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Презентация на тему Nautical english vocabulary flashcard


СыпьRash, eruptionClick here for the answer
Nautical English Vocabulary FlashcardDisease and Medical Aid СыпьRash, eruptionClick here for the answer ЖелезаGlandule / GlandsClick here for the answer ЖелтухаJaundice, Glandular swellingClick here for the answer ПоносDiarrhea Click here for the answer ЗапорConstipationClick here for the answer КалFecesClick here for the answer МочаUrineClick here for the answer РвотаVomitingClick here for the answer Неукротимая рвотаUncontrollable vomitingClick here for the answer Рвота кровьюBlack vomitingClick here for the answer ТошнотаNauseaClick here for the answer СлабостьWeaknessClick here for the answer ЖаждаThirstClick here for the answer ЛихорадкаFeverClick here for the answer ГоловокружениеDizzinessClick here for the answer ЭлектрогрелкаHeating padClick here for the answer КостыльCrutchClick here for the answer ГрелкаHot-water bagClick here for the answer НосилкиStretcherClick here for the answer Аппарат для форсированной искусственной вентиляции легкихResuscitatorClick here for the answer РеанимироватьTo resuscitateClick here for the answer РеанимацияResuscitationClick here for the answer ПинцетForcepsClick here for the answer Шприц (одноразовый)SyringeClick here for the answer Сделать уколTo make injectionClick here for the answer МазьOintmentClick here for the answer ТаблеткаTabletClick here for the answer РастворSolutionClick here for the answer КапсулаCapsuleClick here for the answer ПастаPasteClick here for the answer Пакетик, мешочекSachetClick here for the answer Thank you for your efforts !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Сыпь
Rash, eruption
Click here for the answer

СыпьRash, eruptionClick here for the answer

Слайд 3 Железа
Glandule / Glands
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ЖелезаGlandule / GlandsClick here for the answer

Слайд 4 Желтуха
Jaundice, Glandular swelling
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ЖелтухаJaundice, Glandular swellingClick here for the answer

Слайд 5 Понос
Click here for the answer

ПоносDiarrhea Click here for the answer

Слайд 6 Запор
Click here for the answer

ЗапорConstipationClick here for the answer

Слайд 7 Кал
Click here for the answer

КалFecesClick here for the answer

Слайд 8 Моча
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МочаUrineClick here for the answer

Слайд 9 Рвота
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РвотаVomitingClick here for the answer

Слайд 10 Неукротимая рвота
Uncontrollable vomiting
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Неукротимая рвотаUncontrollable vomitingClick here for the answer

Слайд 11 Рвота кровью
Black vomiting
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Рвота кровьюBlack vomitingClick here for the answer

Слайд 12 Тошнота
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ТошнотаNauseaClick here for the answer

Слайд 13 Слабость
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СлабостьWeaknessClick here for the answer

Слайд 14 Жажда
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ЖаждаThirstClick here for the answer

Слайд 15 Лихорадка
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ЛихорадкаFeverClick here for the answer

Слайд 16 Головокружение
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ГоловокружениеDizzinessClick here for the answer

Слайд 17 Электрогрелка
Heating pad
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ЭлектрогрелкаHeating padClick here for the answer

Слайд 18 Костыль
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КостыльCrutchClick here for the answer

Слайд 19 Грелка
Hot-water bag
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ГрелкаHot-water bagClick here for the answer

Слайд 20 Носилки
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НосилкиStretcherClick here for the answer

Слайд 21 Аппарат для форсированной искусственной вентиляции легких
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Аппарат для форсированной искусственной вентиляции легкихResuscitatorClick here for the answer

the answer

Слайд 22 Реанимировать
To resuscitate
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РеанимироватьTo resuscitateClick here for the answer

Слайд 23 Реанимация
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РеанимацияResuscitationClick here for the answer

Слайд 24 Пинцет
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ПинцетForcepsClick here for the answer

Слайд 25 Шприц (одноразовый)
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Шприц (одноразовый)SyringeClick here for the answer

Слайд 26 Сделать укол
To make injection
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Сделать уколTo make injectionClick here for the answer

Слайд 27 Мазь
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МазьOintmentClick here for the answer

Слайд 28 Таблетка
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ТаблеткаTabletClick here for the answer

Слайд 29 Раствор
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РастворSolutionClick here for the answer

Слайд 30 Капсула
Click here for the answer

КапсулаCapsuleClick here for the answer

Слайд 31 Паста
Click here for the answer

ПастаPasteClick here for the answer

Слайд 32 Пакетик, мешочек
Click here for the answer

Пакетик, мешочекSachetClick here for the answer

  • Имя файла: nautical-english-vocabulary-flashcard.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 109
  • Количество скачиваний: 0