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Презентация на тему Introduction to using technology in the language classroom

Lesson summaryLearners will : Become familiar with the main technologies of ICT Learning, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using ones, Master them by means of their implementation on practice, Be able to choose the most appropriate
Introduction to using technology in the language classroom Lesson summaryLearners will :		Become familiar with the main technologies of ICT Learning, Lesson learning outcomes	Learners will be able to:Gain competences / skills for implementing Content of the lesson Spark Getting information from the Internet is like trying to get a Input short informationWord processingEmailSearch enginesChatBlogWikiWeb questGoogle classroom Classroom exercises Making the mind-map of ICT learning methods Discussion	What is the most effective way of ICT learning? Online exercises Group work WIKI	Basic project work 		Web quest Project In their report they must mentionWhat methods did they use;How many stages The second discussion 	“What is the most effective way of ICT learning?” References	http://www.mindjet.com/mindmanager/	http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/viewFile/28477/17033	http://questgarden.com/	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SumC2O5OX4	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reBo-09stPY	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26iyyQMp_g	www.pbwiki.com	www.blogger.com	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Classroom	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Apps_for_Work	https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/edu/classroom/	Nicky Hockly, Gavin Dudeney - How to... Teach English with Technology – 2008 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Lesson summary
Learners will :
Become familiar with the main

Lesson summaryLearners will :		Become familiar with the main technologies of ICT

technologies of ICT Learning,
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

of using ones,
Master them by means of their implementation on practice,
Be able to choose the most appropriate technologies depending on the given goals.

Слайд 3 Lesson learning outcomes
Learners will be able to:
Gain competences

Lesson learning outcomes	Learners will be able to:Gain competences / skills for

/ skills for implementing technologies into the classroom;
Create tasks

and activities with the help of technologies;
Evaluate activities and exercises with the help of technologies.

Слайд 5 Content of the lesson

Content of the lesson

Слайд 6 Spark
Getting information from the Internet is like

Spark Getting information from the Internet is like trying to get

trying to get a glass of water from Niagara

Falls. (Arthur Clark).
ICT Learning, technophobe, digital native, CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), digital immigrants, technogeek.
Watch the video about ICT Learning

Слайд 7 Input short information
Word processing
Search engines
Web quest
Google classroom

Input short informationWord processingEmailSearch enginesChatBlogWikiWeb questGoogle classroom

Слайд 8 Classroom exercises

Classroom exercises

Слайд 9 Making the mind-map of ICT learning methods

Making the mind-map of ICT learning methods

Слайд 11 Discussion
What is the most effective way of ICT

Discussion	What is the most effective way of ICT learning?


Слайд 12 Online exercises

Online exercises

Слайд 15 Group work

Basic project work Web quest

Group work WIKI	Basic project work 		Web quest

Слайд 16 Project


Слайд 17 In their report they must mention
What methods did

In their report they must mentionWhat methods did they use;How many

they use;
How many stages were held in the project;

are its weak points;
What did they learn about the topics they researched ;
How did their English improve during the project;
What was the learner’s contribution for the project;
What conclusion can the group make.

Слайд 18 The second discussion
“What is the most effective

The second discussion 	“What is the most effective way of ICT learning?”

way of ICT learning?”

Слайд 19 References
Nicky Hockly, Gavin Dudeney - How to... Teach

References	http://www.mindjet.com/mindmanager/	http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/viewFile/28477/17033	http://questgarden.com/	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SumC2O5OX4	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reBo-09stPY	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26iyyQMp_g	www.pbwiki.com	www.blogger.com	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Classroom	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Apps_for_Work	https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/edu/classroom/	Nicky Hockly, Gavin Dudeney - How to... Teach English with Technology – 2008

English with Technology – 2008

  • Имя файла: introduction-to-using-technology-in-the-language-classroom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 95
  • Количество скачиваний: 0