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Презентация на тему Home, Sweet Home

Пояснительная ЗапискаПлан занятия по английскому языку для студентов первого курса вуза уровня B1, а также может быть ориентировано и на школьников 9-11 класса Тема: «A House of my Dreams» Подтема: «Home, Sweet Home». Цель: совершенствование лексических
Home, Sweet HomeMade by  Darya Yuryevna Kuzmina Yelets 2018 Пояснительная ЗапискаПлан занятия по английскому языку для студентов первого курса вуза уровня A detached house A detached house single house, house that stands alone, house that is A Semi-detached house A Semi-detached houseA house which consists of pairs of houses built side-by-side, A block of flats a ​large ​building that is ​divided into ​apartments A terraced [ˈter.əst] house A terraced houseone of a row of houses that are joined together A bungalow [ˈbʌŋɡələʊ] A bungalowa house that has all its rooms on the ground floor A cottage A cottagea small house, usually in the countryside Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases1) to be / feel at Fixed Phrases1) to be / feel at home – чувствовать себя непринужденно, Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases1) to move house2) to keep Fixed Phrases1) to move house – переезжать2) to keep house – вести When can we move in? Listen to the speaker. Answer the questions.What What is inside the typical English house?What are the British keen on?Where The photo/picture shows ...It was taken by/in ...IIn the foreground/background you can 1) There’s no place like home. – В гостях хорошо, а дома Dramatise the situations1. You spent last Sunday at your friend’s summer house. What emotions do you feel?   +PleasedAmusedSatisfiedAdmiredProudSurprised  -BoredFrustratedAnxiousExhaustedIrritatedSad
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Пояснительная Записка
План занятия по английскому языку для студентов

Пояснительная ЗапискаПлан занятия по английскому языку для студентов первого курса вуза

первого курса вуза уровня B1, а также может быть

ориентировано и на школьников 9-11 класса
Тема: «A House of my Dreams»
Подтема: «Home, Sweet Home».
Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «A House – a Home»
Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование фонетических навыков, совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование навыков говорения (монологическая речь).
Развивающая цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков, произвольного внимания.
Образовательная цель: знакомство с интерьером гостиной английского дома, с пословицами и идиомами по теме «A House – a Home».
Воспитательная цель: развитие патриотических чувств к своему дому и Родине.
Новые педагогические технологии: “Mind Map”, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, ролевая игра, проблемный метод.

Слайд 4 A detached house

A detached house

Слайд 5 A detached house
single house, house that stands alone,

A detached house single house, house that stands alone, house that

house that is not attached to another

Слайд 7 A Semi-detached house

A Semi-detached house

Слайд 8 A Semi-detached house
A house which consists of pairs

A Semi-detached houseA house which consists of pairs of houses built

of houses built side-by-side, sharing a party wall and

usually in such a way that each house's layout is a mirror image of its twin.

Слайд 10 A block of flats
a ​large ​building that is

A block of flats a ​large ​building that is ​divided into ​apartments

​divided into ​apartments

Слайд 12 A terraced [ˈter.əst] house

A terraced [ˈter.əst] house

Слайд 13 A terraced house
one of a row of houses

A terraced houseone of a row of houses that are joined together

that are joined together

Слайд 15 A bungalow [ˈbʌŋɡələʊ]

A bungalow [ˈbʌŋɡələʊ]

Слайд 16 A bungalow
a house that has all its rooms

A bungalowa house that has all its rooms on the ground floor

on the ground floor

Слайд 18 A cottage

A cottage

Слайд 19 A cottage
a small house, usually in the countryside

A cottagea small house, usually in the countryside

Слайд 20 Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases
1) to

Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases1) to be / feel

be / feel at home
2) to make oneself at

3) away from home
4) turn smb. out of house and home
5) homeland
6) to be homesick
7) home bird

выгнать, выставить кого-л. из дома


скучать по родине

чувствовать себя непринужденно, свободно, уверенно

чувствовать себя как дома

родная земля, родина

вне дома

Слайд 21 Fixed Phrases
1) to be / feel at home

Fixed Phrases1) to be / feel at home – чувствовать себя

– чувствовать себя непринужденно, свободно, уверенно

2) to make oneself

at home - чувствовать себя как дома

3) away from home – вне дома

4) turn smb. out of house and home – выгнать, выставить кого-л. из дома

5) homeland – родная земля, родина

6) to be homesick – скучать по родине

7) home bird — домосед

Слайд 22 Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases
1) to

Find the equivalents to the fixed phrases1) to move house2) to

move house
2) to keep house
3) to keep open house

4) build one’s house upon a rock
5) keep a good house
6) throw the house out of the windows

хорошо принимать гостей

“строить свой дом на скале”, создавать что-либо на прочном фундаменте

перевернуть всё вверх дном


жить на широкую ногу

вести домашнее хозяйство

Слайд 23 Fixed Phrases
1) to move house – переезжать

2) to

Fixed Phrases1) to move house – переезжать2) to keep house –

keep house – вести домашнее хозяйство

3) to keep open

house – жить на широкую ногу

4) build one’s house upon a rock – “строить свой дом на скале”, создавать что-либо на прочном фундаменте

5) keep a good house - хорошо принимать гостей

6) throw the house out of the windows - перевернуть всё вверх дном

Слайд 24 When can we move in? Listen to the speaker.

When can we move in? Listen to the speaker. Answer the

Answer the questions.
What items of furniture can we see

in the hall?
What things are situated in the lounge?
Is the sofa huge or tiny?
What pieces of furniture are there in the dining-room?
Is the room well-lighted?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of the bathroom?
What useful appliances are there?
What is the bedroom like?
Is the bedroom crammed up with furniture?
Does the furniture block out the light?

Слайд 25 What is inside the typical English house?

What are

What is inside the typical English house?What are the British keen

the British keen on?

Where can people live besides ordinary


What home is the most famous in Britain?

Слайд 27 The photo/picture shows ...It was taken by/in ...I

The photo/picture shows ...It was taken by/in ...IIn the foreground/background you

the foreground/background you can see ...
In the middle/centre

there are ...
At the top/At the bottom there is ...
On the left/right there are ...Behind/In front of ... you can see ...
Between ... there is ...


Слайд 28 1) There’s no place like home. – В

1) There’s no place like home. – В гостях хорошо, а

гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

2) An Englishman’s home (house)

is his castle. – Дом англичанина – его крепость; англичанин у себя дома – хозяин.

3) East or West, home is best. – Восток ли, запад ли, а дома лучше.

Agree or disagree with the proverbs

Слайд 29 Dramatise the situations
1. You spent last Sunday at

Dramatise the situations1. You spent last Sunday at your friend’s summer

your friend’s summer house. Tell your mother what you

liked and disliked about the house. Answer her questions.

2. Convince your friend that to live in a house outside the city is much better than to have an apartment downtown (the central or lower part of a city, especially the main commercial area), answer all his arguments.

3. You are newly-weds. Discuss where you’ll live and how you’ll arrange furniture.

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  • Количество просмотров: 198
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