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Презентация на тему Треугольники на английском языке

Presentation plan
Angles and Triangles Presentation plan AnglesA shape formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint; contains two Types of AnglesAcute angle: An angle whose measure is greater than zero Types of AnglesRight angle: Angle that measures 90 degrees Types of AnglesObtuse angle: One angle measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees Straight Angle	Straight angle: A line that goes infinitely in both directions and Types of TrianglesEquilateral triangle: A triangle with three congruent (equal) sides and Types of TrianglesIsosceles triangle: A triangle with at least two congruent (equal) sides Types of TrianglesRight triangle: Has only one right angle (90 degrees) This Types of TrianglesScalene triangle: A triangle that has no congruent (equal) sides Types of TrianglesEquilateralRightIsoscelesScalene Interior AnglesInterior angles: An interior angle (or internal angle) is an angle Measuring Angles	You measure angles with a protractor.Notice there are two scales. Be VocabularyVertex-вершинаRay-лучAcute angle-острый уголRight angle-прямой уголObtuse angle-тупой уголStraight angle-развернутый уголEquilateral triangle-равносторонний треугольникIsosceles triangle-равнобедренный Тhank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Presentation plan

Presentation plan

Слайд 3 Angles
A shape formed by two rays sharing a

AnglesA shape formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint; contains

common endpoint; contains two rays and a vertex
ray—has one

endpoint and goes infinitely in one direction

vertex—point common to two rays of a triangle or two sides of a polygon

Слайд 4 Types of Angles
Acute angle: An angle whose measure

Types of AnglesAcute angle: An angle whose measure is greater than

is greater than zero degrees and less than 90


Слайд 5 Types of Angles
Right angle: Angle that measures 90

Types of AnglesRight angle: Angle that measures 90 degrees


Слайд 6 Types of Angles
Obtuse angle: One angle measures greater

Types of AnglesObtuse angle: One angle measures greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

Слайд 7 Straight Angle
Straight angle: A line that goes infinitely

Straight Angle	Straight angle: A line that goes infinitely in both directions

in both directions and measures 180 degrees

This is

a ray. It only goes in one direction.

Слайд 8 Types of Triangles
Equilateral triangle: A triangle with three

Types of TrianglesEquilateral triangle: A triangle with three congruent (equal) sides

congruent (equal) sides and three equal angles
These marks indicate


Слайд 9 Types of Triangles
Isosceles triangle: A triangle with at

Types of TrianglesIsosceles triangle: A triangle with at least two congruent (equal) sides

least two congruent (equal) sides

Слайд 10 Types of Triangles
Right triangle: Has only one right

Types of TrianglesRight triangle: Has only one right angle (90 degrees)

angle (90 degrees)

This box indicates a right angle

or a 90-degree angle.

Слайд 11 Types of Triangles
Scalene triangle: A triangle that has

Types of TrianglesScalene triangle: A triangle that has no congruent (equal) sides

no congruent (equal) sides

Слайд 12 Types of Triangles


Types of TrianglesEquilateralRightIsoscelesScalene

Слайд 13 Interior Angles
Interior angles: An interior angle (or internal

Interior AnglesInterior angles: An interior angle (or internal angle) is an

angle) is an angle formed by two sides of

a simple polygon that share an endpoint

Interior angles of a triangle always equal 180 degrees.

Слайд 14 Measuring Angles
You measure angles with a protractor.

Notice there

Measuring Angles	You measure angles with a protractor.Notice there are two scales.

are two scales. Be careful which 0 you start



Слайд 15 Vocabulary
Acute angle-острый угол
Right angle-прямой угол
Obtuse angle-тупой угол
Straight angle-развернутый

VocabularyVertex-вершинаRay-лучAcute angle-острый уголRight angle-прямой уголObtuse angle-тупой уголStraight angle-развернутый уголEquilateral triangle-равносторонний треугольникIsosceles

Equilateral triangle-равносторонний треугольник
Isosceles triangle-равнобедренный треугольник
Right triangle-прямоугольный треугольник
Scalene triangle-разносторонний треугольник

angles-внутренние углы

  • Имя файла: treugolniki-na-angliyskom-yazyke.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0