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Презентация на тему The bolivarian republic of venezuela

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a country in northern South America. The richest country in Latin America.Country
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a country in northern South America. The Venezuela is a federal republic. In accordance with the administrative and territorial Venezuela is the size of its territory (916.5 sq. km.) The size In the west and south-west border of Venezuela and Colombia, on the Venezuelan flag is a rectangular panel, divided by three equal-area color bands The current coat of arms of Venezuela was first approved by Congress Song App. Gloria al Bravo Pueblo («Glory courageous people Population is divided into three major ethnic groups - whites (Spaniards), mestizos The majority of the Venezuelan population identify themselves as Roman Catholic Church, Venezuela - a Catholic country, so many of the local traditions are The armed forces of Venezuela (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela) - Troops Venezuelan statesman and military leader, the president of Venezuela from 1999 to The cause of death of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has Fadeev Alex
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a country in

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a country in northern South America.

northern South America. The richest country in Latin America.


Слайд 3 Venezuela is a federal republic. In accordance with

Venezuela is a federal republic. In accordance with the administrative and

the administrative and territorial division of Venezuela includes 22

states and the federal district and federal ownership, including 72 Caribbean islands.
Venezuela's capital Caracas.


Слайд 4 Venezuela is the size of its territory (916.5

Venezuela is the size of its territory (916.5 sq. km.) The

sq. km.) The size of France, England, Belgium, Holland,

Luxembourg and Switzerland combined.


Слайд 5 In the west and south-west border of Venezuela

In the west and south-west border of Venezuela and Colombia, on

and Colombia, on the south and south-east - with

Brazil, in the east - with Guyana, on the north by the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The length of its coastline - 2813 km. It owns more than seven dozen islands in the Caribbean.


Слайд 6 Venezuelan flag is a rectangular panel, divided by

Venezuelan flag is a rectangular panel, divided by three equal-area color

three equal-area color bands (yellow, blue and red) with

8 stars in the center. Creation of the flag and the values ​​of all of its elements are closely linked to the national liberation movement of the people of Venezuela from Spanish rule.


Слайд 7 The current coat of arms of Venezuela was

The current coat of arms of Venezuela was first approved by

first approved by Congress April 18, 1836 and with

the passage of time has undergone some changes.


Слайд 8 Song App. Gloria al Bravo Pueblo («Glory courageous

Song App. Gloria al Bravo Pueblo («Glory courageous people

people") was adopted as the anthem of Venezuela President

Antonio Guzmán Blanco (Antonio Guzmán Blanco) May 25, 1881. The poems were written by a doctor and journalist Vicente Salias (Vicente Salias) in 1810.


Слайд 9 Population is divided into three major ethnic groups

Population is divided into three major ethnic groups - whites (Spaniards),

- whites (Spaniards), mestizos and mulattos. Main nationalities and

ethnic groups: 91% - Venezuelans, 3% - Colombians, 2% - Italians, 1% - the Spanish, 1% - Indians


Слайд 10 The majority of the Venezuelan population identify themselves

The majority of the Venezuelan population identify themselves as Roman Catholic

as Roman Catholic Church, in which the local population

there is a cult of Mary Lyons, is not recognized by the Catholic Church Catholic.


Слайд 11 Venezuela - a Catholic country, so many of

Venezuela - a Catholic country, so many of the local traditions

the local traditions are based on respect for Christian

ethics. The church is the center of political, cultural and spiritual life, and the priest in the community usually enjoyed unquestioned authority. In isolated inland areas are still practiced ancient tribal beliefs and values ​​significantly different from the usual European to dogma. In this case, the Venezuelans are very tolerant of cultural and racial differences, and mixed marriages are extremely common, which led to the formation of distinctive multicultural nation.

custom and tradition

Слайд 12 The armed forces of Venezuela (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas

The armed forces of Venezuela (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela) -

de Venezuela) - Troops of the Republic of Venezuela

set designed to protect the freedom, independence and territorial integrity. They consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Guard.


Слайд 13 Venezuelan statesman and military leader, the president of

Venezuelan statesman and military leader, the president of Venezuela from 1999

Venezuela from 1999 to 2013, the head of the

United Socialist Party of Venezuela from 2007 to 2013. During the rule of Hugo Chavez's country has made great strides in agriculture, defense, health and education.

Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias

Слайд 14 The cause of death of the president of

The cause of death of the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez

Venezuela, Hugo Chavez has become a massive heart attack.

"In the last hours of his life Chavez could not speak and was just trying to move his lips, asked not to let him die," - said the head of the head of state Jose Ornelia. Chile mourns Comandante Chavez.

The death of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution

  • Имя файла: the-bolivarian-republic-of-venezuela.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 84
  • Количество скачиваний: 0