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Презентация на тему Бинарный урок по творчеству У. Шескпира

23 апреля 1564 года – 23 апреля 1616 годаStratford – upon – Avon – Стратфорд на Эйвонеto receive education – получать образование to return – возвращаться until his death – до смерти
Творчество Уильяма Шекспира. Сонеты 23 апреля 1564 года –  23 апреля 1616 годаStratford – At what age did he marry?  В каком возрасте он женился? Till what time did Shakespeare live at “New Place”? До какого Most of Shakespeare’s plays are well -known all over How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? Сколько всего сонетов написал Шекспир? “To be or not to be?” – Быть или не быть? In a rich literary heritage, left to us by Shakespeare, sonnets have A lot of efforts were spent to combine his 154 sonnets in But the main content of the sonnets is the theme of love During the Renaissance in England sonnet was looked upon as a great The theme of sonnet 130 – beauty of the beloved is inperfect. “Sonnets are museum exhibits. many years later they express human feelings freshfully Sonnets are the only lyrical work of Shakespeare reached our time. In
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 23 апреля 1564 года – 23 апреля

23 апреля 1564 года – 23 апреля 1616 годаStratford –

1616 года
Stratford – upon – Avon – Стратфорд на

to receive education – получать образование
to return – возвращаться
until his death – до смерти

Слайд 3 Where and when was W. Shakespeare born?
Где и

когда родился У. Шекспир?

Слайд 4 Did he receive a good education at the

Stratford grammar school?

Он получил хорошее образование в школе?

Слайд 5 At what age did he marry?
В каком возрасте

At what age did he marry? В каком возрасте он женился?

он женился?

Слайд 6 What kind of difficulties was he in when

he lived in London?

С какими трудностями он столкнулся, когда

жил в Лондоне?

Слайд 7 Till what time did Shakespeare live at “New

Till what time did Shakespeare live at “New Place”? До


До какого времени он жил в “New Place”?

Слайд 8 Most of Shakespeare’s plays are well -known all

Most of Shakespeare’s plays are well -known all over

over the world, aren’t they?
Большинство пьес Шекспира известны во

всём мире, не так ли?

Слайд 9 How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

Сколько всего сонетов

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? Сколько всего сонетов написал Шекспир?

написал Шекспир?

Слайд 11 “To be or not to be?” – Быть

“To be or not to be?” – Быть или не

или не быть? “What’s in a name?” – что

в имени тебе моём? “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” – Люби всех, доверяй немногим, не обижай никого. “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – Дурак считает себя мудрым, но мудрый человек знает себя дураком.  “All the world's a stage…” – Весь мир - театр.  “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” – Бог дал вам одно лицо, а вы рисуете себе другое.

Слайд 12 In a rich literary heritage, left to us

In a rich literary heritage, left to us by Shakespeare, sonnets

by Shakespeare, sonnets have a special place. In the

90-s of the XVI century sonnet becomes the most common form of poetry in England. The first mention of Shakespeare’s sonnets we find in Meres’ works. He says about “sweet sonnets of Shakespeare which are famous among his personal friends. Shakespeare’s sonnets were published only at the beginning of XVII century, in 1609.

Слайд 13 A lot of efforts were spent to combine

A lot of efforts were spent to combine his 154 sonnets

his 154 sonnets in one unit. Although the whole

book of sonnets was written by Shakespeare, he didn’t write them according to the particular plan. They were poems “on occasion”, response to what happened to him, his friend, his sweetheart. They represent a lyrical diary with some problems in his notes as well as usual diaries. The origin of some sonnets is connected with strained relation ship, between his sweetheart and him, the others were written in his thoughtful hours and it is not difficult to guess that many of them are associated with real occasions.

Слайд 14 But the main content of the sonnets is

But the main content of the sonnets is the theme of

the theme of love and friendship. There are much

more sonnets devoted to his friend than poems about his sweetheart, and it distinguishes Shakespeare’s sonnets from all other sonnet cycles in the poetry of European Renaissance. Image of a sweetheart contrasts sharply with image of a friend is the embodiment of all possible perfections, she is not a perfect lady. And here is sonnet 18 devoted to the friend.

Слайд 15 During the Renaissance in England sonnet was looked

During the Renaissance in England sonnet was looked upon as a

upon as a great poetic form. The theme of

the sonnet is replaced by a counter theme and both of them find the final synthesis at the end of the sonnet. All this must be put in exactly fourteen lines.

Слайд 16 The theme of sonnet 130 – beauty of

The theme of sonnet 130 – beauty of the beloved is

the beloved is inperfect. A counter theme – a

sweetheart in contrast to the fictional “goddesses”, really exists: “This sonnet is hymn to real beauty. It is a feature of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Besides each of them has its qwn melody. Every sonnet of Shakespeare, – Samuel Marshak said, – is a piece of music. In my sonnets I try to keep the style of writing of the poet.”

Слайд 17 “Sonnets are museum exhibits. many years later they

“Sonnets are museum exhibits. many years later they express human feelings

express human feelings freshfully and truly” – Marshak wrote.

As example of it is sonnet 90. The words of this sonnet were the basis of the song which Alla Pugachjova sang in the 80-s.

Слайд 20 Sonnets are the only lyrical work of Shakespeare

Sonnets are the only lyrical work of Shakespeare reached our time.

reached our time. In his plays he is mixed

with his characters and does not talk about himself. In his sonnets he tells about his personal feelings and experiences. That’s why, reading the sonnets, we always return to our thoughts about Shakespeare as a man.

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