

Слайд 3 The Marketing Mix
The tools available to a business

The Marketing MixThe tools available to a business to gain the

to gain the reaction it is seeking from its

target market in relation to its marketing objectives
7Ps – Price, Product, Promotion, Place, People, Process, Physical Environment
Traditional 4Ps extended to encompass growth of service industry

Слайд 4 Price


Слайд 5 Price
Pricing Strategy
Importance of:
knowing the market
keeping an eye on

PricePricing StrategyImportance of:knowing the marketelasticitykeeping an eye on rivalsImage copyright: www.freeimages.co.uk

Image copyright: www.freeimages.co.uk

Слайд 6 Product


Слайд 7 Product
Methods used to improve/differentiate the product and increase

ProductMethods used to improve/differentiate the product and increase sales or target

sales or target sales more effectively to gain a

competitive advantage e.g.
Extension strategies
Specialised versions
New editions
Improvements – real or otherwise!
Changed packaging
Technology, etc.

Image copyright: www.freeimages.co.uk

Слайд 8 Promotion


Слайд 9 Promotion
Strategies to make the consumer aware of the

PromotionStrategies to make the consumer aware of the existence of a product or serviceNOT just advertising

existence of a product or service
NOT just advertising

Слайд 11 Place
The means by which products and services get

PlaceThe means by which products and services get from producer to

from producer to consumer and where they can be

accessed by the consumer
The more places to buy the product and the easier it is made to buy it, the better for the business (and the consumer?)

Слайд 12 People


Слайд 13 People
People represent the business
The image they present can

PeoplePeople represent the businessThe image they present can be importantFirst contact

be important
First contact often human – what is the

lasting image they provide to the customer?
Extent of training and knowledge of the product/service concerned
Mission statement – how relevant?
Do staff represent the desired culture of the business?

Слайд 14 Process


Слайд 15 Process
How do people consume services?
What processes do they

ProcessHow do people consume services?What processes do they have to go

have to go through to acquire the services?
Where do

they find the availability of the service?
Form filling
Degree of technology

Слайд 16 Physical Environment

Physical Environment

Слайд 17 Physical Environment
The ambience, mood or physical presentation of

Physical EnvironmentThe ambience, mood or physical presentation of the environmentSmart/shabby?Trendy/retro/modern/old fashioned?Light/dark/bright/subdued?Romantic/chic/loud?Clean/dirty/unkempt/neat?Music?Smell?

the environment
Trendy/retro/modern/old fashioned?

Слайд 18 The Marketing Mix
Blend of the mix depends upon:

The Marketing MixBlend of the mix depends upon:Marketing objectivesType of productTarget

Type of product
Target market
Market structure
Rivals’ behaviour
Global issues – culture/religion,

Marketing position
Product portfolio
Product lifecycle
Boston Matrix

Слайд 19 The Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix

Слайд 20 The Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix

Слайд 21 Product


Слайд 22 Promotion


Слайд 24 People


Слайд 25 Process


Слайд 26 Physical Environment

Physical Environment

Слайд 28 The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 1

The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 1BTEC Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Слайд 29 What is the Marketing Mix?
Marketing Mix is a

What is the Marketing Mix?Marketing Mix is a term describing the

term describing the key elements used by an organisation

to help it meet its marketing objectives
In travel and tourism we think of the mix as comprising the following:

Слайд 30 Elements of the Marketing Mix

Elements of the Marketing MixPlanningProductPricePromotionPlace

Слайд 31 Planning
Using Mission Statements to set objectives such as:

Planning	Using Mission Statements to set objectives such as: profit targets competing

profit targets
competing with other facilities
increasing market share

entering new markets

Слайд 32 Product
the product or service offered to customers
its characteristics

Productthe product or service offered to customersits characteristicsthe niche(s) occupied by

niche(s) occupied by the product or service
how the product

is branded
its USPs (Unique Selling Points)

Слайд 33 Price
how price is used to meet the facility’s

Pricehow price is used to meet the facility’s overall objectivesthe ability

overall objectives
the ability of the facility to change prices

to reflect market changes
the impact of competitors on the price of the service

Слайд 34 What Now?
Go to the Activity that accompanies this

What Now?Go to the Activity that accompanies this Presentation to find

Presentation to find out more about how the marketing

mix is used in a facility involved in special interest tourism

Слайд 35 The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 2

The Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism 2BTEC Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Слайд 36 The Remaining Parts of the Marketing Mix
Last lesson

The Remaining Parts of the Marketing MixLast lesson focused on the

focused on the first three elements of the Marketing

This session looks into the remaining two parts:

Слайд 37 Elements of the Marketing Mix
How a travel

Elements of the Marketing MixPlace 	How a travel and tourism organisation

and tourism organisation gets its services/products to its customers

the customer goes to access the product/ service

Слайд 38 Elements of the Marketing Mix
Communicating the offer

Elements of the Marketing MixPromotion 	Communicating the offer of a travel

of a travel and tourism product/service to customers and

the methods used

Слайд 39 Place
This is likely to involve:
Channels of distribution
Use of

Place	This is likely to involve:Channels of distributionUse of technology to reach

technology to reach customers
Physical location of the travel/tourism facility

of accessibility to/for customers

Слайд 40 Promotion
The purpose of promoting the facility
Budgeting for promotion

PromotionThe purpose of promoting the facilityBudgeting for promotion costsIdentifying the target

Identifying the target audience
Methods used such as advertising, using

the media, brochures/leaflets, PR, sales promotion, POS (Point of Sale) material, direct mail and telemarketing

  • Имя файла: the-marketing-mix.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 231
  • Количество скачиваний: 0