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Презентация на тему Учебно-методические материалы Перспективы развития туризма в Коми

HypothesisIt is possible to develop international tourism in the territory of the Komi Republic. If we create available source of information, amount of foreign tourists will increase.
International tourism in Komi  Prospects for development made by Pavlenko Taya9th form school 13 Ukhta HypothesisIt is possible to develop international tourism in the territory of the Google Maps “Tourist Routes in Komi”LayersFishing & HuntingEcoEthnographyCultureAdventureNew Ideas The steps of the workI have researched the goals and objectives of Expected resultsprove that it is possible to attract tourists from all over The regional program  The regional program  Tourism:2020 Vision Adventure tours Cruising:  the train-hotel “Northern Lights” Ecotourism Cultural tourism Thematic tourism A Foreign tourist is looking for a new place for vacation on the Internet The Virtual Map of Tourist Attractions in KomiExpected result:the formation of the Cultural Map of Komilink Tourist Routes (doesn’t work)links Areas (work) Cultural Map of the Komi Republic+- Tourist industry in the Komi Republic can provide different tours to foreign Public Relations Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the Join Our Project!Study literary and cartographic sourcesChoose a placeChoose a layers Post information Thank you for your attention! Referenceshttp://www.nbrkomi.ru/pagehttp://arbir.ru/articles/a_3449.htmhttp://cyberleninka.ru/articlehttps://ru.wikipediahttp://tourinfo.ru
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hypothesis
It is possible to develop international tourism in

HypothesisIt is possible to develop international tourism in the territory of

the territory of the Komi Republic.
If we create

available source of information, amount of foreign tourists will increase.

Слайд 3 Google Maps “Tourist Routes in Komi”
Fishing & Hunting

Google Maps “Tourist Routes in Komi”LayersFishing & HuntingEcoEthnographyCultureAdventureNew Ideas


Слайд 4 The steps of the work
I have researched the

The steps of the workI have researched the goals and objectives

goals and objectives of different types of tourism

have acquainted with the unique opportunities for development of tourism in Komi
I have assessed prospects of tourism industry

Слайд 5 Expected results

prove that it is possible to attract

Expected resultsprove that it is possible to attract tourists from all

tourists from all over the world in the Komi

present the most popular tourists destinations in English
help English-speaking tourists explore the Komi Republic
attract tourists from other countries and promote tourism in our country

Слайд 6 The regional program "Development of tourism in the

The regional program

Republic of Komi 2014-2016”

Слайд 7 The regional program "Development of tourism in the

The regional program

Republic of Komi 2014-2016”

Слайд 8 Tourism:2020 Vision

Tourism:2020 Vision

Слайд 9 Adventure tours

Adventure tours

Слайд 10 Cruising: the train-hotel “Northern Lights”

Cruising: the train-hotel “Northern Lights”

Слайд 11 Ecotourism


Слайд 12 Cultural tourism

Cultural tourism

Слайд 13 Thematic tourism

Thematic tourism

Слайд 14 A Foreign tourist is looking for a new

A Foreign tourist is looking for a new place for vacation on the Internet

place for vacation on the Internet

Слайд 15 The Virtual Map of Tourist Attractions in Komi

The Virtual Map of Tourist Attractions in KomiExpected result:the formation of


the formation of the current,
easy -to-use ,

information resource
for foreign tourists

Слайд 16 Cultural Map of Komi

link Tourist Routes (doesn’t work)


Cultural Map of Komilink Tourist Routes (doesn’t work)links Areas (work)

Areas (work)

Слайд 17 Cultural Map of the Komi Republic

Cultural Map of the Komi Republic+-

Слайд 18 Tourist industry in the Komi Republic can provide

Tourist industry in the Komi Republic can provide different tours to

different tours to foreign tourists

(from Culture Map)


Слайд 19 Public Relations
Public relations (PR) is the

Public Relations Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing

practice of managing the spread of information between an

individual or an organization and the public.

The aim of public relations in tourism is to inform the public, prospective customers, investors, partners and ultimately persuade them to maintain a certain view about the prospects of travel destinations.

Слайд 20 Join Our Project!

Study literary and cartographic sources

Choose a

Join Our Project!Study literary and cartographic sourcesChoose a placeChoose a layers Post information


Choose a layers

Post information

Слайд 21

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

  • Имя файла: uchebno-metodicheskie-materialy-perspektivy-razvitiya-turizma-v-komi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0