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Презентация на тему Нижневартовск 2015 г.

The blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) - a set of blogs, an environment in which there is an active, intelligent, and people who write online.The blogosphere is an important medium of public opinion research, and cultural
Нижневартовск 2015 г.Филиал федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждениявысшего профессионального образования«Южно-Уральский государственный университет»(национальный The blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) - a set of blogs, an HISTORYFor the first time the English word blogosphere was thought up as Then, in early 2002, the term was re-invented and put into circulation Popularity of blogsThe growth of blogs and bloggers is explained as follows: Rates of development of a blog sphere are huge today, anything surprising
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Слайд 2 The blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) - a

The blogosphere (from the English. Blogosphere) - a set of blogs,

set of blogs, an environment in which there is

an active, intelligent, and people who write online.The blogosphere is an important medium of public opinion research, and cultural memes, it is often considered in the academic and non-academic work, exploring contemporary global social trends. In this environment, generated by various (sometimes ingenious) ideas and thoughts that are being picked up by other members of the blogosphere, get the chance to sell and often implemented.

For the first time the English word blogosphere

HISTORYFor the first time the English word blogosphere was thought up

was thought up as a joke by Brad Graham

on September 10, 1999, his phrase sounded "Goodbye, cyberspace! Hello, blogiverse! Blogosphere? Blogmos?".

Слайд 4 Then, in early 2002, the term was re-invented

Then, in early 2002, the term was re-invented and put into

and put into circulation by William Quick, and then

spread, first in the military community of blogs covering the American operation in Afghanistan, and then beyond. In the same 2002 word first appears in Russian LiveJournal blogs. Later, the blogosphere began conventionally divided into a top-end and top-end, depending on the rating of blogs and blog entries. In just a few years to create a new information space. Responds quickly, more independent and more difficult to control.

Слайд 5 Popularity of blogs
The growth of blogs and bloggers

Popularity of blogsThe growth of blogs and bloggers is explained as

is explained as follows:
The growing number of Internet

Easy to create and maintain a blog (in 1999, Pyra Labs created a portal Blogger - the first free, public and easy to use tool for bloggers).
The presence of free access to the workplace.
Complete freedom of expression in blogs (until a certain time, at the moment the statements in blogs for the purposes of the Criminal Code equated to the public).
Faith in the "free blog", lack of censorship and so on.
The high-speed distribution of information on the blogosphere.
Lichnostno coloring information.
A huge number of the sources of information (each blogger is a source of information).
Meeting the social needs of people.

  • Имя файла: nizhnevartovsk-2015-g.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 109
  • Количество скачиваний: 0