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Презентация на тему It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in quitman, georgia


It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Quitman, Georgia
ODD LAWS AND TRADITIONS It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Quitman, Georgia In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught stealing soap, he must In North Dakota, no one can be arrested on the Fourth of In Tennessee, it is illegal for children to play games on Sunday without a license It is illegal in California to lick toads. Apparently, some people It is against Michigan state law to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant Colorado law states that a man cannot marry his wife’s grandmother A woman in a housecoat is forbidden to drive a car in California A man is forbidden to kiss a woman while she’s asleep in Logan County, Colorado In Challis, Idaho, it is illegal to walk down the street with another man’s wife Flirting in Little Rock, Arkansas, can land someone in jail for 30 days There are still laws in Pueblo, Colorado, stating that it is illegal to grow dandelions A woman in Memphis, Tennessee, is not allowed to drive a car In Kalispell, Montana, children must have a doctor’s note if they want to buy a lollipop In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for men who have mustaches to kiss women In Texas, the Encyclopedia Britannica was banned because it contained a formula for making beer It’s illegal in St. Louis, Missouri, for a fireman to rescue a woman wearing a nightgown Buying ice cream on Sundays was illegal in Ohio because it was According to Florida law, anyone who takes a bath must wear clothes Women in Whitesville, Delaware, could be charged with disorderly conduct if they In Kentucky, it is against the law to remarry the same man four times In Dyersburg, Tennessee, it is against the law for a girl to In 1659, Massachusetts outlawed Christmas. According to state law, anybody observing Christmas Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will In Zeigler, Illinois, only the first four firemen to arrive at a fire will be paid Bizarre National Customs From Around The World UK: saluting lone magpies NETHERLANDS: congratulating the entire family on someone’s birthday SCOTLAND: Wearing skirts and reciting poetry once a year AUSTRIA: Pulling fingers DENMARK: Throwing cinnamon at single people FRANCE: buying funny hats for your unmarried friends GERMANY: following a sock-garland to your birthday party GERMANY: Cleaning on your thirtieth birthday FINLAND: Competitive wife-carrying ALSO FINLAND: Athletic boot-throwing ALSO MEXICO: Throwing money for children Canada:Keep Your Comics Clean It's Illegal to Build Big Snowmen in Souris, P.E.I. It's Illegal to Whistle in Petrolia, Ont.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It is illegal for chickens to cross the

It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Quitman, Georgia

road in Quitman, Georgia

Слайд 3 In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught

In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught stealing soap, he

stealing soap, he must wash himself with it until

the soap is gone

Слайд 4 In North Dakota, no one can be arrested

In North Dakota, no one can be arrested on the Fourth

on the Fourth of July, a holiday that is

commonly known there as “Five Finger Discount Day”

Слайд 5 In Tennessee, it is illegal for children to

In Tennessee, it is illegal for children to play games on Sunday without a license

play games on Sunday without a license

Слайд 6 It is illegal in California to lick toads.

It is illegal in California to lick toads. Apparently, some

Apparently, some people were licking toads to get high.

Unfortunately, some people were being harmed by the toads’ poison

Слайд 7 It is against Michigan state law to tie

It is against Michigan state law to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant

a crocodile to a fire hydrant

Слайд 8 Colorado law states that a man cannot marry

Colorado law states that a man cannot marry his wife’s grandmother

his wife’s grandmother

Слайд 9 A woman in a housecoat is forbidden to

A woman in a housecoat is forbidden to drive a car in California

drive a car in California

Слайд 10 A man is forbidden to kiss a woman

A man is forbidden to kiss a woman while she’s asleep in Logan County, Colorado

while she’s asleep in Logan County, Colorado

Слайд 11 In Challis, Idaho, it is illegal to walk

In Challis, Idaho, it is illegal to walk down the street with another man’s wife

down the street with another man’s wife

Слайд 12 Flirting in Little Rock, Arkansas, can land someone

Flirting in Little Rock, Arkansas, can land someone in jail for 30 days

in jail for 30 days

Слайд 13 There are still laws in Pueblo, Colorado, stating

There are still laws in Pueblo, Colorado, stating that it is illegal to grow dandelions

that it is illegal to grow dandelions

Слайд 14 A woman in Memphis, Tennessee, is not allowed

A woman in Memphis, Tennessee, is not allowed to drive a

to drive a car unless a man is in

front of the car waving a red flag to warn people and other cars

Слайд 15 In Kalispell, Montana, children must have a doctor’s

In Kalispell, Montana, children must have a doctor’s note if they want to buy a lollipop

note if they want to buy a lollipop

Слайд 16 In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for men

In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for men who have mustaches to kiss women

who have mustaches to kiss women

Слайд 17 In Texas, the Encyclopedia Britannica was banned because

In Texas, the Encyclopedia Britannica was banned because it contained a formula for making beer

it contained a formula for making beer

Слайд 18 It’s illegal in St. Louis, Missouri, for a

It’s illegal in St. Louis, Missouri, for a fireman to rescue a woman wearing a nightgown

fireman to rescue a woman wearing a nightgown

Слайд 19 Buying ice cream on Sundays was illegal in

Buying ice cream on Sundays was illegal in Ohio because it

Ohio because it was thought to be frivolous and


Слайд 20 According to Florida law, anyone who takes a

According to Florida law, anyone who takes a bath must wear clothes

bath must wear clothes

Слайд 21 Women in Whitesville, Delaware, could be charged with

Women in Whitesville, Delaware, could be charged with disorderly conduct if

disorderly conduct if they propose marriage to a man

Слайд 22 In Kentucky, it is against the law to

In Kentucky, it is against the law to remarry the same man four times

remarry the same man four times

Слайд 23 In Dyersburg, Tennessee, it is against the law

In Dyersburg, Tennessee, it is against the law for a girl

for a girl to telephone a boy to ask

for a date

Слайд 24 In 1659, Massachusetts outlawed Christmas. According to state

In 1659, Massachusetts outlawed Christmas. According to state law, anybody observing

law, anybody observing Christmas would be fined five shillings

Слайд 25 Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if

Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it

they think it will calm the dog down in

Paulding, Ohio

Слайд 26 In Zeigler, Illinois, only the first four firemen

In Zeigler, Illinois, only the first four firemen to arrive at a fire will be paid

to arrive at a fire will be paid

Слайд 27 Bizarre National Customs From Around The World

Bizarre National Customs From Around The World

Слайд 28 UK: saluting lone magpies

UK: saluting lone magpies

Слайд 29 NETHERLANDS: congratulating the entire family on someone’s birthday

NETHERLANDS: congratulating the entire family on someone’s birthday

Слайд 30 SCOTLAND: Wearing skirts and reciting poetry once a

SCOTLAND: Wearing skirts and reciting poetry once a year


Слайд 31 AUSTRIA: Pulling fingers

AUSTRIA: Pulling fingers

Слайд 32 DENMARK: Throwing cinnamon at single people

DENMARK: Throwing cinnamon at single people

Слайд 33 FRANCE: buying funny hats for your unmarried friends

FRANCE: buying funny hats for your unmarried friends

Слайд 34 GERMANY: following a sock-garland to your birthday party

GERMANY: following a sock-garland to your birthday party

Слайд 35 GERMANY: Cleaning on your thirtieth birthday

GERMANY: Cleaning on your thirtieth birthday

Слайд 36 FINLAND: Competitive wife-carrying

FINLAND: Competitive wife-carrying

Слайд 37 ALSO FINLAND: Athletic boot-throwing

ALSO FINLAND: Athletic boot-throwing

Слайд 38 ALSO MEXICO: Throwing money for children

ALSO MEXICO: Throwing money for children

Слайд 39 Canada:Keep Your Comics Clean

Canada:Keep Your Comics Clean

Слайд 40 It's Illegal to Build Big Snowmen in Souris,

It's Illegal to Build Big Snowmen in Souris, P.E.I.


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