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Презентация на тему London sightseeing!

Ferris Wheel London Eye (London Eye) 135 m high - the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. There you can take a half-hour flight over the capital of Great Britain, admiring the stunning views. The most
London Sightseeing! Ferris Wheel London Eye (London Eye) 135 m high - the tallest The Royal Botanic Gardens The London Aquarium (London Aquarium) contains hundreds of species of fish and For over 40 years the London Planetarium (London Planetarium) delights its visitors Over the dark waters of the Thames stretched famous Tower Bridge, known, Big Ben London telephone booth! London! London anywhere will not be going!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ferris Wheel London Eye (London Eye) 135 m

Ferris Wheel London Eye (London Eye) 135 m high - the

high - the tallest Ferris wheel in the world.

There you can take a half-hour flight over the capital of Great Britain, admiring the stunning views. The most romantic time to see London - the evening, when it begins to get dark and the lights at the bottom of the set of lights.

Слайд 3 The Royal Botanic Gardens

The Royal Botanic Gardens

Слайд 4 The London Aquarium (London Aquarium) contains hundreds of

The London Aquarium (London Aquarium) contains hundreds of species of fish

species of fish and other sea creatures. This is

the only place in London where you can see sharks, giant sea eel, piranhas and electric rays. Visitors can even touch crabs and sea stars.

Слайд 5 For over 40 years the London Planetarium (London

For over 40 years the London Planetarium (London Planetarium) delights its

Planetarium) delights its visitors stellar show. Today, visitors can

take a virtual trip through the starry most perfect in Europe starry projector. In the space of interactive attractions you can learn about black holes, to take part in the search for extraterrestrial civilization and feel, what would be your weight on Jupiter - the largest planet in the solar system.

Слайд 6 Over the dark waters of the Thames stretched

Over the dark waters of the Thames stretched famous Tower Bridge,

famous Tower Bridge, known, probably in the world. He

became as much a symbol of London as the Eiffel Tower - Paris, the Statue of Liberty - New York. He even seems trivial, its image is so closely connected with the capital of England. However, again and again, he shakes the viewer grandeur and severity of forms. At night, the medieval gloom Tower Bridge disappears and, thanks to modern illumination, it appears to us as a kind of fantastic, fabulous building.

Слайд 7 Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 8 London telephone booth!

London telephone booth!

Слайд 9 London!


  • Имя файла: london-sightseeing.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 93
  • Количество скачиваний: 0