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Презентация на тему “the needham puzzle: why the industrial revolution did not originate in china” justin yifulin

PlanThe Needham Puzzle.Possible explanations:Failure of the demand for technologyFailure of the supply for technology:Model of technological inventionWhy the scientific revolution didn’t occur in China?Results of the analysis
“The Needham Puzzle: why the industrial revolution did not originate in china” PlanThe Needham Puzzle.Possible explanations:Failure of the demand for technologyFailure of the supply What is the problem?Why had China been so far ahead of other Failure of the demand for technology Arguments against this hypothesisLabor shortages always existed during the peak seasonCan’t be supported empiricallyHistorical data: Failure of the supply-side of technologyHow the technology is discovered?China did not Model of technical inventionBetter technology ≈ higher productivitySupply of technology comes from Experience-based vs Experiment-basedExponential growth of population: 1400 - …DMR → P (great Why the scientific revolution didn’t occur in China?“Bureaucratic system” inhibited the emergence Field for further studyAre the probabilities of discovering new technology really were
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Plan
The Needham Puzzle.
Possible explanations:
Failure of the demand for

PlanThe Needham Puzzle.Possible explanations:Failure of the demand for technologyFailure of the

Failure of the supply for technology:
Model of technological invention

the scientific revolution didn’t occur in China?
Results of the analysis

Слайд 3 What is the problem?

Why had China been so

What is the problem?Why had China been so far ahead of

far ahead of other civilizations before the XIV century?

isn’t China now ahead of the rest of the world?

Слайд 4 Failure of the demand for technology

Failure of the demand for technology

Слайд 5 Arguments against this hypothesis
Labor shortages always existed during

Arguments against this hypothesisLabor shortages always existed during the peak seasonCan’t be supported empiricallyHistorical data:

the peak season
Can’t be supported empirically
Historical data:

Слайд 6 Failure of the supply-side of technology
How the technology

Failure of the supply-side of technologyHow the technology is discovered?China did

is discovered?

China did not shift from experience-based to experiment-based

Слайд 7 Model of technical invention
Better technology ≈ higher productivity

Model of technical inventionBetter technology ≈ higher productivitySupply of technology comes

of technology comes from inventive activity
“Trial and Error”:

Trials ↑↑

P(better technology)
P(better technology) ↑↓ level
of existing technology
Scientific knowledge ↑↑ P(better

Слайд 8 Experience-based vs Experiment-based
Exponential growth of population: 1400 -

Experience-based vs Experiment-basedExponential growth of population: 1400 - …DMR → P

DMR → P (great inventions)↓
Europe – scientific revolution →experiment-based

method dominates

China began losing
ground to Europe only
after the scientific revolution
in Europe

Слайд 9 Why the scientific revolution didn’t occur in China?

Why the scientific revolution didn’t occur in China?“Bureaucratic system” inhibited the

system” inhibited the emergence of mercantilistic values

Intolerance of merchants

and artisans; merchants – the lowest social class

Incentive structure: entry into the ruling bureaucracy – final goal of upward mobility

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  • Количество просмотров: 115
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