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Презентация на тему Research project about cosmetics

RESEARCH PROBLEMWhy don`t many young women use and buy professional hair care line although they have higher quality?
Preferences of young women for hair care products: professional cosmetics or public RESEARCH  PROBLEMWhy don`t many young women use and buy professional hair IN PRACTICEAccording to many researches of preferences, Russian customers have become more RESEARCHObject: young womenSurvey people: 11 young women from 18 to 25, especially HYPOTHESIS AND RESULTSIf young woman chooses public available products for hair:She have RESULTS - Hair problemsExpert: split ends, loss of hair and sad hair RESULTS - factors of choiceExpert: hair type, price, brand, recommendations RESULTS - reasons of no useExpert: high price, lack of info HYPOTHESIS AND RESULTSIf young woman chooses public available products for hair:She have Recommendations for producerTo set up a connections with customers: Via TV, Via Recommendations for producerPoint of sale - supermarkets: promotional offer, free recommendations from Thanks for attention
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Why don`t many young women use

RESEARCH PROBLEMWhy don`t many young women use and buy professional hair

and buy professional hair care line although they have

higher quality?

According to many researches of preferences, Russian

IN PRACTICEAccording to many researches of preferences, Russian customers have become

customers have become more selective in choice of hair

care products


Retail chain, hairdressing salons and beauty salons lose huge potential segment of buyers

Object: young women
Survey people: 11 young women from

RESEARCHObject: young womenSurvey people: 11 young women from 18 to 25,

18 to 25, especially students or dependent on parents,

that don`t have stable income and would like to be beautiful and well-groomed + expert

Subject: motives of choosing hair care products

Methods of research: in-depth and expert interviews

If young woman chooses public available

HYPOTHESIS AND RESULTSIf young woman chooses public available products for hair:She

products for hair:
She have no money for professional line

don`t know about such goods
It is not principal for her
She used to buy certain brand

Many young women don`t use professional hair care products because:
They consider that it is very expensive
They are not informed about available professional products

Слайд 6 RESULTS - Hair problems
Expert: split ends, loss of

RESULTS - Hair problemsExpert: split ends, loss of hair and sad hair

hair and sad hair

Слайд 7 RESULTS - factors of choice
Expert: hair type, price,

RESULTS - factors of choiceExpert: hair type, price, brand, recommendations

brand, recommendations

Слайд 8 RESULTS - reasons of no use
Expert: high price,

RESULTS - reasons of no useExpert: high price, lack of info

lack of info

If young woman chooses public available

HYPOTHESIS AND RESULTSIf young woman chooses public available products for hair:She

products for hair:
She have no money for professional line

don`t know about such goods
It is not principal for her
She used to buy certain brand

Many young women don`t use professional hair care products because:
They consider that it is very expensive
They are not informed about available professional products

Слайд 10 Recommendations for producer
To set up a connections with

Recommendations for producerTo set up a connections with customers: Via TV,

customers: Via TV, Via professional magazines, Via Internet
Expert: the


Слайд 11 Recommendations for producer
Point of sale - supermarkets: promotional

Recommendations for producerPoint of sale - supermarkets: promotional offer, free recommendations

offer, free recommendations from specialist, free samples, master class

and so on

Expert: the same

  • Имя файла: research-project-about-cosmetics.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 97
  • Количество скачиваний: 0