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Презентация на тему Урок совершенствования лексико-грамматических навыков по теме Eco problems в 7 классе

Let’s play “interpreter” What’s the English for ……What’s the Russian for …
Let’s play “interpreter” What’s the English for ……What’s the Russian for … First PageFind English equivalentsНаша ЗемляЗащищать природуЗагрязнение воздухаПомогать живой природеЗаботиться об окружающей средеВыбрасывать Nature is polluted amis   +   V3arePresent Simple Passive What eco-problems are there in your region? Which activities are good for the Earth and which ones damage nature?Rivers Fill in the verb, using necessary form! (Group work)Glass bottles ………….. by Check!Glass bottles are reused by people. Trees are cut down in our What is ideal eco-picture of our hometown? What must you remember if you want to be eco-friendly?HomeworkУпр. 5 стр. Look how beautiful our nature can be…
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Let’s play “interpreter”
What’s the English for ……

Let’s play “interpreter” What’s the English for ……What’s the Russian for …

the Russian for …

Слайд 4 First Page
Find English equivalents

Наша Земля
Защищать природу
Загрязнение воздуха
Помогать живой

First PageFind English equivalentsНаша ЗемляЗащищать природуЗагрязнение воздухаПомогать живой природеЗаботиться об окружающей

Заботиться об окружающей среде
Выбрасывать мусор в лесу
Изменение климата
Могут исчезнуть

окружающую среду
Не приносящий вреда природе
Уменьшить загрязнение воздуха
Причинять беспокойство животным

Слайд 5 Nature is polluted

Nature is polluted

Слайд 6 am
is + V3
Present Simple

amis  +  V3arePresent Simple Passive


Слайд 7 What eco-problems are there in your region?

What eco-problems are there in your region?

Слайд 8 Which activities are good for the Earth and

Which activities are good for the Earth and which ones damage

which ones damage nature?
Rivers are polluted
Forests are cut down

trees are planted
Energy is saved
Water is wasted
The countryside is spoiled
Ozone levels are destroyed
Air pollution is reduced
Animals are disturbed
Towns are built instead of forests

I don’t think it is good when …

I think it is good that …

Слайд 9 Fill in the verb, using necessary form! (Group

Fill in the verb, using necessary form! (Group work)Glass bottles …………..

Glass bottles ………….. by people. (reuse)
Trees ………… down in

our country. (cut)
Birds and animals ………. by people. (kill)
Litter ……………….. in the forests. (leave)
Children ……………. to protect nature. (teach)

Слайд 10 Check!
Glass bottles are reused by people.
Trees are

Check!Glass bottles are reused by people. Trees are cut down in

cut down in our country.
Birds and animals are

killed by people.
Litter is left in the forests.
Children are taught to protect nature.

Слайд 11 What is ideal eco-picture of our hometown?

What is ideal eco-picture of our hometown?

Слайд 12 What must you remember if you want to

What must you remember if you want to be eco-friendly?HomeworkУпр. 5

be eco-friendly?
Упр. 5 стр. 71
Some children think it is

possible to save the environment by recycling. Is recycling so important?

  • Имя файла: urok-sovershenstvovaniya-leksiko-grammaticheskih-navykov-po-teme-eco-problems-v-7-klasse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 113
  • Количество скачиваний: 0