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Презентация на тему Dmitry Shteingart. Love

Introduction I turned 25 years old. This presentation is my gift to myself and my brother Dmitry on my birthday. This presentation reflects my current understanding of the world, formed on the basis
Love© Steinhart Sergei, August 11, 2017,St. PetersburgDedicated to Dmitry Steinhart! Introduction  I turned 25 years old. This presentation is my gift My definition of love  Love is a sincere process of giving SourcesJ. Templeton – Agape Love (A Tradition Found in Eight World Religions);Д. Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
I turned 25 years old. This

Introduction I turned 25 years old. This presentation is my gift

presentation is my gift to myself and my brother

Dmitry on my birthday.

This presentation reflects my current understanding of the world, formed on the basis of my own feelings and analysis of the works of original thinkers.

Слайд 3 My definition of love
Love is a

My definition of love Love is a sincere process of giving

sincere process of giving yourself, their strengths and abilities

in the name of another person's prosperous life, developing of the idea, work performance, etc.

Слайд 4 Sources
J. Templeton – Agape Love (A Tradition Found

SourcesJ. Templeton – Agape Love (A Tradition Found in Eight World

in Eight World Religions);
Д. Темплтон – Всемирные законы жизни

R. Greene – Mastery;
Ш. С. Вэнг – А стоит ли гнаться за счастьем? (статья)
А. Швейцер – Культура и этика;
А. Гусейнов – Благоговение перед жизнью: Евангелие от Швейцера (статья);
С. Любомирски  – Психология счастья. Новый подход;
Б. де Анджелис – Время любви;
Д. Максвелл – 25 способов завоевать расположение людей;
В. Франкл – Человек в поисках смысла.

  • Имя файла: dmitry-shteingart-love.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 98
  • Количество скачиваний: 0