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Презентация на тему Nursultan Nazarbayev

Nazarbaev N.A Born July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan Kaskelen district of Almaty region. He was born in Shepherd family. In 1958 he began his career as a worker in the city of Temirtau,
NURSULTAN NAZARBAYEV Nazarbaev N.A Born July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan Kaskelen Home state activities  December 1, 1991, the first general elections A familyWife - Sara Nazarbayeva Alpysovna. The head of the International Children The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free state. Semipalatinsk nuclear test Author of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Nazarbaev N.A
Born July 6, 1940 in the

Nazarbaev N.A Born July 6, 1940 in the village of Chemolgan

village of Chemolgan Kaskelen district of Almaty region. He

was born in Shepherd family.
In 1958 he began his career as a worker in the city of Temirtau, Karaganda then. From 1969 to the Party and Komsomol work.
Since 1973, party secretary of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Since 1977, the Secretary, 2nd Secretary of the Karaganda regional committee.
Since 1979 Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP;
Since 1984 chairman of the CM; in 1989-91 1 st Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.
Doctor of Economic Sciences,

Слайд 3 Home state activities

December 1, 1991, the first

Home state activities December 1, 1991, the first general elections

general elections of the President of the Republic, in

which NA Nazarbayev has received the support of 98.7 percent izbirateley.
29 April 1995 popular referendum powers of the President NA Nazarbayev has been extended until 2000.
January 10, 1999 on an alternative basis had been elected President of the Republic of Kazakhstan supported by 79.78 percent of voters.
December 4, 2005 was re-elected President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, received 91.15 percent of votes.

Since April, 1990 - The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Слайд 4 A family
Wife - Sara Nazarbayeva Alpysovna. The head

A familyWife - Sara Nazarbayeva Alpysovna. The head of the International

of the International Children "Bobek" charity fund.
The President has

three daughters: Dariga - Doctor of Political Sciences; Dinara - head of Education Foundation named after N. Nazarbayev; Alia - is engaged in business, led by the construction company "Elitstroy".

Слайд 5 The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free

The Republic of Kazakhstan has become a nuclear-free state. Semipalatinsk nuclear

state. Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed.
Thanks to Nazarbayev's

efforts, our country received the status of a strategic partner of the US - the only superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the world.
At the same time, preserve the traditional friendly relations with Russia saved the Baikonur Cosmodrome, signed the Declaration on Eternal Friendship.


  • Имя файла: nursultan-nazarbayev.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 0