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Презентация на тему Fifth taste (glutamates)

What’s is the “Fifth taste”? Umami ( fifth taste) – is one of the five basic tastes ( together with sweet, sour, bitter and salty). A loanword from the Japanese, umami can
FIFTH TASTE What’s is the “Fifth taste”?   Umami ( fifth taste) – Discovery.    Scientists have debated whether umami was a basic Properties of umami taste.    Umami has a mild but Food rich in umami.  - seafood;  - potato, tomato, spinach; Questions:Translated as “umami”?When discovered the fifth taste?What he has flavor? Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What’s is the “Fifth taste”?

What’s is the “Fifth taste”?  Umami ( fifth taste) –

( fifth taste) – is one of the five

basic tastes ( together with sweet, sour, bitter and salty).
A loanword from the Japanese, umami can be translated as “pleasant savory taste”.

Слайд 3 Discovery.
Scientists have debated whether

Discovery.  Scientists have debated whether umami was a basic taste

umami was a basic taste since Kikunae Ikeda first

proposed its existence in 1908. In 1985, the term umami was officially recognized.

Слайд 4 Properties of umami taste.

Properties of umami taste.  Umami has a mild but lasting

has a mild but lasting aftertaste that is difficult

to describe. It has a meaty flavor, similar to taste of the broth.

Слайд 5 Food rich in umami.
- seafood;

Food rich in umami. - seafood; - potato, tomato, spinach; -

- potato, tomato, spinach;
- mushrooms;

green tea;
- cheese;
- fish and soy sauce.

Слайд 6 Questions:
Translated as “umami”?
When discovered the fifth taste?
What he

Questions:Translated as “umami”?When discovered the fifth taste?What he has flavor?

has flavor?

  • Имя файла: fifth-taste-glutamates.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 100
  • Количество скачиваний: 0