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Презентация на тему Урок International Women’s Day

«International Women’s Day»
НАУМОВА МАРИЯ ВЛАДИМИРОВНА  УЧИТЕЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ГБОУ СОШ №447 «International Women’s Day» Tongue twister!Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.  A peck of The 8th of March is a great official holiday for all women. It history of this holiday.  In the old days many girls What do you think of it? Tell us more about your mothers. Let’s discover more about lives and achievements of inspiring women throught history! 2 What did Marie Curie create?A) Theory of RadioactivityB) Theory of PhotosynthesisC) 3 . What language does the Queen speak fluently?A)SwahiliB) HebrewC) SpanishD)French How may albums has Lady Gaga sold (estimate)?  A 13 millionB reflection   The lesson was boring. I spent my time useless.The Thank you for your work!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «International Women’s Day»

«International Women’s Day»

Слайд 3

Aims of the lesson:

- Improve communicative skills - Learn more about verb tense: past, present, and future - Expand vocabulary

Слайд 4 Tongue twister!
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

Tongue twister!Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.  A peck

peppers.  A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.  If Peter

Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,  Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Слайд 5 The 8th of March is a great official holiday

The 8th of March is a great official holiday for all women.

for all women. It began in 1909 by women

in New York streets who asked for better working conditions. Women’s Day is not celebrated in Great Britain. The British celebrate another wonderful holiday in spring. It’s called Mother’s Day.

Слайд 6 history of this holiday.
In the old

history of this holiday. In the old days many girls

days many girls from poor families in the country

worked in rich houses. They did all the house work and their working day was usually very long. They often worked on Sundays, too. Once a year, it was usually a Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers. They went home on that day and brought presents for their mothers and for other members of their families. They could stay at home only one day and then they went back to their work. People called that day Mothering Day or Mothering Sunday. Later workers at the factories and girls who worked in the houses of rich families received one free day a week, and Mothering Day became Mother's Day

Слайд 7 What do you think of it? Tell us

What do you think of it? Tell us more about your mothers.

more about your mothers.

Слайд 8 Let’s discover more about lives and achievements of

Let’s discover more about lives and achievements of inspiring women throught

inspiring women throught history!
1 . How old was

Queen Victoria when she came to the throne?
A) 21
B) 25
C) 16
D) 18

Слайд 9 2 What did Marie Curie create?
A) Theory of

2 What did Marie Curie create?A) Theory of RadioactivityB) Theory of

B) Theory of Photosynthesis
C) Theory of Biochemistry
D) Theory of


Слайд 10 3 . What language does the Queen speak

3 . What language does the Queen speak fluently?A)SwahiliB) HebrewC) SpanishD)French


B) Hebrew

C) Spanish


Слайд 11 How may albums has Lady Gaga sold (estimate)?

How may albums has Lady Gaga sold (estimate)? A 13 millionB

A 13 million
B 2 million
C 150 million
D 2


Слайд 12 reflection

The lesson was boring. I spent

reflection  The lesson was boring. I spent my time useless.The

my time useless.
The lesson was interesting. But I can’t

understand tasks.

The lesson was interesting. I took part in all activities and I have learned more about London.

Choose your cat

  • Имя файла: urok-international-womens-day.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 1