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Презентация на тему Конспект урока английского языка по теме Time to get schooled again. Seasons

«HIGH FIVE» (сигнал тишины+совместной работы)
«HIGH FIVE» (сигнал тишины+совместной работы) «MANAGE MAT»Task:1 Keep your number in mind 2 Greet your SHOULDER PARTNER Rules «CLOCK BUDDIES» (друзья по времени)Task: Take the CLOCK BUDDIES papers1 Stand up 5 Today we will make appointments for 9, 12, 3 and 6 «AR (ANTICIPATION-REACTION) GUIDE» (до и после)Task: Pretend what is right (“+”) and «TAKE OFF– TOUCH DOWN» Task: 1 Stand up if you agree with the Task: Correct the wrong statements «CORNERS»  When is your birthday? Task: 1 Stand up and be «PAIR SHARE»&«RALLY ROBIN»Task: 1 Choose a partner from your group and high «CONTINUOUS ROUND ROBIN» Task: Discuss what holiday is your favourite and why «TIMED ROUND ROBIN»  Task :Tell about your summer holidays and others «JOT THOUGHTS»(поделись идеями) Task: 1 Take a paper and divide it into 2 «Tic-Tac-Toe»  (крестики-нолики) Task: 1 PARTNERS 4 take all 16 papers and turn Task: Make up and write 4 sentences using 3 words in each «SIMULTANUOUS ROUND TABLE» Task:1 Give the paper with your sentences to your «TEAMBUILDING»Task: What winter activities do you like? PARTNER 3(2) takes the paper 1 Every partner should name only 1 word as for the answer.2 Task:1 Make up your group’s name using 3 words from your notes «TIMED PAIR SHARE »  Task: Study the information about CINQUAIN Cinquain /ˈsɪŋkeɪn/ is 1 Stand up and be ready to move around the room (Push «MIX FREEZE GROUPS»Task: YOU MUSTN’T SAY A WORD DURING ALL THE TASK!1 Make a group of 5Make a group of 10How many seasons do How many letters are there in the English word “февраль”?(8)Make a group
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «HIGH FIVE» (сигнал тишины+совместной работы)

«HIGH FIVE» (сигнал тишины+совместной работы)

Слайд 3 «MANAGE MAT»
1 Keep your number in mind

«MANAGE MAT»Task:1 Keep your number in mind 2 Greet your SHOULDER

Greet your SHOULDER PARTNER and high five
3 Greet your

FACE PARTNER and high five

Слайд 4 Rules


Слайд 5 «CLOCK BUDDIES» (друзья по времени)
Task: Take the CLOCK BUDDIES

«CLOCK BUDDIES» (друзья по времени)Task: Take the CLOCK BUDDIES papers1 Stand

1 Stand up and be ready to move around

the room (Push your chair to the table)
2 Now you should make an appointment with anybody who is not busy in the same time. Find such a person, ask him/her if he/she is free (for example at 9) and if so write his name in the proper place and he/she must write your name in his/her CLOCK BUDDIES paper
3 When all the sections are completed you should take your place and high five
4 Rules: If someone asks you to be their buddy and you’re free, you must say yes. No making faces, no backing away.
Walk and talk quietly as you make your appointments.

Слайд 6 5 Today we will make appointments for 9,

5 Today we will make appointments for 9, 12, 3 and

12, 3 and 6 o’clock.
Find and make appointments with

different partners. If you don’t have a pair because of the odd number , so be the third partner (high five and say “Here I am” to find a free partner or pair). Be quick.
9 - find a partner who has the same eyes colour as you
12 - someone you don’t usually spend time with after the lessons
3 - someone who listens to the same music as you
6 – someone you would take as a partner in a Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation mission
Make sure you have 9-12-3-6 CLOCK BUDDIES (or pair). Glue the CLOCK BUDDIES papers to your notebooks we‘ ll use them later.

Task: Pretend what

«AR (ANTICIPATION-REACTION) GUIDE» (до и после)Task: Pretend what is right (“+”)

is right (“+”) and wrong (“-”).
Do the task

on your own. You have 2 minutes

Task: 1 Stand up if

«TAKE OFF– TOUCH DOWN» Task: 1 Stand up if you agree with

you agree with the statement
2 Watch the video and

fill in the last column
3 Let’s check
4 Who has 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 identical answers in the columns “before” and “after”?

Слайд 10 Task: Correct the wrong statements

Task: Correct the wrong statements

Слайд 12 «CORNERS»
When is your birthday? Task: 1 Stand up

«CORNERS» When is your birthday? Task: 1 Stand up and be

and be ready to move around the room (Push

your chair to the table)
2 Take the right corner to answer to the question

Task: 1 Choose a partner from

«PAIR SHARE»&«RALLY ROBIN»Task: 1 Choose a partner from your group and

your group and high five. If you don’t have

a pair because of the odd number , so be the third partner (high five and say “Here I am” to find a free partner or pair). Be quick.
2 Name your date of birth and tell him/her if you like the season you’re born. Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages to celebrate your birthday in your season. You have 2 minutes for each partner
3 Now choose a partner from another group and high five
4 Tell him/her the date of your birthday and discuss the same questions. You have 2 minutes for each partner
5 Tell us the information your partner told you about himself

Task: Discuss what holiday is

«CONTINUOUS ROUND ROBIN» Task: Discuss what holiday is your favourite and

your favourite and why Rounds:
1) in summer
2) in autumn
3) in

4) In spring

You have 1 minute for each round

Task :
Tell about your summer

«TIMED ROUND ROBIN» Task :Tell about your summer holidays and others

holidays and others will ask you questions.


You have 2 minutes for each partner.

Слайд 18 «JOT THOUGHTS»(поделись идеями) 
1 Take a paper and

«JOT THOUGHTS»(поделись идеями) Task: 1 Take a paper and divide it into

divide it into 2 parts
2 Give 1 part

3 Now divide the paper into 4 parts
4 Say aloud a word associated with “Autumn” then write it on the piece of paper and put it in the middle of the table.
5 Next partner says aloud his association (but he/she mustn’t repeat the word) then he/she writes the word on the piece of paper and put it in the middle of the table again and so on till all the papers will be filled with the associations (16 words (ONE word on EACH paper)

PARTNERS 3 START. You have 2 minutes

Слайд 19 «Tic-Tac-Toe» (крестики-нолики) 
Task: 1 PARTNERS 4 take all 16

«Tic-Tac-Toe» (крестики-нолики) Task: 1 PARTNERS 4 take all 16 papers and turn

papers and turn them over
2 Now choose any

9 papers (you mustn’t see the words)
3 Take the papers, turn them over again and put them on the table like in the TIC TAC TOE game

Слайд 20 Task: Make up and write 4 sentences using

Task: Make up and write 4 sentences using 3 words in

3 words in each line (up-down-across-diagonal) You may choose

any direction. You have 4 minutes for the task

1 Give the paper with your

«SIMULTANUOUS ROUND TABLE» Task:1 Give the paper with your sentences to

sentences to your face partner
2 Read, check and correct

your partner’s sentences (if they needed to be corrected)
3 Read aloud 3 words in the 1st line and then read aloud your partner’s sentence with the words
4 The next partner does the same with the 1st line and so on
5 After that do the same with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines
PARTNER 1 (5) STARTS. You have 4 minutes for the task.

6 Discuss and choose the best sentence for each line from your group. You have 1 minute
7 PARTNER 2 (1) reads it aloud.

Task: What winter activities do you like?

«TEAMBUILDING»Task: What winter activities do you like? PARTNER 3(2) takes the

3(2) takes the paper and is ready for writing

the answers.

Слайд 24 1 Every partner should name only 1 word

1 Every partner should name only 1 word as for the

as for the answer.
2 After his/ her answer the

others should give a
thumbs-up sign only if they ALSO like the winter
activity (if no, do nothing)
3 PARTNER 3 (2) writes the answers on the paper in the proper section (“1-2-3(4) – everybody” is for the number of people from the group, who gave the answer)
4 Then the next partner answers and the others and the PARTNER 3(2) do the same again.
5 You should answer one partner after another and write till the time is over.
Be quick. You have 3 minutes for the task and should give as many answers as you can

Слайд 25 Task:
1 Make up your group’s name using 3

Task:1 Make up your group’s name using 3 words from your

words from your notes in the section “Everybody” (you

may change the forms of the words)
2 Make up your group’s motto using all the words from your notes in the section “Everybody” (you may change the forms of the words and use some others)
3 Present the name and the motto holding your hands.
You have 4 minutes to do the task

Task: Study the information

«TIMED PAIR SHARE » Task: Study the information about CINQUAIN Cinquain /ˈsɪŋkeɪn/ is

Cinquain /ˈsɪŋkeɪn/ is a class of poetic forms that employ a

5-line pattern.

Слайд 29 1 Stand up and be ready to move

1 Stand up and be ready to move around the room

around the room (Push your chair to the table)

Take your CLOCK BUDDIES papers and find your 9 o’clock partner
3 Make up a cinquain on the themes “spring” or “words associated with spring” together. You have 5 minutes for the task

4 Present your cinquains to the class



1 Stand up and be ready

to move around the room (Push your chair to the table)
2 Mix around the room while the music is playing.
3 When the music stops , you should make a group according to the number the teacher asks you in the task
4 When the group of proper number is completed you should join your hands and put them up and freeze
5 Students out of groups go to the "Lost and Found“ group
6 Then the music starts again and be ready to do it again


Слайд 31 Make a group of 5
Make a group of

Make a group of 5Make a group of 10How many seasons

How many seasons do we have?

is the ordinal number of September in the calendar year.

Слайд 32 How many letters are there in the English

How many letters are there in the English word “февраль”?(8)Make a

word “февраль”?
Make a group of people who likes the

same winter activities
Make a group of people with the same birthday season

  • Имя файла: konspekt-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-time-to-get-schooled-again-seasons.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0