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Презентация на тему посвящена Дню св.Валентина

St.Valentine`s Day Topics Pictures  Picture 1. Answer: A heart Picture 2. Answer: A cupid Picture 3. Answer: An arrow Picture 4.  Answer:Candles Picture 5. Answer: A date Task 1. Birds of loveAnswer: Doves Task 2. Men and women exchange them when they become Task 3. Ladies gave them to their favorite knights when Task 4. It means Task 5. It was usually a hand-draw, hand-coloured maze. It Task 1. What form do the presents have? Answer: A heart Task 2. When and where did the customs of sending Task 3. What was carved and given as gifts on Task 4. Answer: She will marry a poor man and Task 5.   What will help you to know Task 1. How did the Christian priest sign a letter Task 2. What miracle did the priest perform?  Answer: He cured Task 3. What was Italian bishop thrown into prison for? Answer: He Task 4. When did St.Valentine live?Answer: 3 century AD Task 5. Who did Valentine write to from the jail? Answer: Children and friends Task 1. A person whom someone lovesAnswer: a sweetheart Answer: S-shape. Task 2. What form is a Love-seat? Answer: В любви и на войневсе средства хороши.Task 3. Translate the proverb: Task 4. Who wrote the first Valentine poems? Answer: The Duke of Task 5. What is Kate Greenaway famous for? Answer:she was a British Thank you!Well done!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Topics


Слайд 3 Pictures

Picture 1.
Answer: A heart

Pictures Picture 1. Answer: A heart

Слайд 4 Picture 2.
A cupid

Picture 2. Answer: A cupid

Слайд 5 Picture 3.

An arrow

Picture 3. Answer: An arrow

Слайд 6 Picture 4.


Picture 4. Answer:Candles

Слайд 7 Picture 5.

A date

Picture 5. Answer: A date

Слайд 8
Task 1.
Birds of love

Task 1. Birds of loveAnswer: Doves

Слайд 9 Task 2.

Men and women exchange

Task 2. Men and women exchange them when they become

them when they become engaged or marry.

Answer: Rings

Слайд 10 Task 3.

Ladies gave them to

Task 3. Ladies gave them to their favorite knights when

their favorite knights when they went to war.

Answer: Ribbons

Слайд 11
Task 4.
It means "You have

Task 4. It means

caught my heart in a net".

Answer: Lace

Слайд 12 Task 5.

It was usually a

Task 5. It was usually a hand-draw, hand-coloured maze. It

hand-draw, hand-coloured maze. It means The True-Love or Endless-Love

Answer: A love Knot

Слайд 13

Task 1.
What form

Task 1. What form do the presents have? Answer: A heart

do the presents have?
Answer: A heart

Слайд 14 Task 2.

When and where did

Task 2. When and where did the customs of sending

the customs of sending valentine cards start?
Answer: in Europe

in the 1700s.

Слайд 15 Task 3.

What was carved

Task 3. What was carved and given as gifts on

and given as gifts on February 14th in Wales?

Answer: Wooden love spoons

Слайд 16 Task 4.

Answer: She will

Task 4. Answer: She will marry a poor man and

marry a poor man and be very happy.


will happen if a woman see a sparrow?

Слайд 17 Task 5.


Task 5.  What will help you to know how

will help you to know how many children you

will have?

Answer: dandelion, apple

Слайд 18
Task 1.
How did the Christian

Task 1. How did the Christian priest sign a letter

priest sign a letter which he wrote before the


Answer: “From your Valentine”.

Слайд 19 Task 2.

What miracle did the priest perform?

Task 2. What miracle did the priest perform? Answer: He cured

Answer: He cured his jailer’s
daughter of her


Слайд 20 Task 3.

What was Italian bishop thrown into

Task 3. What was Italian bishop thrown into prison for? Answer:

prison for?

Answer: He secretly married couples,
contrary to

the laws of the Roman empire.

Слайд 21 Task 4.

When did St.Valentine live?

Answer: 3 century

Task 4. When did St.Valentine live?Answer: 3 century AD


Слайд 22 Task 5.

Who did Valentine write to from

Task 5. Who did Valentine write to from the jail? Answer: Children and friends

the jail?

Answer: Children and friends

Слайд 23
Task 1.
A person whom someone loves
Answer: a

Task 1. A person whom someone lovesAnswer: a sweetheart


Слайд 24 Answer: S-shape.
Task 2.

What form is a

Answer: S-shape. Task 2. What form is a Love-seat?


Слайд 25 Answer: В любви и на войне
все средства хороши.

Answer: В любви и на войневсе средства хороши.Task 3. Translate the


Translate the proverb:
All is fair in love

and war.

Слайд 26 Task 4.
Who wrote the first Valentine poems?

Task 4. Who wrote the first Valentine poems? Answer: The Duke

Answer: The Duke of Orleans, a Frenchman,
was caught by

the English in battle and
was put in prison in the Tower of London.
There he began to write Valentine poems

Слайд 27 Task 5.

What is Kate Greenaway famous for?

Task 5. What is Kate Greenaway famous for? Answer:she was a

Answer:she was a British artist,
one of the leading

makers of valentines.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-posvyashchena-dnyu-svvalentina.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 197
  • Количество скачиваний: 0