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Презентация на тему Урок английского языка Транспорт

We'll speak about:1) means of transport2) public transport3) advantages/disadvantages of public transport 4) your favourite transport
Transport We'll speak about:1) means of transport2) public transport3) advantages/disadvantages of public transport Means of transporta planea traina busan airshipa helicoptera spaceshipa ship8) a boat9) How can we travel? Discuss the questions in pairs:1) What is public transport?2) What public transport The text Read the text «Public transport»   A public transport is a Answer the questions:1) What is the text about?2) What transport was mentioned Fill in the gaps:1)The main types of transportation are trains, buses,…….. and Keys:1) trams, trolleybuses2) 1860s, horses3) city transportation, intercity communication4) pollution5) card, ticket Work in groups and discuss:Advantages(преимущества)Disadvantages(недостатки)1) not comfortable2)3)4)5)1) cheap (дешевый)2)3)4)5) Your homework is to tell about:1) your favourite transport2) why you prefer What is new information for you today?What have you known? Is the information useful/interesting for you? How can you evaluate your work today?1) «Excellent» — 52) «Good»— 43) «Fair» -3 Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 We'll speak about:
1) means of transport
2) public transport

We'll speak about:1) means of transport2) public transport3) advantages/disadvantages of public

advantages/disadvantages of public transport
4) your favourite transport

Слайд 3 Means of transport
a plane
a train
a bus
an airship
a helicopter

Means of transporta planea traina busan airshipa helicoptera spaceshipa ship8) a

a ship
8) a boat
9) a car
10) a bicycle
11) a

12) a yacht
13) underground = subway

Слайд 4 How can we travel?

How can we travel?

Слайд 5 Discuss the questions in pairs:
1) What is public

Discuss the questions in pairs:1) What is public transport?2) What public

2) What public transport is the most popular?
3) What

public transport is the least popular?
4) What transport is cheap? Exspensive?
5) Do you use public transport? How often?
6) What transport do you use every day? Every month?
7) Do you like public transport?

Слайд 6 The text "Public transport"
to pull
to provide
in advance
single trip

The text

= fare

Слайд 7 Read the text «Public transport»

Read the text «Public transport»  A public transport is a

A public transport is a transport of passengers. For

going whenever they like passengers don't need to have their own cars or other types of vehicles. The development of this kind of transportation gave people the possibility to travel wuthout limitation.
Passengers have a possibility to choose the most convenient type of each case. The main types of transportation are trains, buses, trams and trolleybuses. Buses drive on roads, like cars do.
Trams were used first in the 1860s and were pulled by horses. Now all the trams are electric and run on a cable line.
Trolleybuses are similar to buses and trams — they drive on the road, but use the electricity from the wires above these roads.
Trains run on a special track and in some countrie are very fast.
Trolleybuses and trums are ususally used for city transportation, buses and trains — for intercity communication.
Many people who don't have cars or other vehicles use buses, trains or even planes to get the places near their houses or far away.
Using public transport provides many advantages. It's cheaper than private transportation. Also, it's good for environment. More people using the same vehicle, fewer cars on the road, therefore cars make less pollution.
Using public transport people often need a card or a ticket to be able to get on. Tickets are bought at the time of the ride or in advance. They may be valid for a single trip or within certain area for a period of time, The price of the ticket (fare) is based on the distanxe and on travel class.

Слайд 8 Answer the questions:
1) What is the text about?

Answer the questions:1) What is the text about?2) What transport was

What transport was mentioned in the text?
3) What transport

is usually used for city tranportation?
4) What transport is usually used for intercity communication?
5) What is «fare»?

Слайд 9 Fill in the gaps:
1)The main types of transportation

Fill in the gaps:1)The main types of transportation are trains, buses,……..

are trains, buses,…….. and ……..
2) Trams were used first

in the ……. and were pulled by …….
3) Trolleybuses and trams are usually used for ……, buses and trains — for …….
4) More people using the same vehicles, fewer cars are on the road. therefore, fewer cars make less………
5) Using public transport people often need a …..or a…...to be able to get on.

Слайд 10 Keys:
1) trams, trolleybuses
2) 1860s, horses
3) city transportation, intercity

Keys:1) trams, trolleybuses2) 1860s, horses3) city transportation, intercity communication4) pollution5) card, ticket

4) pollution
5) card, ticket

Слайд 11 Work in groups and discuss:
1) not comfortable
1) cheap

Work in groups and discuss:Advantages(преимущества)Disadvantages(недостатки)1) not comfortable2)3)4)5)1) cheap (дешевый)2)3)4)5)


Слайд 12 Your homework is to tell about:
1) your favourite

Your homework is to tell about:1) your favourite transport2) why you

2) why you prefer it
3) its advantages and disadvantages

your travel experience
5) some interesting facts about your favourite transport

Слайд 13
What is new information for you today?
What have

What is new information for you today?What have you known? Is the information useful/interesting for you?

you known?
Is the information useful/interesting for you?

Слайд 14 How can you evaluate your work today?

1) «Excellent»

How can you evaluate your work today?1) «Excellent» — 52) «Good»— 43) «Fair» -3

— 5
2) «Good»— 4
3) «Fair» -3

  • Имя файла: urok-angliyskogo-yazyka-transport.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 60
  • Количество скачиваний: 0