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Презентация на тему Topic 1 solicitors and barristers.

The solicitors listens carefully to the client, making sure their needs are clearly undestood.
Topic 1 The solicitors listens carefully to the client, making sure their needs are clearly undestood. Solicitors do a variety of work-corporate and commercial,ligitation,property,private law,banking and project finance,employment law and environmental law. There are about 66.000 practicing Practicing solicitors are consulted by, and receive instructions from, lay clients on The barrister is the specialist with particular skills in advocacy, a consultant The barrister will be reliant on the detailed brief prepared by the client’s solicitor. Barristers are self-employed in the  independent Bar. There are about 2000 barristers employed as in-house lawyers. A barristers who . A barrister is essentialy an advocate whose task is to present To sum up this system is quite specific and very different from other countries.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The solicitors listens carefully to the client, making

The solicitors listens carefully to the client, making sure their needs are clearly undestood.

sure their needs are clearly undestood.

Слайд 3 Solicitors do a variety of work-corporate and commercial,ligitation,property,private

Solicitors do a variety of work-corporate and commercial,ligitation,property,private law,banking and project finance,employment law and environmental law.

law,banking and project finance,employment law and environmental law.

Слайд 4 There are about 66.000 practicing

There are about 66.000 practicing

solicitors in England and Wales.

Слайд 5 Practicing solicitors are consulted by, and receive instructions

Practicing solicitors are consulted by, and receive instructions from, lay clients

from, lay clients on a wide variety of matters

both civil and criminal.

Слайд 6 The barrister is the specialist with particular skills

The barrister is the specialist with particular skills in advocacy, a

in advocacy, a consultant who will examine the case

and decide what line to take in court.

Слайд 7 The barrister will be reliant on the detailed

The barrister will be reliant on the detailed brief prepared by the client’s solicitor.

brief prepared by the client’s solicitor.

Слайд 8 Barristers are self-employed in the independent Bar.

Barristers are self-employed in the independent Bar.

Слайд 9 There are about 2000 barristers employed as in-house

There are about 2000 barristers employed as in-house lawyers. A barristers

lawyers. A barristers who is part-time judge in know

as a recorder.

Слайд 10 . A barrister is essentialy an advocate whose

. A barrister is essentialy an advocate whose task is to

task is to present his client’s case effectively in


  • Имя файла: topic-1-solicitors-and-barristers.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 108
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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