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Презентация на тему Тренажер по английскому языку To Be (Present Simple)

I ___ a pupil. Choose the correct form
To Be  (Present Simple)тренажерАвтор: Попова Н.И.,учитель английского языкаМОУ СОШ № 43 Петрозаводск2013 I ___ a pupil. Choose the correct form Ted______ my brother. Choose the correct form I ____ happy. Choose the correct form She ____ eight. Choose the correct form They _______ from America. Choose the correct form We _____ friends. Choose the correct form Tom Brown _______ a teacher. Choose the correct form Pussy ______ a little kitten. Choose the correct form Ted and I ______ good singers. Choose the correct form My parents ______ doctors. Choose the correct form Thanks for playing!. Использованные ресурсы:http://smeshariki-low.2x2forum.ru/t9-topic Верещагина И.Н, Бондаренко К. А, Притыкина Т.А «Английский язык. 2
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 I ___ a pupil.
Choose the correct form

I ___ a pupil. Choose the correct form

Слайд 3 Ted______ my brother.
Choose the correct form

Ted______ my brother. Choose the correct form

Слайд 4 I ____ happy.
Choose the correct form

I ____ happy. Choose the correct form

Слайд 5 She ____ eight.
Choose the correct form

She ____ eight. Choose the correct form

Слайд 6 They _______ from America.
Choose the correct form

They _______ from America. Choose the correct form

Слайд 7 We _____ friends.
Choose the correct form

We _____ friends. Choose the correct form

Слайд 8 Tom Brown _______ a teacher.
Choose the correct

Tom Brown _______ a teacher. Choose the correct form


Слайд 9 Pussy ______ a little kitten.
Choose the correct

Pussy ______ a little kitten. Choose the correct form


Слайд 10 Ted and I ______ good singers.
Choose the

Ted and I ______ good singers. Choose the correct form

correct form

Слайд 11 My parents ______ doctors.
Choose the correct form

My parents ______ doctors. Choose the correct form

Слайд 12 Thanks for playing!.

Thanks for playing!.

  • Имя файла: trenazher-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-to-be-present-simple.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 130
  • Количество скачиваний: 0