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Презентация на тему Pumping and water management

PlanEntryMain problem and its` solutionGlobal leaders and corporations, which have made a great contribute in solving water problems.Conclusion
Pumping and water managementArtemyev A PlanEntryMain problem and its` solutionGlobal leaders and corporations, which have made a Mining impacts upon the natural environment and its effect can be seen Acid rock drainage refers to the outflow of acidic water from (usually SolutionCan be collected for:TreatmentOn-site mining applications Veolia WaterMore than 155 years of treating experienceVeolia Water’s activities can be ITT CorporationA global leading provider of products and technologies for water & Weir MineralsWeir Minerals are specialists in delivering and supporting slurry equipment solutions ConclusionYet, water problems associated with mining process are one of the main
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan
Main problem and its` solution
Global leaders and corporations,

PlanEntryMain problem and its` solutionGlobal leaders and corporations, which have made

which have made a great contribute in solving water


Слайд 3 Mining impacts upon the natural environment and its

Mining impacts upon the natural environment and its effect can be

effect can be seen throughout the life cycle of

the mine.

Слайд 4 Acid rock drainage
refers to the outflow of

Acid rock drainage refers to the outflow of acidic water from

acidic water from (usually abandoned) metal mines or coal


The pink biofilm, a community of bacteria that thrives in an abandoned mine, floats atop green acidic drainage with a pH of about 0.8, which is equivalent to battery acid

Слайд 5 Solution
Can be collected for:

On-site mining applications

SolutionCan be collected for:TreatmentOn-site mining applications

Слайд 6 Veolia Water
More than 155 years of treating experience

Veolia WaterMore than 155 years of treating experienceVeolia Water’s activities can

Water’s activities can be grouped into two main areas:

providing clean drinking water, and collecting and treating waste water/ swerage water.

Слайд 7 ITT Corporation
A global leading provider of products and

ITT CorporationA global leading provider of products and technologies for water

technologies for water & waste water.
Operates in four segments:

Water transport, treatment and testing, Water technology, & Application solutions.

Слайд 8 Weir Minerals
Weir Minerals are specialists in delivering and

Weir MineralsWeir Minerals are specialists in delivering and supporting slurry equipment solutions

supporting slurry equipment solutions

  • Имя файла: pumping-and-water-management.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 190
  • Количество скачиваний: 0