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Презентация на тему по Агаты Кристи

Donovan and Jimmy went to the apartment by using the freight Elevator. At this time they discovered the body of a neighbor. Who killed her? Why?
Detectives leading the investigation… Donovan and Jimmy went to the apartment by using the freight Elevator. Hércules Poirot. The police in the room of the murdered women found two clues. what is it? The note has text, but it is written in Russian. Help English «Приду к тебе сегодня, половина восьмого вечера. Дж.Ф.» «The marriage certificate signed by Donovan Bailey and Ernestine Grant , is Queen of the detective genre
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Donovan and Jimmy went to the apartment by

Donovan and Jimmy went to the apartment by using the freight

using the freight Elevator. At this time they discovered

the body of a neighbor.

Who killed her?

Слайд 3 Hércules Poirot.

Hércules Poirot.

Слайд 4 The police in the room of the murdered

The police in the room of the murdered women found two clues. what is it?

women found two clues. what is it?

Слайд 5 The note has text, but it is written

The note has text, but it is written in Russian. Help

in Russian. Help English police to translate it.

Слайд 6 «Приду к тебе сегодня, половина восьмого вечера. Дж.Ф.»

«Приду к тебе сегодня, половина восьмого вечера. Дж.Ф.»

Слайд 7 «The marriage certificate signed by Donovan Bailey and

«The marriage certificate signed by Donovan Bailey and Ernestine Grant ,

Ernestine Grant , is genuine, and the fact of

marriage outside of England in no way denies its validity. Senior notary Aten Santaro.»

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-agaty-kristi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0