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Презентация на тему The ugansky nature reserve

The idea to make a large natural reserve of West Siberian Plain came into view a long time ago.In 1982, May 31 the Council of Ministers passed a resolution to make a Nature Reserve on the
The Ugansky Nature Reserve The idea to make a large natural reserve of West Siberian Plain Why do we need a Nature reserve? 1) To save the biological diversity and keep environmental objects under natural Mining of mineralsDisruption of the soil coverDeforestationCollecting medicinal herbs, nuts, mushrooms, berries.Commercial, The natural reserve is located in the interstream (междуречье) area of the Ob and Irtysh-rivers.Location There are many lakes in the nature reserve. Most of them are 1. Early winter- at this time the light day grows shorter. The The longest and the coldest stage of winter.Bears, badgers and chipmunks have Everything slowly awakensHigh radiation levelsSnow starts drippingOwls begin their breeding (размножение) seasonPre-spring During the spring, the birds start coming back. Frogs, toads, lizards and The most typical processes of this stage are the changes of color Forest Animals Forest marten is very good at climbing trees, jumping from branch to The only type of an owl that doesn’t sleep during the day. During winter, Capercaillie sleep in small flocks (стаи). If it gets too While chicks are small, they hide under the wing if they sense Woodpecker can drill the tree 20-25 times per second ( that doubles Wolves brain is 30% bigger that the dog’s brain. That means that When little wolves are born, all of them have a blue eye Squirrels can fall from 30 meters high, without hurting themselves.Squirrels eyes are Sables live only in two countries. Russia and JapanThey really like when Otters have more than 800 hairs on them, and because of its What are these? Name them! What are these? Name them! What are these? Name them! 1) Who passed the resolution to make a nature reserve in May
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The idea to make a large natural reserve

The idea to make a large natural reserve of West Siberian

of West Siberian Plain came into view a long

time ago.
In 1982, May 31 the Council of Ministers passed a resolution to make a Nature Reserve on the area of 648,6 hectares.
The area is surrounded by a protection zone 2 km wide.

General Information

Nature Reserve- an area of land that is protected in order to keep safe the animals and plants that live there, often because they are rare
Resolution- an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted

Слайд 3 Why do we need a Nature reserve?

Why do we need a Nature reserve?

Слайд 4 1) To save the biological diversity and keep

1) To save the biological diversity and keep environmental objects under

environmental objects under natural conditions
2) ecological monitoring by keeping

the Chronicle of Nature
3) Scientific research

Слайд 5 Mining of minerals
Disruption of the soil cover
Collecting medicinal

Mining of mineralsDisruption of the soil coverDeforestationCollecting medicinal herbs, nuts, mushrooms,

herbs, nuts, mushrooms, berries.
Commercial, sporting and pleasure hunt

land, water and other natural resources
Flights of airplanes and helicopters at the altitude less than 2000m

The regulations of the reserve do not permit:

Permit- means to allow

Слайд 7 The natural reserve is located in the interstream

The natural reserve is located in the interstream (междуречье) area of the Ob and Irtysh-rivers.Location

(междуречье) area of the Ob and Irtysh-rivers.


Слайд 8 There are many lakes in the nature reserve.

There are many lakes in the nature reserve. Most of them

Most of them are shallow and swamp-like. Therefore, the

climate of the area is humid.

The average temperature of January is -19
The average temperature of July is +16

The blanket of snow reaches 30-70cm of height on woodland and up to 120cm on the swamp.


Shallow- мелководье
Humid- влажно

Слайд 9 1. Early winter- at this time the light

1. Early winter- at this time the light day grows shorter.

day grows shorter. The rivers haven’t frozen yet but

the snow blanket has settled. White-tailed eagles and swans depart to a warmer place.
The earliest record of winter is September 23, 1998, the latest is October 5th

Winter is divided into 3 chronological stages

Слайд 10 The longest and the coldest stage of winter.

The longest and the coldest stage of winter.Bears, badgers and chipmunks

badgers and chipmunks have fallen into a deep hibernation.


Deep winter

Badgers- барсуки.
Chipmunks- бурундуки
Hibernation- спящий режим

Слайд 11 Everything slowly awakens
High radiation levels
Snow starts dripping
Owls begin

Everything slowly awakensHigh radiation levelsSnow starts drippingOwls begin their breeding (размножение) seasonPre-spring

their breeding (размножение) season

Слайд 12 During the spring, the birds start coming back.

During the spring, the birds start coming back. Frogs, toads, lizards

Frogs, toads, lizards and snakes awaken.
Ticks, mosquitoes and bumblebees

Pre-summer period and the beginning of the summer are marked as the most intensive bird singing.

Spring and Summer

Toads- жабы
Ticks- клещи

Слайд 13 The most typical processes of this stage are

The most typical processes of this stage are the changes of

the changes of color of trees, bushes and herbs.

The only tree that stays green through the early autumn is the Siberian larch (Сибирская лиственница)
Autumn starts in early August


Слайд 14 Forest Animals

Forest Animals

Слайд 15 Forest marten is very good at climbing trees,

Forest marten is very good at climbing trees, jumping from branch

jumping from branch to branch with the use of

its tail.
No matter how deep is its sleep, if it hears any sound it awakens right away and runs away. Leaving no trace.
During winter, this predator searches for squirrel's hallows, and once Marten finds it, there is no escaping.

Marten- Куница

Hallow- дупло

Слайд 16 The only type of an owl that doesn’t

The only type of an owl that doesn’t sleep during the

sleep during the day. It sleeps at night and

hunts in the day light.
Its flight is absolutely silent because of its special type of feather

Northern hawk-owl Ястребиная сова

Слайд 17 During winter, Capercaillie sleep in small flocks (стаи).

During winter, Capercaillie sleep in small flocks (стаи). If it gets

If it gets too cold, they sleep in the

snow and come out only to get some food. If a female capercaillie notices a predator or a human, it tries to get them away from her family as far as it can.

Capercaillie- Глухарь

Слайд 18 While chicks are small, they hide under the

While chicks are small, they hide under the wing if they

wing if they sense any danger. But when they

grow up, they hide in a tall grass.
Believe it or not, it is really hard to find them there. Even for dogs.

Слайд 19 Woodpecker can drill the tree 20-25 times per

Woodpecker can drill the tree 20-25 times per second ( that

second ( that doubles the speed of machine gun!).

Woodpeckers play an important role in the control of insects. They help limit tree illnesses by destroying carriers of the disease.

Woodpecker- Дятел

Слайд 21 Wolves brain is 30% bigger that the dog’s

Wolves brain is 30% bigger that the dog’s brain. That means

brain. That means that wolves are able to remember

more important information comparing to dogs.
Leader of the pack always goes first with a high up tail.
The size of it is not as important as is its personality.


Слайд 22 When little wolves are born, all of them

When little wolves are born, all of them have a blue

have a blue eye color. However, during the first

2-4 months, their eye color changes into a golden-yellow color. It is very rare for grown wolves to have blue eyes.
Wolves can run 65km/h and jump up to 5m high.

Слайд 23 Squirrels can fall from 30 meters high, without

Squirrels can fall from 30 meters high, without hurting themselves.Squirrels eyes

hurting themselves.
Squirrels eyes are positioned in a way which

allows them to see behind them.
In one day, a squirrel is able to collect food for the entire 3 month in advance!


Слайд 25 Sables live only in two countries. Russia and

Sables live only in two countries. Russia and JapanThey really like

They really like when everything around them is clean!

Sables clean their place after they eat.
They even go to the bathroom as far away from their home as they can!
It hunts everything that is smaller than itself.

Sable- Соболь

Слайд 26 Otters have more than 800 hairs on them,

Otters have more than 800 hairs on them, and because of

and because of its thickness- they never get wet!

can stay underwater for 2 minutes.
When they are underwater, their ears close so no water could go in.

Otter - Выдра

Слайд 27 What are these? Name them!

What are these? Name them!

Слайд 28 What are these? Name them!

What are these? Name them!

Слайд 29 What are these? Name them!

What are these? Name them!

  • Имя файла: the-ugansky-nature-reserve.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 99
  • Количество скачиваний: 0