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Презентация на тему Доклад по дисциплине иностранный язык натему:Глобальное ожирение

Global obesityObesity is war, where one enemy and many victims are.P.F. Fournier
Доклад по дисциплине иностранный язык на тему: «Глобальное ожирение» Выполнила студентка группы Global obesityObesity is war, where one enemy and many victims are.P.F. Fournier From the of genius invention of nature-fat, carrying a protective function in A from 15 to 25 % adult population suffers in the most developed . Meaningfulness of problem of obesity is determined by the threat of Obesity meaningfully diminishes life-span on the average from 3-5 at small surplus of Really, public consciousness yet far from presentations, that complete people are . Russia is on the third place in the world on prevalence of In Great Britain obesity attained the sizes of epidemic There are two main reasons of height of obesity. For approximately 30 The primary strategic purpose of treatment of surplus body and obesity weight is It is necessary, that all doctors understood that obesity is a serious Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Global obesity
Obesity is war, where one enemy and many

Global obesityObesity is war, where one enemy and many victims are.P.F. Fournier

victims are.
P.F. Fournier

Слайд 3 "Obesity is an epidemic of 21 century"
In remote past

ability to accumulate fat was evolutional advantage allowing to

the man to survive in periods of a force starvation. Complete women served as the symbol of fertility and health. They were perpetuated on linens of many artists, for example, of Кустодиева, Rubens, Rembrandt.

Слайд 4 From the of genius invention of nature-fat, carrying

From the of genius invention of nature-fat, carrying a protective function

a protective function in the past , millions of people

suffer now. On the whole this problem becomes one of global, affecting entire countries. From data of ВОЗ, in a more than 1,7 milliard of people having weight or obesity is surplus is the world counted.

Слайд 5 A from 15 to 25 % adult population suffers

A from 15 to 25 % adult population suffers in the most

in the most developed countries of Europe obesity. Lately in

the whole world there is a height of frequency of obesity for children and teenagers : in the developed countries of the world 25 % teenagers have surplus body weight, and 15 % suffer obesity. An ovenweight in childhood is a meaningful predictor of obesity in adult age: 50 % children having an ovenweight in 6 become obese in adult age, and in teens this probability increases to 80 %.

Слайд 6 . Meaningfulness of problem of obesity is determined

. Meaningfulness of problem of obesity is determined by the threat

by the threat of инвалидизации of patients of young

age and decline of general life-span in connection with frequent development of heavy concomitant diseases. To them it is possible to take: diabetes mellitus 2 types, arterial high blood pressure, диспидидемию, atherosclerosis and diseases, reproductive disfunction, желчекаменную illness, osteochondrosis, related to him. Obesity reduces stability to the catarrhal and infectious diseases, in addition, sharply increases the risk of complications at operative

Слайд 7 Obesity meaningfully diminishes life-span on the average from 3-5

Obesity meaningfully diminishes life-span on the average from 3-5 at small surplus

at small surplus of weight, 15 to at the expressed

obesity. Practically in two cases from three death of man comes from the disease related to violation of lipometabolism and obesity. Obesity is a huge social problem. These most persons suffer not only from illnesses and limitation of mobility; they have a subzero self-appraisal, depression, emotional дистресс and other psychological problems conditionedwarning
by discrimination and isolation, existing in relation to them in society. In society attitude toward patients with obesity frequently inadequate, it is considered at domestiwarning c level that obesity is this punished gluttony, punished laziness, therefore treatment of obesity is the personal file each

Слайд 8 Really, public consciousness yet far from presentations,

Really, public consciousness yet far from presentations, that complete people

that complete people are sick people, and reason of their

disease more often not in unrestrained predilection for a meal, and in difficult metabolic violations conducing to the surplus accumulation of fat and fatty fabric . Social meaningfulness of this problem is in that persons, suffering the expressed obesity, hardly can settle down on work. Obese people test discriminatory limitations at promotion, everyday domestic inconveniences, limitations at a movement, in  the choice of clothing, inconveniences in realization of adequate hygienical events; frequently there are sexual disorders. Therefore society while finally did not realize the necessity of creation and realization of the programs on the prophylaxis of obesity.

Слайд 9 . Russia is on the third place in

. Russia is on the third place in the world on prevalence

the world on prevalence of obesity and surplus body weight :

more 30 % able to work population suffers surplus body weight and obesity. At the same time neither in home science nor in a public policy not traced due understanding, both scales of problem and her social character

Слайд 10 In Great Britain obesity attained the sizes of

In Great Britain obesity attained the sizes of epidemic


Слайд 11 "Obesity attained the sizes of epidemic. Now 23%

men and 23,5% women in England suffer clinical obesity,

- the chairman of the National forum talks on a fight against obesity Colin Уэйн. - Obesity becomes reason about forty different diseases. Most widespread from them is the second type of diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses and different types of cancer diseases.\u0017

Слайд 12 There are two main reasons of height of

There are two main reasons of height of obesity. For approximately

obesity. For approximately 30 the level of physical activity

of population went down substantially. We all more often began to use cars and other types of transport. More often began to use in the way of life of different family devices replacing physical efforts. People have all less time on physical exercises. The second reason consists of that for the last about 30-40 maintenance of fats increased in foodstuffs, the consumption of the containing sugar carbonated substitute drinks increased considerably

Слайд 13 "Obesity - it a global problem specifically. There

is the hastiest growth of obesity in Britain. A

tragedy consists of that even in developing countries the diseases caused by obesity are now comparable with the diseases caused by malnutrition. Scanty medical resources are spent and without that on them. And it is characteristic for many countries. The western type of feed now resists there to the traditional local diet, and it does the problem of obesity so important and actual»

Слайд 14 The primary strategic purpose of treatment of surplus

The primary strategic purpose of treatment of surplus body and obesity weight

body and obesity weight is not only a decline of

body weight, i.e. improvement of anthropometric indexes but also necessary achievement of valuable control of metabolic violations, warning of development of heavy diseases often appearing for patients obesity, and protracted withholding of the attained results. Consequently, such treatment that results in the improvement of health of patient on the whole can successful be considered only.

Слайд 15 It is necessary, that all doctors understood that

It is necessary, that all doctors understood that obesity is a

obesity is a serious disease, and considered an obligatory event

plugging in the tasks of the measures sent to the prophylaxis and treatment of this "disease of century". Finally, it must all be clear that a prophylaxis of obesity is one of fundamental principles of making healthy of our society, because principal reason of high death rate of obese people is this not self obesity, and his heavy concomitant diseases.

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