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Презентация на тему Mathematics for Computing 2016-2017. Lecture 1: Course Introduction and Numerical Representation

Topics 2016-17Number RepresentationLogarithmsLogicSet TheoryRelations & FunctionsGraph Theory
Mathematics for Computing 2016-2017Lecture 1: Course Introduction andNumerical RepresentationDr Andrew PurkissThe Francis Topics 2016-17Number RepresentationLogarithmsLogicSet TheoryRelations & FunctionsGraph Theory AssessmentIn Class Test (Partway through term, 31/10) (20% of marks)‘Homework’ (3 parts Lecture / tutorial plansLecture every week 18:00 for 18:10 start. 1 – Provisional Timetable Course TextbookSchaum’s Outlines Series Essential Computer MathematicsAuthor: Seymour Lipschutz ISBN 0-07-037990-4 Maths Support	http://www.bbk.ac.uk/business/current-students/learning-co-ordinators/eva-szatmariSee separate powerpoint file. Lecture 1Rule 1Communication is not easy, How do you tell a computer what to do? WelcomeRule 1We want to get the computer to do NEW complicated thingsWe Memory for numbersWe don’t know how our memory stores numbers We know Great, we know how to store 1 and 0 in the computer If we want extra numbers we add an extra cup!Each cup we We don’t need the cups now.Let’s understand how this worksWe shall look 1000011101230000Same1000021210000111456711111000021200004444The repetitive pattern here tells us whether to add 0 or 2 Convert from Binary to DecimalWhen we translate from the binary base (base Convert from Binary to DecimalWhen we translate from the binary base to The binary system (computer)The way the computer stores numbersBase 2Digits 0 and The decimal system (ours)Probably because we started counting with our fingersBase 10Digits Significant FiguresSignificant Figures: Important in science for precision of measurements.All non-zero digits Some binary numbers!!! Convert from Binary to DecimalLets make this more mathematical, We now use Convert from Binary to DecimalExample of how to use what we learned Idea for Converting Decimal to Binary Digit at position 0 is easy.It Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2 and remember remainderNumber is given from bottom to top What Happens when we Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2 and Decimal to Binary conversion Algorithmically: Natural Numbers1. 	Input n (natural no.) 2. Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2 and remember remainderNumber is given from bottom to top Natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, …Alternative versions of the number six What’s still missingFractional numbers (real numbers)Versions of one and a quarter Decimal numbers (base 10)String of digits- symbol for negative numbersDecimal pointA positional Representing Decimal numbers in BinaryWe can use two binary numbers to represent Representing Fractions in BinaryUse a decimal point like in decimal numbersThere are Representing decimal numbers in binary  Convert fractional part from Decimal to BinaryMultiply by 2, remove and remember Negative numbersFirst bit (MSB) is the sign bitIf it is 0 the Negative Numbers –  Calculate two’s ComplementThe generate two’s complement Write out Negative Numbers –  Two’s Complement (examples)3bit	8bit 011 310	00011101 2910	number 100	11100010 	complement Negative numbers – Two’s Complement(3 bits)First bit (MSB) is the sign bitIf Negative numbers – Two’s Complement (4 bits)Binary addition is done in the Computer representationFixed lengthIntegers RealSign Bits, bytes, wordsBit: a single binary digitByte: eight bitsWord: Depends!!!Long Word: two words IntegersA two byte integer16 bits216 possibilities → 65536-32768 ≤ n ≤ 32767 Signed integersFirst bit is sign bit. n ≥ 0, 0; n < Real numbers‘Human’ form: 4563.2835Exponential form: 0.45632835 x 104  General form: ±m Real numbersConversion from Human to Exponential and back655.54 = 0. 65554 * Real numbers 2For a 32 bit real numberSign, 1 bitSignificand, 23 bitsExponent, 8 bits Types of numbersIntegers: …, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …Rational Other representationsBase Index form Number = baseindex e.g. 100 = 102Percentage form Other number systemsBases can be any natural number except 1. Common examples Convert from Decimal to Base 7Divide by 7 and remember remainderSameNumber is Convert from Base 7 to Decimal21627 = 2*73+1*72+6*71+2*70= 686+49+42+2=77910 Convert from Decimal to Base 5 and backDivide by 5 and remember remainder134415 = 1*54+2*53+4*52+4*51+1*50= 625+250+100+20+1=99610 OctalBase eightDigits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7Example: 1210 = 148 = 11002100110111102 Binary  2 Convert from Binary to Octal and backWhen converting from binary to octal HexadecimalBase sixteenDigits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A(10), B(11), C(12),D(13),E(14),F(15).Example B316 = 17910 = 101100112110101012 Binary D Convert from Binary to Hexadecimal and backWhen converting from binary to hexadecimal Writing down the hexadecimal conversion tableCreate the table with a ruler need Extra Slides1 0 1 0 0 1 1+1 1 1 0 1 End of Lecture Extra SlidesThe following slides present the same information already appearing in other Decimal to Binary conversion 1: Mathematical Operationsn div 2 is the quotient.n Decimal to Binary conversion 2: Natural Numbers1. 	Input n (natural no.) 2. Decimal to Binary conversion 3: Fractional Numbers1. 	Input n  2. 	Repeat Some hexadecimal (and binary) numbers!!! End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Topics 2016-17
Number Representation
Set Theory
Relations & Functions
Graph Theory

Topics 2016-17Number RepresentationLogarithmsLogicSet TheoryRelations & FunctionsGraph Theory

Слайд 3 Assessment
In Class Test (Partway through term, 31/10)

AssessmentIn Class Test (Partway through term, 31/10) (20% of marks)‘Homework’ (3

of marks)
‘Homework’ (3 parts for 10% of marks)
Two hour

unseen examination in May/June 2017 (70% of marks)

Слайд 4 Lecture / tutorial plans
Lecture every week 18:00 for

Lecture / tutorial plansLecture every week 18:00 for 18:10 start. 1

18:10 start. 1 – 2½ hours (with break)
Tutorials (problems

and answers) one week in two (~1½ hours)
Compulsory In-Class Test, October 31st
Lecture Notes etc. will appear on Moodle
Class split in two rooms

Слайд 5 Provisional Timetable

Provisional Timetable

Слайд 6 Course Textbook
Schaum’s Outlines Series Essential Computer Mathematics
Author: Seymour Lipschutz ISBN

Course TextbookSchaum’s Outlines Series Essential Computer MathematicsAuthor: Seymour Lipschutz ISBN 0-07-037990-4


Слайд 7 Maths Support
See separate powerpoint file.

Maths Support	http://www.bbk.ac.uk/business/current-students/learning-co-ordinators/eva-szatmariSee separate powerpoint file.

Слайд 8 Lecture 1
Rule 1

Communication is not easy,
How do

Lecture 1Rule 1Communication is not easy, How do you tell a computer what to do?

you tell a computer what to do?

Слайд 9 Welcome
Rule 1

We want to get the computer to

WelcomeRule 1We want to get the computer to do NEW complicated

do NEW complicated things
We start by learning the basics

of its language, Numerical Representation, Logic …

Слайд 10 Memory for numbers
We don’t know how our memory

Memory for numbersWe don’t know how our memory stores numbers We

stores numbers
We know how a computer does (we

designed it)
Full glass is 1, empty is 0



Слайд 11 Great, we know how to store 1 and

Great, we know how to store 1 and 0 in the

0 in the computer memory
How do we store

We use two cups!













The numbers in the way we are used to see them. Base 10 (decimal).

The numbers in the way the computer sees them. Base 2 (binary).

Слайд 12 If we want extra numbers we add an

If we want extra numbers we add an extra cup!Each cup

extra cup!

Each cup we add doubles the number of

values we can store

































Слайд 13 We don’t need the cups now.
Let’s understand how

We don’t need the cups now.Let’s understand how this worksWe shall

this works
We shall look for repetitive patterns and see

what they mean






















The repetitive pattern here tells us whether the number is odd or even (add 0 or 1)

Слайд 14 1







The repetitive pattern here tells us whether to

1000011101230000Same1000021210000111456711111000021200004444The repetitive pattern here tells us whether to add 0 or 2

add 0 or 2

Слайд 15 Convert from Binary to Decimal
When we translate from

Convert from Binary to DecimalWhen we translate from the binary base

the binary base (base 2) the decimal base (base

10 – ten fingers)

The first binary digit tells us whether to add 1
The second binary digit tells us whether to add 2
The third binary digit tells us whether to add 4
The fourth binary digit tells us whether to add ??

Слайд 16 Convert from Binary to Decimal
When we translate from

Convert from Binary to DecimalWhen we translate from the binary base

the binary base to the decimal base
The first binary

digit tells us whether to add 1
Every digit afterwards tells us whether to add exactly two times as much a the previous digit
Lets try this out

1 0 1 1 1 0 1 =

1*64+0*32+1*16+1*8+1*4+0*2+1*1 = 83

Слайд 17 The binary system (computer)
The way the computer stores

The binary system (computer)The way the computer stores numbersBase 2Digits 0

Base 2
Digits 0 and 1
Example: 110110112 ↑

↑ msd lsd
(most significant digit) (least significant digit)

Слайд 18 The decimal system (ours)
Probably because we started counting

The decimal system (ours)Probably because we started counting with our fingersBase

with our fingers
Base 10
Digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Example: 7641321910 ↑

↑ msd lsd

Слайд 19 Significant Figures
Significant Figures: Important in science for precision of

Significant FiguresSignificant Figures: Important in science for precision of measurements.All non-zero

All non-zero digits are significant
Leading zeros are not significant

π = 3.14 (to 3 s.f.) = 3.142 (to 4 s.f.) = 3.1416 (to 5 s.f.)

Слайд 20 Some binary numbers!!!

Some binary numbers!!!

Слайд 21 Convert from Binary to Decimal
Lets make this more

Convert from Binary to DecimalLets make this more mathematical, We now

We now use powers of 2 to represent


Note that the power is the index of the digit, when the indices start from 0 (first index is 0)
(digit with index 6 corresponds to 26)

1 0 1 1 1 0 1 =

1*64+0*32+1*16+1*8+1*4+0*2+1*1 =
1*26+0*25+1*24+1*23+1*22+0*21+1*20 =

Слайд 22 Convert from Binary to Decimal
Example of how to

Convert from Binary to DecimalExample of how to use what we

use what we learned to convert from binary to


11011012 = 1*26+1*25+0*24+1*23+1*22+0*21+1*20 = 64+32+0+8+4+0+1 = 10910

Слайд 23 Idea for Converting Decimal to Binary
Digit at

Idea for Converting Decimal to Binary Digit at position 0 is

position 0 is easy.
It is 1 if the number

is even and 0 otherwise
In a binary number only the least significant digit (20=1)

Слайд 24 Convert from Decimal to Binary
Divide by 2 and

Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2 and remember remainderNumber is given from bottom to top

remember remainder
Number is given from bottom to top

Слайд 25 What Happens when we Convert from Decimal to

What Happens when we Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2


Divide by 2 and remember remainder

Number is given from

bottom to top


The empty cells are 0

Слайд 26 Decimal to Binary conversion Algorithmically: Natural Numbers
1. Input n

Decimal to Binary conversion Algorithmically: Natural Numbers1. 	Input n (natural no.)

(natural no.) 2. Repeat 2.1. Output n mod 2 2.2. n ← n

div 2 until n = 0

Example: 1110
Step n output 1 11 - 2.1 11 1
2.2 5 -
2.1 5 1 2.2 2 -
2.1 2 0
2.2 1 -
2.1 1 1
2.2 0 -

Number is given from bottom to top

Слайд 27 Convert from Decimal to Binary
Divide by 2 and

Convert from Decimal to BinaryDivide by 2 and remember remainderNumber is given from bottom to top

remember remainder
Number is given from bottom to top

Слайд 28 Natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, …
Alternative versions

Natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, …Alternative versions of the number

of the number six Decimal: 6 Alphabetically: six Roman: VI Tallying:

we can already represent

Слайд 29 What’s still missing
Fractional numbers (real numbers)
Versions of one

What’s still missingFractional numbers (real numbers)Versions of one and a quarter

and a quarter Mixed number: 1¼, Improper fraction: 5/4,

Decimal: 1.25

Слайд 30 Decimal numbers (base 10)
String of digits
- symbol for

Decimal numbers (base 10)String of digits- symbol for negative numbersDecimal pointA

negative numbers
Decimal point
A positional number system, with the index

giving the ‘value’ of each position. Example: 3583.102 = 3 x 103 + 5 x 102 + 8 x 101 + 3 x 100 + 1 x 10-1 + 0 x 10-2 + 2 x 10-3

Слайд 31 Representing Decimal numbers in Binary
We can use two

Representing Decimal numbers in BinaryWe can use two binary numbers to

binary numbers to represent a fraction by letting the

first number be the enumerator and the other be denominator
Problem: we want operation such as addition and subtraction to execute fast. This representation is not optimal.

Слайд 32 Representing Fractions in Binary
Use a decimal point like

Representing Fractions in BinaryUse a decimal point like in decimal numbersThere

in decimal numbers
There are two binary numbers the first

is the number before the (radix) point and the other after the point

Слайд 33 Representing decimal numbers in binary

Representing decimal numbers in binary 

Слайд 34 Convert fractional part from Decimal to Binary
Multiply by

Convert fractional part from Decimal to BinaryMultiply by 2, remove and

2, remove and remember the integer part, which can

be either 0 or 1.
(Continue until we reach 1.0)

Number is given from top to bottom, because this time we multiplied

To convert the decimal part:

Слайд 35 Negative numbers
First bit (MSB) is the sign bit

Negative numbersFirst bit (MSB) is the sign bitIf it is 0

it is 0 the number is positive
If it is

1 the number is negative
Goal when definition was chosen:
Maximize use of memory
Make computation easy

Слайд 36 Negative Numbers – Calculate two’s Complement
The generate two’s

Negative Numbers – Calculate two’s ComplementThe generate two’s complement Write out

complement Write out the positive version of number, Write complement of

each bit (0 becomes 1 and 1 becomes 0) Add 1 The result is the two’s complement and the negative version of the number

Слайд 37 Negative Numbers – Two’s Complement (examples)
3bit 8bit 011 310 00011101 2910 number 100 11100010

Negative Numbers – Two’s Complement (examples)3bit	8bit 011 310	00011101 2910	number 100	11100010 	complement

complement + 001 00000001 +1 === ======== 101 -310 11100011 -2910 2’s complement

Слайд 38 Negative numbers – Two’s Complement(3 bits)
First bit (MSB)

Negative numbers – Two’s Complement(3 bits)First bit (MSB) is the sign

is the sign bit
If it is 0 the number

is positive
If it is 1 the number is negative
Goal when definition was chosen:
Maximize use of memory
Make computation easy

None of the numbers repeat themselves – memory efficiency
If you add the binary numbers the sum up properly

Table of two’s complement for 3 bit numbers.

Слайд 39 Negative numbers – Two’s Complement (4 bits)
Binary addition

Negative numbers – Two’s Complement (4 bits)Binary addition is done in

is done in the same way as decimal, using

The last carry here doesn’t matter
When adding large numbers this has a wraparound (computers are equipped to deal with this)

Слайд 40 Computer representation
Fixed length

Computer representationFixed lengthIntegers RealSign

Слайд 41 Bits, bytes, words
Bit: a single binary digit
Byte: eight

Bits, bytes, wordsBit: a single binary digitByte: eight bitsWord: Depends!!!Long Word: two words

Word: Depends!!!
Long Word: two words

Слайд 42 Integers
A two byte integer
16 bits
216 possibilities → 65536

IntegersA two byte integer16 bits216 possibilities → 65536-32768 ≤ n ≤

≤ n ≤ 32767 or 0 ≤ n ≤


Слайд 43 Signed integers
First bit is sign bit. n ≥

Signed integersFirst bit is sign bit. n ≥ 0, 0; n

0, 0; n < 0, 1
For n ≥ 0,

15 bits are binary n
For n < 0, 15 bits are binary (n + 32768)
Example: -677210 (-0011010011101002)
10000000000000002 -0011010011101002

Слайд 44 Real numbers
‘Human’ form: 4563.2835
Exponential form: 0.45632835 x 104

Real numbers‘Human’ form: 4563.2835Exponential form: 0.45632835 x 104 General form: ±m

General form: ±m x be
Normalised binary exponential form: ±m

x 2e

Слайд 45 Real numbers
Conversion from Human to Exponential and back


Real numbersConversion from Human to Exponential and back655.54 = 0. 65554

= 0. 65554 * 103

0.000545346 = 0. 545346 *10-3


* 105 = 52343.2

0.7983476 * 10-4 = 0.00007983476

If the exponent is positive then it is the number of digits after the decimal point (first must be non zero). If it is negative its absolute value is the number of digits after the decimal point.
You can use this to do both conversions

Слайд 46 Real numbers 2
For a 32 bit real number

Real numbers 2For a 32 bit real numberSign, 1 bitSignificand, 23 bitsExponent, 8 bits

1 bit
Significand, 23 bits
Exponent, 8 bits

Слайд 47 Types of numbers
Integers: …, -3, -2, -1, 0,

Types of numbersIntegers: …, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,

1, 2, 3, …
Rational numbers: m/n, where m

and n are integers and n ≠ 0. Examples: ½, 5/3, ¼ = 0.25 1/3 = 0.3333…
Irrational numbers, examples: √2 ≈ 1.414, π ≈ 22/7 ≈ 3.14159 e ≈ 2.718.

Слайд 48 Other representations
Base Index form Number = baseindex e.g. 100 =

Other representationsBase Index form Number = baseindex e.g. 100 = 102Percentage

Percentage form Percentage = number/100 e.g. 45% = 45/100 = 0.45 20%

= 20/100 = 0.2 110% = 110/100 = 1.1

Слайд 49 Other number systems
Bases can be any natural number

Other number systemsBases can be any natural number except 1. Common

except 1.
Common examples are : Binary (base 2) Octal (base 8) Hexadecimal

(base 16)

We’ll show what to do with base 5 and 7 and then deal with the octal and hexadecimal bases

Слайд 50 Convert from Decimal to Base 7

Divide by 7

Convert from Decimal to Base 7Divide by 7 and remember remainderSameNumber

and remember remainder

Number is given from bottom to top


Слайд 51 Convert from Base 7 to Decimal
21627 = 2*73+1*72+6*71+2*70=

Convert from Base 7 to Decimal21627 = 2*73+1*72+6*71+2*70= 686+49+42+2=77910


Слайд 52 Convert from Decimal to Base 5 and back

Convert from Decimal to Base 5 and backDivide by 5 and remember remainder134415 = 1*54+2*53+4*52+4*51+1*50= 625+250+100+20+1=99610

by 5 and remember remainder

134415 = 1*54+2*53+4*52+4*51+1*50= 625+250+100+20+1=99610

Слайд 53 Octal
Base eight
Digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Example: 1210 = 148 = 11002

OctalBase eightDigits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7Example: 1210 = 148 = 11002100110111102 Binary 2 3

2 3 3 6

= 23368 Octal

Conversion from binary to octal

Слайд 54 Convert from Binary to Octal and back
When converting

Convert from Binary to Octal and backWhen converting from binary to

from binary to octal every three binary digits are

converted to one octal digit as in the table
When converting from octal to binary every octal digit is converted to three binary digits as in the table
The actual conversion can be done using the conversion table

11111000111012 = 174358

Слайд 55 Hexadecimal
Base sixteen
Digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A(10), B(11), C(12),D(13),E(14),F(15).
Example B316 = 17910

HexadecimalBase sixteenDigits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A(10), B(11), C(12),D(13),E(14),F(15).Example B316 = 17910 = 101100112110101012 Binary

= 101100112
110101012 Binary
D 5 Hexadecimal

Conversion from binary

to hexadecimal

Слайд 56 Convert from Binary to Hexadecimal and back
When converting

Convert from Binary to Hexadecimal and backWhen converting from binary to

from binary to hexadecimal every four binary digits are

converted to one hexadecimal digit as in the table
When converting from hexadecimal to binary every hexadecimal digit is converted to four binary digits as in the table
The actual conversion can be done using the conversion table which can be written down in less than a minute

11111000111012 = 1F1D16

Слайд 57 Writing down the hexadecimal conversion table
Create the table

Writing down the hexadecimal conversion tableCreate the table with a ruler

with a ruler need to be 5 columns and

16 rows
The binary LSB column is 01 repeated from top to bottom
The second binary index is 0011 repeated from top to bottom
The patterns should be obvious for the other digits
For the hexadecimal just start with 0 at the top and continue in increments of 1 until 9 is reached, then proceed with the letters of the alphabet

Слайд 58
Extra Slides
1 0 1 0 0 1 1

Extra Slides1 0 1 0 0 1 1+1 1 1 0

1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1

0 1 1 0 1 0







12+12= 102

12+12+12= 102

0 with carry 1

1 with carry 1

May have an extra 0, but that doesn’t matter

All other options don’t have carry

Слайд 59 End of Lecture

End of Lecture

Слайд 60 Extra Slides
The following slides present the same information

Extra SlidesThe following slides present the same information already appearing in

already appearing in other slides, in a different manner.

Слайд 61 Decimal to Binary conversion 1: Mathematical Operations
n div 2

Decimal to Binary conversion 1: Mathematical Operationsn div 2 is the

is the quotient.
n mod 2 is the remainder.

For example:

14 div 2 = 7, 14 mod 2 = 0 17 div 2 = 8, 17 mod 2 = 1

Слайд 62 Decimal to Binary conversion 2: Natural Numbers
1. Input n

Decimal to Binary conversion 2: Natural Numbers1. 	Input n (natural no.)

(natural no.) 2. Repeat 2.1. Output n mod 2 2.2. n ← n

div 2 until n = 0

Example: 1110
Step n output 1 11 - 2.1 11 1
2.2 5 -
2.1 5 1 2.2 2 -
2.1 2 0
2.2 1 -
2.1 1 1
2.2 0 -

Слайд 63 Decimal to Binary conversion 3: Fractional Numbers
1. Input n

Decimal to Binary conversion 3: Fractional Numbers1. 	Input n 2. 	Repeat

2. Repeat 2.1. m ← 2n 2.2. Output ⎢m ⎢ 2.3. n

← frac(m) until n = 0
⎢m ⎢ is the integer part of m
frac(m) is the fraction part.

Example: 0.37510
Step m n output 1 - 0.375 - 2.1 0.75 0.375 -
2.2 0.75 0.375 0
2.3 0.75 0.75 -
2.1 1.5 0.75 -
2.2 1.5 0.75 1
2.3 1.5 0.5 -
2.1 1 0.5 -
2.2 1 0.5 1
2.3 1 0 -

Слайд 64 Some hexadecimal (and binary) numbers!!!

Some hexadecimal (and binary) numbers!!!

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