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Презентация на тему The subject and object of stylistic stylistic characteristics of english vocabulary

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the various functional styles of speech and also the various expressive means and devices language.
The subject and object of stylistic  Stylistic Characteristics of English VocabularyZhaksytaeva IngkarPD 12-1 (2) Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the various functional styles The distinction between a lofty style and a low style of speech Academician V. V. Vinogradov was the first linguists who described the different styles of speech Styles of speechcolloquial styleofficial and scientific stylesthe publicist and belle-letters English vocabularybookishcolloquialneutral Examples:child (neutral) – kid (colloq.) – infant (e.g. infant schools – official, bookish) – offspring (also bookish, used in scientific works);father (neut.) Unlike neutral words (synonymic dominants), which only denote a certain notion and A rude (vulgar) connotation is present in vulgarisms which are not to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the various functional

the various functional styles of speech and also the

various expressive means and devices language.

Слайд 3 The distinction between a lofty style and a

The distinction between a lofty style and a low style of

low style of speech was put forward as far

back as in the 18th century by Michail Lomonosov.

Слайд 4 Academician V. V. Vinogradov was the first linguists

Academician V. V. Vinogradov was the first linguists who described the different styles of speech

who described the different styles of speech

Слайд 5 Styles of speech
colloquial style
official and scientific styles
the publicist

Styles of speechcolloquial styleofficial and scientific stylesthe publicist and belle-letters

and belle-letters

Слайд 6 English vocabulary

English vocabularybookishcolloquialneutral

Слайд 7 Examples:
child (neutral) – kid (colloq.) – infant (e.g. infant schools – official, bookish) – offspring (also bookish,

Examples:child (neutral) – kid (colloq.) – infant (e.g. infant schools – official, bookish) – offspring (also bookish, used in scientific

used in scientific works);
father (neut.) – daddy (coll.) – male parent/ancestor (formal);
leave/go away (neut.) – be

off/get out/get away/get lost (coll., or familiar– colloquial) – retire/withdraw (bookish);
continue (neutr.) – go on, carry on (coll.) – proceed (bookish, formal);
begin/start (neutr.) – get going/get started/Come on! (coll.) – commence (formal);

Слайд 8 Unlike neutral words (synonymic dominants), which only denote

Unlike neutral words (synonymic dominants), which only denote a certain notion

a certain notion and thus have only a denotational

meaning, their stylistic synonyms usually contain some connotations

an endearing connotation (ласкат.) – e.g. in the words kid, daddy, mummy (as different from the neutral words child, father, mother);
derogatory (презрит.-уничижит.) connotation – e.g. in rot, trash, stuff (as different from the neutral 'something worthless or silly');
humourous – e.g. in comestibles (=food),beak ( = nose), to kick the bucket (= to die); rude or vulgar, e.g. in shut up/shut your trap;
 ironical or sarcastic – brain-wash (= промывка мозгов),  he is notorious for his bad behaviour – "славится", т.е. "печально известен");
approving evaluation (одобрительная оценка) – e.g. in the word renowned (a renowned poet = прославленный; 

Слайд 9 A rude (vulgar) connotation is present in vulgarisms

A rude (vulgar) connotation is present in vulgarisms which are not

which are not to be used in the speech

of educated people and are therefore often replaced by euphemisms – the more 'gentle' names of the object.

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