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Презентация на тему Museums and theaters kazan

Museum of history of the state of the Tatar people and the Republic of TatarstanMuseum of history of the state of the Tatar people and the Republic of Tatarstan is located in the ancient center of
Museums and theaters Kazan Museum of history of the state of the Tatar people and the Natural History Museum of TatarstanNatural History Museum of Tatarstan is a scientific Center Theater named KamalThe official name of the theater - Tatar Academic Theatre Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Musa JalilTatar State Tatar State Theatre
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Слайд 2 Museum of history of the state of the

Museum of history of the state of the Tatar people and

Tatar people and the Republic of Tatarstan
Museum of history

of the state of the Tatar people and the Republic of Tatarstan is located in the ancient center of the Kazan Kremlin united the memorial area of ​​Khan's court with surviving to the present day power functions, the necropolis of the rulers and the symbol of Kazan Kazan - Syuyumbike tower.
The museum tells the story of ethnogenesis and the formation of the statehood of the Tatar people and their ancestors. Chronology of exposure exceeds two thousand years.
The exposition of the museum helps to create a picture of the political system, religious beliefs, the level of development of material culture in different historical periods in different stages of Turkic state.

Слайд 3 Natural History Museum of Tatarstan
Natural History Museum of

Natural History Museum of TatarstanNatural History Museum of Tatarstan is a

Tatarstan is a scientific and educational institution and a

center of information on the geological history of Tatarstan, its fossils, flora and fauna, on the mineral resources of the Republic.
The museum was established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan in August 2005 for the protection and promotion of geological heritage.
In the halls of the first floor, visitors can get the basic knowledge and popular concept in the field of astronomy, see the world with a variety of minerals of the planet, to trace the history of the Earth since its birth 4.5 billion years ago, before the era of the completion of the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago) learn how to generate and produces oil and bitumen, limestone, gypsum, coal and phosphate rock.
Six rooms of the second floor is occupied by the fossil exhibition on the history and evolution of vertebrates, since the first fish-like to the modern man.

Слайд 4 Center "Hermitage-Kazan"
Cultural, educational and exhibition program of cooperation


of the State Hermitage and the Republic of Tatarstan

began in 1997 with the opening of the exhibition "Treasures of Khan Kubrat." During the period from 1997 to 2004 was held in Kazan five large art exhibitions which attracted much public attention and caused a new perspective on world history and culture. The development of close cooperation between the State Hermitage Museum and the cultural institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, led to the signing in 2004 of the Protocol of Intent between the State Hermitage, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan City Administration and the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan on the opening to the 1000 anniversary of Kazan scientific, cultural, awareness and education program "Hermitage center in the city of Kazan."
Center "Hermitage-Kazan", created under the patronage and support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, is part of the Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin" and is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin in the former Cadet School that was built in the XIX century. He drained the exposition and office space area of ​​about 1000 square meters. m in the southern half of the third floor of the building. In the center of the "Hermitage-Kazan" provides the exhibition halls, computer labs, lecture and meeting room, information facilities.
Exhibition halls are designed for display of paintings, drawings and decorative arts, historical and cultural collections.

Слайд 5 Theater named Kamal
The official name of the theater

Theater named KamalThe official name of the theater - Tatar Academic

- Tatar Academic Theatre Galiaskar Kamala . His repertoire

consists mainly of performances based on plays by playwrights Tatar . Their slightly diluted productions of classics of world drama . The performances here are in the Tatar language, but everyone is provided with simultaneous interpretation.

The date of the theater is December 22, 1906 , when Kazan was played first public performance in the Tatar language . Theater named in honor of the " Tatar Ostrowski " - Galiaskar Kamala . His first drama "Poor boy " was written in 1898 , published in 1899. Before the revolution, he wrote such works as " first performance ", "For the present ," " Secrets of the city ", "Bankrupt ". Translated into Tatar play " pathetic child" Namik Kemal , " Marriage ," " The Government Inspector " by Nikolai Gogol , "The Storm" by Alexander Ostrovsky , "The Lower Depths ," Maxim Gorky and other plays Russian and foreign authors .

Слайд 6 Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named

Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Musa JalilTatar

after Musa Jalil
Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre

named after Musa Jalil - one of the largest Russian national musical theater , media traditions of Russian , Tatar national and world musical culture.
Formation of the repertoire based on the principle anthology. It is based on masterpieces of musical theater, Russian classics, as well as outstanding works by composers of Tatarstan. A number of international projects undertaken in recent years allows the theater to be in line with the latest trends in the modern world of musical theater.
The peculiarity of the administrative structure of the art of the theater is the rejection of the institute "principal" (the conductor , director, choreographer , artist) , so that the theater has for many years managed to avoid the collision of creative ambitions , including the monopoly of the "main " is not allowed on its territory competitors . In the theater , one of the first in the country to have been introduced as Artistic Director of Opera and Ballet. " Artistic director " are not directors, but enforce the artistic and administrative policies of the theater

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