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Презентация на тему Конспект урока (Тер-Минасова) Let’s Have Fun 3 класс план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме


Today is the 18th of April
Today is the 18th of April Today is Tuesday What season is it now?It is spring What’s the weather like today? It is… warm; cold; cloudy; windy; rainy; sunny; snowy; frosty. [w]: : [w] : [w] Past Simple They looked at the board. We cooked a chocolate pie. Past SimpleRegular verbsVerb + edPlayed[d];lived[d];jumped[t];wanted[id].Irregular verbsWe learn them Past SimpleУтвердительное предложениеShe wanted to go to the theatre on Tuesday.S + V2(-ed). Past SimpleОтрицательное предложениеHe didn't work last week.S did not(didn’t) V1(-ed) Past SimpleОбщий вопросDid Ann travel to Chelyabinsk two years ago? - Past SimpleСпециальный вопросWhere did you see her? Wh did S + V1(-ed)? Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.1. I Из данных предложений образуйте отрицательное предложение во времени Past Simple.He travelled in Cоставьте из данных предложений общие вопросы во времени Past Simple и ответьте Составьте вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова. ( Спец. вопросы)Tom wanted to DrawDrew[ drɔː ][ druː ]рисовать рисовал KnowKnew[ nəʊ ]знать[njuː ] знал ThrowThrew[θrəʊ ]бросать[θruː ] бросал BuyBought[baɪ ]покупать[bɔːt] покупал ThinkThought[θɪŋk ]думать[θɔːt ] думал Draw - drew; know – knew; throw – threw; buy - bought; think - thought. Did you draw a picture on Saturday?Yes, I a gingerbread [ ˈdʒɪn.dʒə.bred ]; a woman [ ˈwʊmən ]; knock Find the sentences in the text with these words combinations. lived a Match the beginning of the sentences with the endings. Look at the sentences and say if they are true or false.1. Answer the questions.Where did Mary and Jack live? 2. What did Mary HomeworkS.B. p. 61-62 ex.5 b) ответить на вопросы, с) читать и переводить; What did we learn today? Did you like our lesson?
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Today is the 18th of April

Today is the 18th of April

Слайд 3

Today is Tuesday

Today is Tuesday

Слайд 4

What season is it now?
It is spring

What season is it now?It is spring

Слайд 5

What’s the weather like today?
It is…

What’s the weather like today? It is… warm; cold; cloudy; windy; rainy; sunny; snowy; frosty.


Слайд 17

Past Simple

They looked at the board.

Past Simple They looked at the board. We cooked a chocolate pie.

We cooked a chocolate pie.

Слайд 18

Past Simple
Regular verbs
Verb + ed
Irregular verbs
We learn

Past SimpleRegular verbsVerb + edPlayed[d];lived[d];jumped[t];wanted[id].Irregular verbsWe learn them


Слайд 19

Past Simple
Утвердительное предложение
She wanted to go to

Past SimpleУтвердительное предложениеShe wanted to go to the theatre on Tuesday.S + V2(-ed).

the theatre
on Tuesday.
S + V2(-ed).

Слайд 20

Past Simple
Отрицательное предложение
He didn't work last week.

Past SimpleОтрицательное предложениеHe didn't work last week.S did not(didn’t) V1(-ed)

did not(didn’t) V1(-ed)

Слайд 21

Past Simple
Общий вопрос
Did Ann travel to Chelyabinsk

Past SimpleОбщий вопросDid Ann travel to Chelyabinsk two years ago?

two years ago?
- Yes, she did.
Yes, Ann travelled

to Chelyabinsk two years ago.

- No, she didn’t.

No, Ann didn’t travel to Chelyabinsk two years ago.

Did S + V1(-ed)?

Слайд 22

Past Simple
Специальный вопрос
Where did you see her?

Past SimpleСпециальный вопросWhere did you see her? Wh did S + V1(-ed)?

Wh did S + V1(-ed)?

Слайд 23

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы
в Past Simple.


Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.1. I


my mother yesterday.
2. They football two months ago.
3. His brother in an office.

(to phone)


(to play)


(to work)


Слайд 24

Из данных предложений образуйте отрицательное предложение во времени

Из данных предложений образуйте отрицательное предложение во времени Past Simple.He travelled

Past Simple.

He travelled in Moscow two years ago.


She watched TV with her friends.

3. I listened to music in my computer.

He didn’ t travel in Moscow two years ago.

She didn’ t watch TV with her friends.

I didn’ t listen to music in my computer.

Слайд 25

Cоставьте из данных предложений общие вопросы во времени

Cоставьте из данных предложений общие вопросы во времени Past Simple и

Past Simple и ответьте на них.

Tom wanted to go

to the cinema.

2. Girls played the piano.

3. John lived in America a year ago?

Did Tom want to go to the cinema? – Yes, he did/ No, he didn’t.

Did girls play the piano? – Yes, they did/ No, they didn’t.

Did John live in America? – Yes, he did/ No, he didn’t.

Слайд 26

Составьте вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова.

Составьте вопросы, которые начинаются с вопросительного слова. ( Спец. вопросы)Tom wanted

Спец. вопросы)

Tom wanted to go to the cinema? (Where)


Girls played the piano. (What)

3. John lived in America a year ago? (When)

Where did Tom want to go?

What did girls play?

When did John live in America?

Слайд 27

[ drɔː ]
[ druː ]

DrawDrew[ drɔː ][ druː ]рисовать рисовал

Слайд 28

[ nəʊ ]
[njuː ]

KnowKnew[ nəʊ ]знать[njuː ] знал

Слайд 29

[θrəʊ ]
[θruː ]

ThrowThrew[θrəʊ ]бросать[θruː ] бросал

Слайд 30

[baɪ ]

BuyBought[baɪ ]покупать[bɔːt] покупал

Слайд 31

[θɪŋk ]
[θɔːt ]

ThinkThought[θɪŋk ]думать[θɔːt ] думал

Слайд 32

Draw - drew;

know – knew;


Draw - drew; know – knew; throw – threw; buy - bought; think - thought.

– threw;

buy - bought;

think - thought.

Слайд 33

Did you draw a

Did you draw a picture on Saturday?Yes, I did.

picture on Saturday?

Yes, I did. I drew a picture.

I didn’ t. I didn’t draw it.

Слайд 34

a gingerbread [ ˈdʒɪn.dʒə.bred ];
a woman

a gingerbread [ ˈdʒɪn.dʒə.bred ]; a woman [ ˈwʊmən ];

[ ˈwʊmən ];
knock [ nɒk ];
catch me,

if you can!

Слайд 35

Find the sentences in the text with these

Find the sentences in the text with these words combinations. lived

words combinations.

lived a little old woman;
put some

opened the door;
to make a gingerbread man;
man’s name was;
she cut out a man;
ran out of the house.

Слайд 36

Match the beginning of the sentences with

Match the beginning of the sentences with the endings.

the endings.

Слайд 37

Look at the sentences and say if they

Look at the sentences and say if they are true or

are true or false.

1. The woman’s name was Mary

and the man’s name was Jack.
2. One day Mary wanted to make a chocolate pie for tea.
3. Mary cut out a man with a small head, long arms and legs.
4. Mary put some sugar on the gingerbread man and put it in the cooker.
5. The gingerbread man jumped out and ran out of the house to the forest.






Слайд 38

Answer the questions.

Where did Mary and Jack live?

Answer the questions.Where did Mary and Jack live? 2. What did

2. What did Mary want to make for tea?

3. Who jumped out of the cooker?

4. Did Mary and Jack close the door or run after the gingerbread man?

They lived in a little old house near the forest.

Mary wanted to make a gingerbread man for tea.

The gingerbread man jumped out of the cooker.

They ran after him.

Слайд 39

S.B. p. 61-62 ex.5 b) ответить на вопросы,

HomeworkS.B. p. 61-62 ex.5 b) ответить на вопросы, с) читать и

с) читать и переводить;
p.63 ex. 6 a) учить


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